2022 Cannabis Flowering in June?! Outdoor Cannabis Grow Ontario Canada. New Year, New Problems.
2022 Cannabis Flowering in June?! Outdoor Cannabis Grow Ontario Canada. New Year, New Problems.
When growing outdoors, every year is different. You must adapt and remember to follow the basics. Never get sloppy like I did this year.
Here we go..
Hmm, that sucks bro. If u need to replace that plant, I might be able yo help you out. Email me if u want
Reveg will make it a monster
I usually give them "light baths" but this year i slacked and had a few trigger. Most are snapping out after 2 weeks. Still plenty of time, your plants look healthy. Good job
Same thing here Jack herer pre flowering hope our thing re vegg
Every year presents new challenges. Im sure you will be fine!!
I’m Growing on the other side of the water from you in Upstate NY
I live in California. I don’t put my girls outdoors until after June 5th. Putting plants out to early because we see sunshine is the biggest growing season mistake growers make.
Is this not just due to the fact that we only have like 14.5/14.75hrs of “daylight” per day at the start of June. So if you’re giving plants started indoors 18 or more hrs/day and then instantly plop them out into 4hrs less light they might start flower, should reveg pretty quick. Flowering early is definitely shit for outdoor as it completely stunts growth until it’s out of it and even then it’s way slower than it would’ve been.
I’m unsure what your explanation for the reasoning is as it makes no sense they were fine in doorway but now flowered outdoor? I think my explanation is the actual reason, which is quite common with most outdoor growers, especially the ones that pick up 4 clones at dispo under 20/24hr light and toss them outdoor on a shady day and bam u in flower my boy. Anyways best of luck
Dam Bro 😎 sorry to hear that don’t know what the future holds for ya but one thing I do know is those Runtz Muffin are tough as hell
Yeah if it happened AFTER you transferred it outdoors it’s just due to light cycle change, (way less light than it had). Now that it’s outdoors consistently I’d recommended topping back to the most vegged nodes, plant always flowers from top first and revegs lowers first, you should be able to top back a few nodes and then it’ll have less difficulty revegging as it’ll have that many less nodes to put energy in to. Reveg can take weeks if not a month, or 2 if conditions are shit w cloudy days/rain (outdoor). Also feed it some kelp or an organic nitrogen heavy fert. Needs help with cell transformation, kelp & nitrogen needed more so at this current point. (Kept helps with plant cell structure) best of luck
You probably still have more bud from last year than most of us will grow this season. LOL.
My plants always get moldy mid to late september and i live in southern ontario just 1 hour away from toronto, So i feel having your plants flower early would be awesome so they finish flowering while the weather is still nice.
I had this happen to me about 6 years ago because I didn’t notice my lighting timer malfunctioned when I was starting the seedlings indoors. A couple plants hermi’d due to the stress (I assume), but they all grew absolutely massive once they got back on schedule. I still use the seeds from the hermis from time to time and it’s actually pretty nice stuff
Had something similar last year my own fault. Warm weather early in ontario so had them out in mid April (clones) in pots and should of known better(short light cycle at that time). well they re vegged looked like cabbage and had 2 leaflets and stuff. Turned out they branched out like crazy and got huge but took till a week or so after the solstice to come back. Cut the old stuff off once new veg shoots started.
Bom dia que todos os seus sonhos se realizem