3 Secrets How To Clone Plants w An Aeroponic Cloner
3 Secrets How To Clone Plants w An Aeroponic Cloner
3 Secret How To Clone Plants w An Aeroponic Cloner are going to circle around temperature, Clean Water, and the Light cycle for clones.
Aeroponic cloner are one of the easiest ways to get clones if you understand what are the most important thinks to control so your plants have the best chance at producing roots.
How to clone plants in a Aeroponic cloner is as easy as the 3 step I talk about in the video.
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I use home made chlorine solution to stop pythium !
In my view point
I’ve been running my cloner for a week now and have had any root growth. The cuttings are starting to slightly brown at the cut point. My water is at 61 to 63 degrees. I have a timer running 15 on 15 off. I used RO water, clonex gel and the clonex solution in the water. should I add hydrogen peroxide, start over or just keep pace and hope for the best?
So you completely avoided answering the question about how long to turn your pump on and off . Smh
What temperature gauge (digital) you reccomend for measuring water temperature?
How do plants defend themselves from pathogens once rooted?
I found that changing the pucks and cleaning them in bleach helps.and I use a chiller
Awesome vid, tons of insight thx buddy!
How many times can you say "in my view point" in a you tube video
If I’m able to keep my water cool enough should I still turn the pump on and off every 15 minutes?
How to keep temp between 60-65f ?
Great video man! Thanks.
Wonder if you could use these for growing potatoes and other root vegetables
What’s u ppm for u first run ?
Where can I get drops of balance
Can a heating mat work? Havent checked my water temp but its been 10 days and its slow root 😒
Did you know? You can push rhizosphere temperatures safely up to 28C (82.4F) for even faster photosyn, but the environment must be kept sterile, By using UV treated water and NO organics. An ORP probe will check any increase in the water changing from Dead to Alive! This allows you to quickly see any organic problem that may lead to decomposition.
Remember, Chloramine (monochloramine) will kill everything to Dead Water. Chlorine also corrodes aluminium, zinc and tin and reacts with acids. It can cause skin and eye irritation upon contact and burning if swallowed. And because of its acidic nature, adding Chloramine to the water supply may increase exposure to lead in drinking water, especially older housing; and can result in increased lead levels in the bloodstream, which may pose a significant health risk.
Awesome video and info! Would using a product like king crab from plant success in my oxycloner be ok?
Have you ever heard of using aloe gel from the plant to put on the ends of your cutting for cloning?
After reading everybody’s comments and this guy’s response.
I must jump in here.
Some of the information this guy is saying is true.
I’ve been cloning with aero for about 10 years now.
I purchased my first aero cloner. And then built 4 other one’s at a fraction of the cost of the one I purchased.
I will explain my setup.
I use t12 florescent lights over my cloners. Because they don’t put off that much heat.
I buy the smallest pound pump you can buy. It shoots out plenty of water.
And puts out hardly any heat at all.
I have a/c in my mother and clone room, so I don’t have to worry about room temperature.
I use plain tap water NOTHING else.
I found that when I used a gel it would turn my stems brown and they wouldn’t root.
DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT use a humidity dome.
There is NO need to when cloning with aero.
I run my pumps constantly.
No on or off times.
There is NO need for on or off times when cloning with aero.
You only need on and off times when you are growing with aero.
Which I have been doing for the last 10 years.
And this is the only way I grow. With aeroponics in the SOG.
I have a 100 percent success rate, and I have for the last 9 years.
I start getting roots in 5 days, and in 10 days they ALL have roots.
Now due to the way I grow.
I let the roots grow for a total of 17 days.
Then they get moved to one of the 4 aero systems I built.
And they go straight into 12/12. No veg time.
I’m on a 2 week rotation.
So this means I harvest one system ( 42 plants ) every 2 weeks.
So in turn this means I have to have 42 clones ready every 2 weeks. To keep the 2 week rotation going.
I keep all 5 of my aero cloners running all the time.
Because I sell hundreds of clones a month.
So basically the best tips I can give you is ALWAYS keep your pumps running.
And AWAYS keep your water or solution below 70.
This is so easy.
It isn’t brain surgery.
Oh and one more thing.
Remember this guy is just trying to make a sale.
Sorry dude, but that’s the truth.
Good luck everybody.
AeroSystemsSea OfGreen.
the light cycle on 24h makes total sense. cheers.
Hi mate! Im from argentina. Im getting botrytis in All My cuts. ALL. No ones survive. I use RO water (ósmosis+uv sterilizer). I see algae on the third day and botrytis above the plugs.
I’ve been trying for a long time, I’m desperate. I use osmosis water (ec 0.1) and ph 5.8-6.0. I use sterilized blades and clonex for the cuts.
After watching this video, in my next batch, I’m going to take the water temperature. I have also noticed a lot of temperature in the dome. My main question is: I can’t get dropsofbalance here. Can you tell me how many ml of peroxide should I use per liter? please. I already say my water, I think it’s fine …
Will someone invent a large tray cloner, for larger stem size cuttings please? 🙂
Should I turn off my psycloner or it should always be on?
Great info. Thank you.
Used drops of balance in my cloner and I got 100% success with just drops of balance! First time I tried it with very well known plants that don’t work well in my cloner and I got 100% success! Drops of balance is definitely a awesome
I’m lost. Why use a timer? Can I not leave the spray pump on constantly? Isn’t water temp important for oxygenation levels rather than bacteria? With all this talk of bacteria perhaps I shouldn’t be using Neutralise Vit C to dechlorinate my water. 🤔.
Should RO water be used if I have an RO system ?
How do you set your timer!! Mine only has 8 on/off programs as most do I think.. and I don’t understand how y’all can set it to 15 minutes on 15 minutes for the whole day and not run out of programs you can use please help..
Have you ever considered or read up on the research on lighting schedule that have shorter days and nights, so you can have three 6 hour days split up by 2 hour nights (to basically simulate a much shorter day) the theory being that these plants don’t need a 6 hour night, but a two hour one can be more useful, especially if following a day cycle, some stuff I have read claims that it creates a ‘more efficient’ day/night cycle (obviously the original paper that I read was much more scientific than the explanation that I’m giving and I don’t remember all the minute details)
no odour?????? nah my clone tent reaks more than the first 4 weeks of flower seriously that shit reaks
I prefer Heisenberg tea
I’ve been cloning areoponicly for over 20 years. Always using a water heater and my pump runs 24/7. Never had an issue. Cleanliness it the key.
If you having issues try adding hydrogen peroxide to the water. I like to add some to the glass that I’m placing my cuts into as i cut them. At 73 F. I’m popping roots in 5 days with most strains 7-10 days in the cloner and I’m transplanting.
Clean your cloner before every run, that is the most important and overlooked step in the process.
Thanks for the information! Though I gotta be honest…the talking head didn’t match up to the audio. I had to focus hard on the audio and background video instead lol
I notice your Cloner water has froth on the top ! What have you added to cause this ?
Bro… best video. Seriously. Well spoken, well articulated, nice, clear tone. Thank the fuck for you.
You didnt say anything really useful like how much Clonex or H202 to use!
Great points man but I have to disagree with the light time, I’ve tried both 24 hours on and 18-6 and they always take my h longer with 24 hours of light
I use one minute on, 10 minutes off, with only tap water, no hormone, and have *never* had a cutting fail in over 10 years.
I use a diy "Stinkbud" type 7.5 gal cloner with a puny Ecoplus 185 pump, and E-Z Clone sprayers. I’ve had some cuttings sprout in as little as three days, but generally in a week they are popped.
Our tap water comes from an earthen dam reservoir, and tho it undergoes too much "purification" for my purposes, the plants seem to thrive on it.
Whats the hydrogen peroxide to water ratio?
I have more success with just putting cuttings in a glass of water in a window sill. I tried the cloner and almost all the plants molded at the stem base. Maybe I will try it again with no humidity dome and see if that works?
Airoponic clones can infect every plant you own if just one of them has a virus, hops disease is tearing through peoples gardens and farms right now. Be careful.
This time around I left the stems longer the last time, added clonex and also left 2 leaves on each srw and put a grow light over It. If it doesn’t do right this time then I’m not sure done so send. me good vibes. Tks for the video