5 Tips – How To Protect Your Outdoor Crop
5 Tips – How To Protect Your Outdoor Crop
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We grow stronger by being good to each other. So thanks for hangin out in the garden with, 420 for life. Stay medicated and cya next time folks.
Ya got a comment hope it helps ya
Most definitely hide them so they are not Visible from the road. Motion sensors are a must. Private property signs and beware of dog signs. Along with really big dogs
cameras forsure although I dont have them yet.
OMG the quick release battery operated alarms are fucking ingenious
Entertaining video. I subscribed. I get a bit more aggressive with my theft deterrents. German Shepard, Infrared motion sensors with alarms, also known as driveway alerts. Security cameras and I sleep lightly with my bedroom window open. I also use noisy wind chimes at possible entry points . I also thought of running wires at neck height but afraid I wud forget they are there. Check out my insane backyard city garden at ..Rando Phuz..
We have problem whit difrent thift… They call them selfs police:)
I use 2 smartphone!
Xmas balls Genius
WYZE Security Cams
Canada https://amzn.to/36ft1BN
USA https://amzn.to/3kLDaK6
CC Cameras
Canada https://amzn.to/2RVx0e5
USA https://amzn.to/30632IV
Personal Alarms
Canada https://amzn.to/32V6BmY
USA https://amzn.to/3cqOokj
U da man
I have 3 sentry towers in my backyard, with 5 dogs, 7 armed guards and i dont even grow weed. Just preventative. Good tips tho
I have to give it to you!! 5 is amazing advice!
Dogs are great to have also
Holy shit the quality of your videos are garbage.
Subscribed homey
If you don’t know how to hide it or have a place to hide it you don’t need to be messing with it. You need some deep woods that havnt been visited by humans in decades. And lots of brush to cover them up.
I just grow males and let them be stolen haha jokes on you
love the christmas bulbs!!
How many gals are those big pots?
From what I understand using a blower is going work the moisture deeper into the bud causing it to get trapped and sit in parts of the bud where mould is more likely to be a problem. I try not to shake them and if I do I try to be very gentle because the resin surrounding the flower naturally repels the water.
Great advice
the tomato camo is also good idea
Hammer some nails into some timber and put them on the ground around your plants
Gr8 vid dude

I live in KY and can appreciate some good nature I just found the 5 tips to protect your crop and tip 1 I believe shows a point of view from the back of your house going away from the house and on out a that view is to die for I fucking love your area from one small point of reference lucky lucky I would like to live out there . Out in that mountain I mean WOW guys it’s so beautiful there
I have dogs, woof. Haha, I love the Christmas tomatoes ♥
A couple questions kind sir pls…wouldn’t the motion interrupt the plants light cycle (does lightening, hummm
) also the leafblower, from personal expierence , it destroyed the tric heads in this particular plant.
But what about the smell
If u wanna go crazy get a chain link dog run u can lock come in all sizes between a light and an alarm should be good
The music in the background on the bonus tip got me going lol
A weed hair dryer
I have a Wyze pan cam, and I love it. It can do time-lapse!
My plants are 28days in flower and they are yellow and look like they could be Heather
1. Laser motion gatlin guns
2.Land mine’s
3.trap door with spikes
4.electric fence with 1,000,000 watts
5.Moat with blood thirsty sharks swimming in it.
I love the tomatoe apple looking ornaments that’s to funny u forgot the biggest tip! don’t tell ANYONE or let them know u have them because it’s most likely friends family that steal them because they know you growing them but ppl u don’t know usually don’t steal them because they don’t know about them and don’t want to search every lawn in town unless it random person and you have a big name in the area and everyone knows your a stoner
Tomato shit was jokes def a good decoy
Great video Beard!!!!
Good shit