8 teens hospitalized after ingesting edibles on La Brea Tar Pits field trip
8 teens hospitalized after ingesting edibles on La Brea Tar Pits field trip
Eight high school students were taken to the hospital Tuesday afternoon after they ingested cannabis edibles during a field trip to the La Brea Tar Pits, authorities said. READ MORE HERE: https://abc7.com/post/8-high-school-students-sent-to-hospital-after-ingesting-edibles-while-on-field-trip-la-brea-tar-pits-lafd-says/14815189/
Teens use marijuana….how is this news?
Legalizing cannibis, what could go wrong? It should be for medical use only under supervision of a Dr.
They must have just freaked out by eating too much. I doubt any of them are actually physically harmed
I can’t believe I’m commenting on this colossal waste of TAX PAYER MONEY. You’ve got the freakin’ HELICOPTER out there FFS! Geez. No biggie. We suck, you guys.
This is the reason the Red Light District in Amsterdam no longer sells edibles to tourists. It’s the only part of town where you can no longer find them.
Cannabis can have some very unsettling side effects. One time I took some and inexplicably found myself on the Couch listening to Pink Floyd! Can You imagine?
Must be a bunch of druggies in the comment section bc they’re about as senseless & stupid as I’ve heard yet.
I was there when it happened
They wasn’t ill they was high! Stop with faults narratives it’s bulls***
lol parents put the stash away
You can smell edibles. Teach your kids what it smells like and how to avoid them
"Fair" = still coming down.
their little body couldn’t handle it
Imagine being high af your first time and someone running up to you freaking out all like "ARE YOU OK?"
Minors pathetic can’t handle grown adult candies 10 mg . Imagine taking 200mg of FKEM .

I take 150mg 200mg best heavy high 
Ummm. So 8 teens who werent students mean they werent on a feild trip. Also, they were probably fine you guys just freaked them out and killed their high.
lol good
I remember doing that in school but I just slept it off. This new generation is soft as tissues.
Basically , they can’t hang is what they’re saying
Lil bros ate the whole 1000mg edible one each, and they were tripping pelotas along with a panic attack and the fear of being discovered, a bad mixture of chemicals i would say.
Lmao cant hang

"High" school
I become "ill" every night.
Even for a long time smoker…edibles can make you feel like you are going to die, vommit, and poop.
this is like an ironic version of an onion video
I’m assuming its their first time and they are just having a bad trip lol, they will probably just throw up and feel good after. Happened to one of my friends, he ate too much and felt sick and threw up. Nothing serious.
Thats what magnolias like ig
Haha I know these guys
Slow news day
Can’t hang
These kids put the lives of their classmates at risk unnecessarily. You still think we’d been legal is a brilliant idea. Many more problems will arise from this foolishness. It is a gateway drug. Those illegal drug dealers that were selling weed aren’t just going to change their career path.. They will be selling harder drugs.
Which are laced with fentanyl now which will cause that to escalate. You people are such idiots
We used take pills on field trips. Kids sure have changed.
I would understand this being in the news if this was a bunch of kids but teens….cmon. this occurs alot more than people think….and I bet all the staff did at the hospital was check their vitals and monitor them ….maybe a couple nurses even laughed….this is what I hate about the news…they make things seem like a bigger deal then they really are.
I would expect the paramedics to jump out of the ambulance with big bags of McDonald’s and snacks

Would have been a way better treatment and way cheaper.
LOL! You people are acting like these kids ingested some deadly drug. If anything, the ride home will be more quiet than usual! Geez, it’s weed, not morphine. LOL! A wee bit dramatic here!
Imagine not being high anymore and seeing yourself on the news like this
Breaking news… Teenagers are being teenagers. Hospital? Fair condition? Wtf? Lay them down, give them a Snickers bar and a bottle of water. Let them take a nap. Give them a hug. Tell them they’re going to be ok. Make sure they all get home safe. Call it a day. Wow. In LA? In 2024? Y’all know it’s legal here in California right? Edibles means every child took those willingly and knowingly. It’s not second-hand edible exposure. What’s up with them chaperones? Was Snoop in charge of this field trip?
this what happens when you say "these edibles aint shit"
"ill" you mean high as the moon ?

Don’t blame the cannabis . Blame the parents
If this is not paranoia, it’s other substances mixed in. I think they were not experienced and freaked out. I freaked out the first time I smoked. It was fine. Love how news reports this. These reporters know what’s up.
Smh. Bring back the D.A.R.E program, until then, if your parents or parental figures haven’t told you. Weed is bad for you. It makes you lazy, lethargic, and addicted. Stop smoking weed. Stop popping edibles. Stop vaping THC
They probably greened out

These kids definitely had way too much THC, not expecting it to be that powerful, but got really blasted
These children can’t handle their weed! Epic party fail, dorks!!
Teacher’$ stash !?