Kern County Sheriff's Office: $1 billion worth of illegal marijuana seized in Arvin
Kern County Sheriff's Office: $1 billion worth of illegal marijuana seized in Arvin
KCSO, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the FBI uprooted 11 cannabis fields in the Arvin area. 17’s Eytan Wallace reports.
Fuck The Sherriff! Cannabis is Medicine! Go seize some God damned meth labs
What a waste
I thought California legalized recreational Cannabis in the beginning of the year.
Ummm why would the sheriff leave the plant material in the fields if it was really weed? Why not burn it? Well now the seedlings are sprouting. Its so green in the fields. Just saying if they had common sense or if it really was weed (liars)Cough,Cough they should have waited to see if it was sold as weed! And how stupid are the law enforcement to think that weed is more expensive than hemp? Specially CBG, CBN, CBC, and CBDV? Prices are way higher than THC, plus THC is legal in California why would they say its hemp? Com’on man, this news anchors lie to you and you guys eat it up! This company are actually trying to help kids with seizures, . Believe it or not, there are still people with a heart of gold trying to help humanity by finding cures. But the big pharma wants to keep you drugged and making you addicted to painkillers or other drugs. Love for humanity which is rare now a days is what is motivating people to grow hemp. Help one another. P.S. THCA can be converted to CBD, so why would anyone want to grow weed instead of hemp. Plz don’t be going on using the M word, I get offended. Thanks, Peace and Love!
This is gonna go real bad for the police agencies involved. If they didn’t test over half the plants destroyed for THC content and get positive results they don’t have a legal leg to stand on, and won’t have a pot to piss in or window to dump it out of when the lawyers for the growers get done.
What a waste of tax payer money! U guys should put taxes on these guys and make it legal! There’s not enough weed being grown now to keep up with supply and demand and u idiots out here taking a billions dollar crop with a tractor!
Bs fuck cbd it’s a waste of land let them grow the dank thc weed
Big money lol
Whats the problem? a miljard dollar?
It still could have been used as hemp fibre product waste of a resource
And now we know why the bullet train was supposed to start in Arvin. Competition for the Mexican Cartel.
Your fucking idiots
LOL my bad.
I go by those fields every day and there was never any pot just hemp. .one field was right across the high school. For over a year cops drive by every day . and now its a problem? Huum…. Nothing but seeds. The news got it wrong.