What New Mexico's recreational marijuana bill means for Texans
What New Mexico's recreational marijuana bill means for Texans
What New Mexico’s recreational marijuana bill means for Texans
What New Mexico's recreational marijuana bill means for Texans
What New Mexico’s recreational marijuana bill means for Texans
The black market here in California is thriving.
Hey maybe new Mexico will paint the dam street lines so we can see where the hell were driving oh and teach the city workers to pave the dam roads better
Make marijuana legal in Texas
I’m thinking that some clever person in Texas should provide special bus trips to New Mexico for those who want to get high. It would be legal as long as the people smoke or eat it in New Mexico.
It’s all a setup the got both sides .
I’m all about gun rights, but how does Texas love guns but is scared of a plant? Make it make sense!
😲 wow. ..
A felony???
How petty and pathetic of TEXAS.🤔
Kingx777 & StevenCastro🙌🏻
Cute reporter
The main reason marijuana is still illegal in TX is because of Dan Patrick & Greg Abbott (also Ted Cruz & Ken Paxton) There were over 60 bills filed in the TX legislature and only TWO of them passed! Ridiculous!! & the bills really weren’t that big of a change either. Dan Patrick dismisses all reform bills and delays legalization ……but I’ve been reading a lot & I really think TX is ready for change, when the elections come back around the people will know who to vote for and Abbot and Patrick will be OUT. Vote in officials who are pro-legalization and NOT in the pockets of legalizations competitors
At the very least, make the cannabis flower legal at the federal level. I don’t care if we are banned from buying concentrates and edibles, but we can still make our own. We want legal cannabis already.
Smoking weed makes you stinky. Then, everyone around you that isn’t high has to put up with that awful stink. Please do the rest of us a favor. Smoke it in your own house and stay home. If you must venture into public then please take a shower and put on clean clothes.
Amazing 🤩!!!!!
I’m going to smoke till I die FUGGIN
I wish it was legal in my state.
When the cop spoke all I could think was, “plucking ridiculous!”
Leafy? No leaves. All buds.
It means finally we get quality weed , instead of this Mexico fake looking 1 percent thc shit ,
it means we gonna give u booty never.
YouTube won’t let me like the video
Marijuana makes Mexicans thirst for whit blood
Fuck Texas! I can’t believe how far behind this state is. 😑 I got tired of their anti cannabis BS and moved to California.
You have audio issues and your opening paid advertisement was for human testicles…. thumbs down
Y’all are stupid. Yeah you can smoke 100 miles that way but not over here lol… okay dad I’ll only smoke at moms house
You’ll be supporting Texans with PTSD
I’ll just be honest this is SOOOOOOO STUPID
I live in Texas and I feel like this state is gonna be one of the last to legalize it.
That sharif dude is a douche! Im so damn proud if New Mexico! We needed this so bad!!!!!!!!!! ❤️🙏🏻❤️😘🍀
Come on texas!!!
Legalize it already. It’s such a benign drug that makes people happy.
Im getting married
Texas offering a felony for vape cartridge’s , shows just how ignorantly hardheaded our Lonestar government is. Our laws don’t allow citizens to vote on things. Hmmmmmm . If you take a chance to bring some here, don’t take the main interstate or highways, and don’t carry more than two OZ., and especially don’t tell them you crossed state lines to bring it here Or your looking at a Felony and state jail time. Keep your trouble @ misdemeanor level and you can bond out by calling a bondsman, a soon as you get to the jail approx.$150.00 . Then you’ll get a court date , Get an court appointed attorney and request to pay a fine instead of jail or probation time. Fine will be approx. $500.00 .
When not “if” pot becomes legal, I hope they pardon and release anyone in jail for criminal possession or distribution of marijuana. It’s the right thing to do.
Oh well. I don’t need to go to Texas for anything.
They’re just setting people up just like the mob would
Edibles in Tx. are weighed as bud. So if you get a 3 oz chocolate bar would get you a charge of 3 oz of WEED. Be forwarned.
Texas cops will be parked by the N.M. boarder in mass to catch Texans bring back THC. products.
Peace from Colorado!
its 2021 and yet a god damned news company still cant figure out how audio works…….
Oooooweeee we going to ABQ
lesss gooooo
List of lobbyists against legalizing marijuana. Prison guard union, police unions, private prisons, pharmaceutical industry, alcohol industry. See the pattern.
I’m from texas and all I can say is f*ck texas!! All they care about is throwing people in prison for profits and that’s why they won’t legalize marijuana cause it will cut a big hole in prison money.
whats more dangerous than Texans with guns? Stoned Texans with guns( i love guns and weed)
The ENTIRE U.S. knows the impact you buffoons, hahahaha weed is all over and is the cheapest it’s been in years, just do nationwide legalization and stop the crap.
If I was a cop I’d much rather walk into a bar full of stoners than whiskey drunks
Don’t do drugs or drink kids. But if alcohol is legal so should marijuana.
Where do Texans consume it???
The more states that legalize it 100%, the more people are going to be moving out of Texas (to a recreational state).
trying to scare people ."you will get a felony". Depend how much it is is a misdemeanor
Does this mean Texas residents can purchase Medical Marijuana?
Fuck Texas marijuana laws!