Can Cannabis Help?- Protracted Benzodiazepine Withdrawal

Can Cannabis Help?- Protracted Benzodiazepine Withdrawal

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  1. pf100 on November 8, 2023 at 1:44 am

    Cannabis helps with my protracted withdrawl/neurological injury but not directly. It only helps me to relax some which indirectly helps remove some of the burden of the symptoms.

  2. alexander P on November 8, 2023 at 1:44 am

    Vaping is better than smoking ,smoking destroys alot of beneficial compounds. After invega during protracted withdrawal I believe vaping 5 grams a day for 3 months sped up my recovery. Invega blocked almost al effects (hence the 5 grams) but it did combat insomnia and slightly combat anhedonia. I don’t know why invega blocks effects of drugs even 6 or 8
    months after last injection. I wonder if invega blocks cannibanoid receptors

  3. Kevin Jansen on November 8, 2023 at 1:52 am

    I feel like it helped less than I thought it did over the past few years of use. At times I thought I’d be forced to use it for the rest of my life. However over the long run I think it caused more problems than solutions as it insidiously increase my anxiety to the point of paranoia which I interpreted as BIND symptoms and then piled more cannabis on top to “fix” it in somewhat of a doom loop. Also over time it makes natural sleep worse. Even though it helps initiate and sustain sleep, I feel noticeably more rested with less but natural sleep (without it). In my case it’s safe to say it helped me through times I needed something but probably cause more harm than good longterm. Patients coming off of it should expect at least one month of terrible sleep which, in my case, was somewhat offset by feeling more rested and clear within even one week. I think Dr. Palmer is right when he says the best course of action is to remove all intoxicating substances, but I can understand why some patients feel they need it because I was one of them for a long time.

    I should add that, because I was sleeping only 2-3hrs a night for 2yrs of my taper, cannabis was a godsend in doubling that number. I do think that it helped me then because no one can feel good on that little sleep. I just wish I had stopped it around the time I jumped off my last dose of benzos. Hindsight’s 20/20 though, and everyone’s different.

  4. Billy Bandyk on November 8, 2023 at 1:53 am

    As long as it’s NOT SMOKED, I believe that cannabis can help. However; smoking weed (cannabis/marijuana) is counterproductive as it pertains 2 its benefits.

  5. Meg on November 8, 2023 at 1:54 am

    Cannabis saves lives. See Josh & Aimee who run LIVING WITH AKATHISIA.

  6. David Kruse on November 8, 2023 at 1:57 am

    Cannabis has always given me insomnia. In fact it seems to block the effect I get from Xanax and ambien. I tend to use
    the sativa strains but it messes with my sleep.
    It helps some pain and Spasticity but I seem to get a rebound.
    I am a cfs/Lyme patient. I was off benzos for 8 months before an idiot doctor put me on ambien many years ago.
    Long story I am trying to figure out if cannabis is helpful as well.

  7. Angel E. Retherford on November 8, 2023 at 2:00 am

    🙏🏻 thank u

  8. Nicole L (BIC) on November 8, 2023 at 2:02 am

    I took 1/3 of a 10mg THC gummy from dispensary the other night (I almost never use anything in my protracted wd bc of fear of making things worse, but I was in an extreme state from stress which amplified my w/d, so felt like I had to try something). It did relax me some, and I was able to sleep a bit. But, I also felt the fasciculations from w/d kick up – my muscles were firing more at random all in my back. I also felt little fleeting episodes of paranoia, which I hate, and I didn’t really like being groggy and ‘stoned’ feeling, even though it passed by the following day.

  9. Gabriel Archer on November 8, 2023 at 2:05 am

    I’m on50 mg of valium have been for25 years or more. I’m so frustrated because nothing works. If I go cold turkey I end up in the ER with the crash cart. I don’t want to rely on Valium anymore. So have been thinking of cannibis. The sheer smell of cannibis makes me feel good. But lately I think whats going to get me off the valium Alcohol or Cannibis. My Dr is Lousy she doesn’t understand how hard it is. I got told I was a complex case. Whats that ? Seriously I have know other drugs. So what is it Doc Booze or drugs ? Please help I’m desperate and ashamed

  10. Mr x on November 8, 2023 at 2:16 am

    I actullay cant do nothing when benz cold turkey just makes my foggy but with benzo i can take them both.

  11. jon kip on November 8, 2023 at 2:21 am

    Briefly vaping indica before sleep during benzo tapering, for me, has its place, and is only one of the available tools. It’s one of those two-edged sword things, though. At times, it will gently calm the body down and sleep comes, but at other times, it brings out the body anxiety that the benzos were trying to hide. I can mostly tell what it’s going to do. But not always. The other tools are L-theanine, taurine, glycine, magnesium, valerian drops….and a few more. Not using the same tool all the time seems to be the way for me to go. CBD drops seem to work also, but when I resort to them, I do get to sleep but it leaves a blank space in my mind, so I don’t THINK i’ve had sleep, but the clock says otherwise….At this point, I trust the clock.

  12. Acid Crash on November 8, 2023 at 2:25 am

    For me, its litterally save my life from benzo withdrawal, It takes away suicidal thoughts, it makes me hungry, it motivates me, it takes away confusion, it takes away nausea, it makes me smile, it takes away dyskenesia, it takes away irritability. i use join with more THC than cbd (not legal so dont know really but i know cannabis). i think its better with more cbd, but i cant have this … i prefer to be alive and be little high, than to die or take another "normal" medication! Thx for this Video, its rare to see this tips. and with benzo, we really need this type of tips, its f*cking hard !

  13. Northern Girl ♡☘️ on November 8, 2023 at 2:28 am

    Without cannibis I would still be dependent on valium.

  14. Brendan Smyth on November 8, 2023 at 2:28 am

    I used my strain (THC 23%, CBD 1%) to help me get off alcohol and to start my Cymbalta taper. I’ve consumed through my whole 5 years of protracted. So did it help? Well for me I don’t think I’d get through the day to day grind of withdrawals without consuming. I never had serious sleeping or eating problems like many suffering I’ve chatted with over the years. I truly believe it’s helped me eat and sleep. Good food, water, ☀️ sun, light exercise at first and sleep was my healing process journey. The first two years were hell on earth. I’m back baby!!! I’m finally back from the worst experience of my life. Pray and wish everyone a healing journey. 🙏🏻🇦🇺

  15. A Google User on November 8, 2023 at 2:29 am

    Medical cannabis has been a lifesaver for my Akathisia and the Epilepsy which the psych meds brought back after being seizure free for 20 years
    Edit: had to go back on seizure med because of protracted wd from Clonazepam. Off half of 3 mg daily for 8 years. Serotonin Toxicity and i tapered to 1.5 mg

  16. paulmahood on November 8, 2023 at 2:29 am

    I tried cbd oil . A very pure formula no thc and still my brain couldn’t tolerate this. Headache and fuzziness. 12 months out tried a weaker hybrid cbd oil . Nothing. No difference. Still beas in my head and sleep disturbance. Advice I’ll give is no Alcohol caffeine sugar or street drugs. I did relapse on alcohol after 27 months only three separate times. As we know alcohol affects gaba. It was alright at the time but paid for it later on. Even l theanine over excited me. Everyone is different though. Trial and error