Study: Marijuana can lessen migraine symptoms
Study: Marijuana can lessen migraine symptoms
June is National Migraine Awareness Month and UC San Diego is launching a study to find out if marijuana can help treat those horrible headaches.
My migraines last days and my mother’s last longer sometimes. It’s tough.
Marijuana gave an agonising migraine.
It does its safer than pills that kill your liver it cuts migraines to half the pain
Definitely worth the study
Can definitely attest anecdotal
only wish I was notified and involved
Need to do the study without harming the lungs! Tincture, topical or edible. I look forward to results.
I always noticed toking helped. What really helped was when I started making my own edibles. I went 1 straight week without a migraine. That hasn’t happened in years and it’s not a coincidence. I also got to bed at 830 when I usually toss about til 11. Legalize it north carolina please. Migraines can be debilitating for some like myself. We should feel safe taking our medication.