Medical Marijuana in Texas
Listen to this lively discussion with Dr. Medrano and Melissa Trevino, owners of Cannamdrx, the first Medical Cannabis Clinic in Houston. We will answer a lot of questions to learn who it is for and what conditions it can help.
Hi I have sickle cell anemia the only treatment for sickle cell anemia is fluids in pain medicine even though I’m not elderly is it possible for me to qualify for the treatment so I won’t have to be on opioids anymore
whiere ls his clinic
Hi guys. My name is Michael and my wife’s name Nicole. My wife has high blood pressure and anxiety. Every time she Gets he blood pressure checked it gets super high. ( white coat syndrome). They got her on all kinds of blood pressure medicine. Always changing it. We don’t like to take medicine. Usually essential oils keep all of us health. Even through covid. So we would love an alternative solution. She had to get on blood pressure medicine after our 4th child, and now she has been on it for the last 5-6 year. I’m actually writing to you from the hospital after giving birth to our 7th. Anyways. I smoke weed and my blood pressure is perfect and I eat horrible. My wife hates it that I eat the way I do and she does her best to eat healthy and she is the one with high blood pressure. My wife use to smoke, no longer. But we begin To notice when she would smoke after a high reading on her blood pressure machine her blood pressure would go down significantly. After she quit smoking she would eat steaks, bacon or beef. Something with lots of protein just to keep it down. While she was here at the hospital the only time they got a good reading was when she was asleep. I’m telling you she is going a million miles a min in her world. With 6 now 7 kids. What would I need to do to have a face to face about what the best options for her. Can she get a prescription for anxiety
Texas lawmakers are the biggest hypocrites of all
Whats availible now is worthless. Texas legislators and Gov Abbott are tyrants torturing sick people. You are in the same boat buster. You are going along with the tyrants knowing stonger levels would be more beneficial.
Hi I have sickle cell anemia I’m not elderly but I am looking for something else to get off of opioids to treat my pain due to sickle cell only treatments are fluids and pain medicine and I really really do not want to be on opioids anymore is it possible for me to qualify for that even though I’m young