White Ash vs Black Ash in Cannabis – Science or Myth? – Pe232 Clip
White Ash vs Black Ash in Cannabis – Science or Myth? – Pe232 Clip
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Those with a long history in cannabis have likely heard that cannabis flower which burns to white ash is an indicator of better quality growth & processing than black ash. But does the science actually support this claim?
Dr. Markus Roggen, President of DELIC Labs, discusses the actual chemistry of white ash vs black ash to “mythbust” one of the oldest bits of folk wisdom in cannabis culture, as well as the impacts of dispelling these myths on the culture at large.
Listen to episode Pe232 on your favorite podcast app, the Periodic effects app, or here on our YouTube channel to discover more about how innovative scientists like Dr. Roggen are unraveling the challenging scientific questions guiding the Cannabis Industry.
Watch the full episode – https://youtu.be/mVP9u5GY7Fc
Black ash = trash
What about when the flower is dry yet still becoming rigid black ash ?
So why does the black ash tip of a joint refuse to stay lit? And why does it taste like chemicals, and why is it so harsh? Is all of this determined by the curing process?
This is lit!
I understand he debunked the cause of white ash thoroughly, but I don’t see how this at all addresses claims white ash is a “better smoke”. If white Ash means you’ve smoked all the non minerals in the buds, wouldn’t that be a better value/experience? You’re literally getting using all of the plant matter as opposed to only some of it.
What I haven’t heard anyone mention is how much your paper can affect the color at which your ash will be dramatically. In fact your paper determines the color of your ash just as much as your herb does.