Affordable Cannabis Bucking Machine | Ez Trim

Affordable Cannabis Bucking Machine | Ez Trim

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The Bud Bucker relieves the largest bottleneck in the commercial trim
process, the prep. One person on one machine can now replace the
work of 3-5 people using scissors.

Key Features:
Protruded entry holes precisely remove buds from their stems
40 – 75 pounds per hour wet
Entry holes with varying diameter tips 1/8”, ¼”, 3/8” 1/2”,
Control speed to optimize efficiency
Reverse functionality to clear obstructed entry holes
Built in prep table
Light weight, only 75 pounds
Manufactured and assembled in U.S.A

1 Comment

  1. @Doctoranthetardis on July 19, 2024 at 2:14 pm

    How rough on the bud is it?