Soil vs Coco vs Hydro yield result & overall comparison
Soil vs Coco vs Hydro yield result & overall comparison
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I have run a grow test to compare using different medium and nutrient solutions for an indoor grow. The plants are chili clones and have been grown under the same lighting setup and environmental conditions to demonstrate the different performance of soil v coco v hydro.
the nutrients used were all from the Canna range and I used their recommended feed schedules from the Canna terra, coco and aqua ranges.
What is coco?
one hydro plant is twice the size of the other, cloned from the same mother. Something is definitely off with this comparison
Clearly as someone pointed out down in the comments; you switched flowering too late on the DWC. Too thick of a canopy/bad light, will cause terrible fruit/veg ratio. Or low yields.
Cant beat AIRPOTS
if this was Marijuana…. 😁
The video good, but you don’t talk about the environment/humidity and how it effects soil vs hydro and the cost for each setup
Thinking in real life where the environment is not stable(hot in the summer/ cool in the winter)and growers are looking for the best return on there investment, is hydro really the best value for money or is soil more stable and a safer option?
Soil may produce less but tastes better. Shouldn’t hydro produce more ???
Do you have this comparison with weed?
It seems like the soil grew more fruit and the coco grew larger fruit, so do you think a coco/soil mix would produce the best of both soil types?
lights were eventually too underpowered for the rdwc. so the plant focused more on vegetative growth rather than fruiting, had you matched it with a bigger light that could penetrate the canopy the hydro would have tripled the yield of the others
Did he shift the dwc to bloomer nutsol when it start to bloom
gaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i hoped this was about cannabis……..peppers are great plants but nowhere near as thankful and vigorous as my most favourite plant….you dont have to be toker to realize what an amazing organism cannabis plants are when it comes to taking light nutrients and love and turning it into yield………i dont have any problems with indoor growers of whatever its just….this comparison isnt as teaching as i hoped because these plants just cannot fully show, or maybe i just need to get to know pepper plants more
The hydro isn’t finished.
Too much foliage prevents light form coming through – hence few red ones.
You know this guy has other tents he won’t film
LOL chillis fuck that
I was thinking weed 🤦🏻
The soil one,sweeter & fuller flavour,every time.
Why dose the chart say soil yield low when it was the best preformed!!!!!!!!???
Ohh okay so I went back and that’s how much the plant weight not the harvest so hydro grow bigger but actual harvest was low.
A friend of mine did a pot comparison. Those cool looking pointy pots reduced yield considerably. Compared against wool, acrylic, it faired worst. Standard 10l plastic was ahead by sight. If it ain’t broke……
The hydro was much, much larger than the other examples. You’ve said this yourself many times. dude, if you used the same light source for the hydros, it wasn’t enough for photosynthesis. The hydro needed more light. You tied the hydro’s feet and you say hydro can’t run 😃
can someone tell me who wins? I don’t understand English very well by ear, but by reading I manage quite well, thank you very much.
Thank u for sharing such a big project
All those roots and no fruits 🤦🏽♂️
Every time I grow peppers, always hot ones (even got some Carolina Reaper seeds) I get the little brownish-red mites. I can’t buy neem oil anymore, which used to fix it, but it was banned in Canada.
Every time I check the nursery, they’re covered in them. I’ve grown them from seeds, but I guess because I didn’t bleach the whole balcony and every pot, they always came back. I even made efforts to divide uninfected ones, going full NASA clean suit procedures to make sure no eggs or larvae get over, but anything I use now just doesn’t work. I’ve tried nearly everything on the market, qnd even my grandma’s trick of gentle dish soap diluted and sprayed.
Can anyone help with those damn mites/aphids without neem oil? I miss peppers…
I assume hydro was grown with nutrients optimized for veg.
It’s all about the taste. Soil will give more flavor to your fruit. May not give the biggest yields, but it will always taste better.
You should test way more substrate possibilities also. Like clay sand silt loam compost gravel lavarocks fiberglass metal-oxides sponges luffa etc whatever you can think of that roots can grab onto
You had me hook line and sinker until your loud ass eating. Not everyone likes hearing people eat.
Great comparison Shane! I’ve gone organic, with my own living soil mix in both my veggie garden and medicinal plants. Compost, soil, aeration in approx 33% mix…can’t beat it! All I do is water, about 4% by volume, and all are producing buds and fruit like crazy. No lab coat required.
I have to wonder aboutthe hydro nutrients… Alot of nitrogen would green a ton of leaves and growth like you have… maybe you need to tweak your nutrients for fruiting.
Did you raise potassium and phosphorus levels in hydro?
Question: any nutrients given to any?
I think the hydro pot was not ready yet as the flowers were still extensive. Meaning results would be different if they were all let to finish the fruiting cycle.
That’s why I’ll always stick to plain ol dirt. Once you’re done, shake the roots out, throw the dirt in big rubber maid, toss in some compost, worm castings, perlite, and do it again. Most nutrient lines are going to cover the micro nutrients these days anyways. Don’t need to worry about losing it in the soil. The fertilizer will put it back in. You can amend it as much as you want to reuse. That’s why I like it. That, and you always get a really consistent result. I’m sure you could dial the hydro system in a lot more after a few grows. I’d still rather stay in soil.
I like the coco peat best. You get huge fruit. I think in the long run I’d want bigger fruit as to a bushy plant as I am not eating the leaves.
I don’t think the hydro was ready to be harvested, still had a lot of flowers that would have turned
I’m surprised, but maybe not when I think about it, that the hydro produced almost no fruit in the same time. It makes sense in a way because there is a lot of root growth and leaf because they are essentially unrestricted.. the soil and coco have restrictions for the roots, so the plant roots to a certain extent and then starts putting it’s energy into fruit.
I see most people growing leafy greens in hydro, which makes a lot of sense..
The Hydro ones would have went ballistic if you let it flower/fruit
When ever my mate tells me to go hydro I always say “I want to grow fruit, not roots”
test canabis
I love the fact that he is stoned as hell
Soil retains heat. Run the test again but put heater mats under the cocoa. I would even go as far as put a fish heater in the water…. Great experiment
The hydro peppers received too much nitrogen and not enough phosphorus. When peppers get massive amounts of nitrogen they grow like crazy and do not produce much fruit.
Defoliation is so important in hydro. If you don’t remove the sunseeking very top leaves and the hormone full very bottom leaves the plant will try and prolong it’s life because it "thinks" it’s in a super fertile part of the world due to the abundance of nutrients. They’re photosensitive plants. Further more, I’m fairly sure canna is ph stable, all the ph and ecc meters aren’t really nessisary. I’ve been using it for years.
As for the work… I change the resevoir once a fortnight and thats it. I’m not in there watering every couple of days and making up fertiliser mixes on a regular basis.I’m also not of to the shops on a regular basis to get large bags of "soil" which suits me as I have a pushbike. No soil toxicity, no mildew. no gnats oh and did I mention PH stable. The on going cost of hydro (fert aside in this case) is alot lower as everything is reusable, particularly with NFT systems.
Well made video and a great idea for an experiment. you should have a nother go.🙂
Soil coco and perlite is my fav.