How To Water Cannabis Plants – Signs of Over & Under Watering and How to Fix it ?

How To Water Cannabis Plants – Signs of Over & Under Watering and How to Fix it ?

In this video I am going to be breaking down signs and reasons you may be overwatering , or underwatering your plants
and how to get them back to a comfortable state.

first we are going to break down overwatering.

signs of overwatering are usually shown in the leaves. if your leaves are droopy and heavy this is the easiest way to
know your plant is receiving too much water . this can easily be confused with underwatering. like overwatering ,
if your leaves are drooping but seem weak and dry rather than oversaturated, you are most likely
underwatering your plant.

the first and most common reason for overwatering is watering too frequently or giving your plant too much water in one
sitting. being a first time grower you really trying to get your plant to be healthy as can be. constantly checking
the plant a day after a watering and deciding to water again just because the medium isnt sopping wet.
you end up hindering your plant rather than benefitting it . It is ok to have dry periods while growing .
You actually really want your plant to have a healthy dry period between waterings.

Another reason over watering could be happening due to poor drainage . This could be a direct factor of your growing
medium being too compact or having your plant in too small of a pot. Roots still need oxygen & if your soil or medium
is too tightly packed , it removes air from the soil and makes it harder for proper drainage to happen .

To fix overwatering simply let your plants medium dry out for 2-3 days. no water or feedings , and typically by the 3rd
day it will be looking back to normal . Take note of how much the pot ways before and after the dry period.
Then make sure you are watering less frequently , or giving your plant less water in one sitting. It is better to feed
your plants less water or nutrients and water more often , than watering too much once a week and having to repeat the

Next we will talk about underwatering. When underwatering, your plants will look weak and lifeless, leaves will droop
down and will appear more dry and crispy. Leaves may begin to lose their color from lack of nutrients like nitrogen.

The key to fixing an underwatered plant isn’t to overwater them to make up for lost time , but to feed them just enough
to start to see some run off coming out the bottom of your pot . Try to water reasonable amounts , and give your plant
time to recover before you start watering again.

The easiest way to keep up with your watering is to have a schedule , write down the amounts of water and nutrients
you are giving your plants . An easy tip is to lift your plants up before and after waterings to gage how heavy they are,
when your pots feel light, you know you can water . When they begin to feel heavy or too heavy , you know to lay off for
a few days .

Basically don’t water your plants frequently or too much , try not to give your plants extremely cold water and avoid
watering while the lights are out. Make sure your plants are in adequate pots for their size , dont pack your soil too
tightly, and regularly get an idea of how much your plants weigh when watering.

About My grow :

Barney’s Farm Tropicana Banana (Tropicana Cookies x Banana Kush)

Lights: Mars Hydro TS 600 and Mars Hydro SP150

Medium : CocoGro Coco Coir

Nutes :
Down To Earth 4-4-4 Fertilizer

RootsOrganic 3-7-4 Terp Tea

Pure Worm Castings

pH between 5.8-62

Average Temperature & RH : 70-77*F 35-45% RH

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My Instagram: @GreenLeavesGrower

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  1. Timothy Anthony on September 28, 2022 at 1:31 pm

    1 of the best….YES…..thanks man &keep up the goodt work

  2. qstal on September 28, 2022 at 1:33 pm

    Meanwhile I just threw some seeds in my pot outside and they sprouted, but today I woke up to the stems / sprout tipped over, not sure if it was bc the wind or bc I overwatered 😭😫

  3. Brittany Reilly on September 28, 2022 at 1:34 pm

    Cool vid! very helpful to beginners for sure! on a side note my 4 baby autos all sprouted today.. now to pray for girls! lol happy growing !!

  4. Sam Morris on September 28, 2022 at 1:40 pm

    Thanks for the video brother

  5. Wayne Baehler on September 28, 2022 at 1:40 pm

    What does it mean when just the new growth is drooping but the older leafs look good.

  6. DC11 on September 28, 2022 at 1:43 pm

    I have four plants each in there own five gallon bucket I was watering every third day and giving all four plants just one gallon of water to share. I noticed that by the third day the first two inches of soil was always dry so I started watering every other day again just one gallon. Am I under watering? I’m also noticing yellowing? Thanks!!

  7. Eva Wojo on September 28, 2022 at 1:49 pm

    What is my leaves are turning yellow what does this mean am I overwatering or under watering

  8. Mr. GDK on September 28, 2022 at 1:50 pm

    What’s the best products to feed my plants

  9. Eva Wojo on September 28, 2022 at 1:51 pm

    What about fertilizing what type of fertilizer do you put on it I think it is a beautiful plant

  10. HOCKEY CARD ROOKIES ! slimscrap_5 on September 28, 2022 at 1:59 pm

    Green Leaves Grower question if you overwater your plants for 15 days will they recover at all?? One I did not over water and use foxfarm is younger and the steam green thicker I think I wrecked them 😒 let me know please thanks 🙏

  11. Nicole Young on September 28, 2022 at 1:59 pm

    I have a question, it’s my second you’re growing so I’m still immature, but I’ve noticed that my 20 gallon pot is very heavy in the soil is wet, but almost every day it seems like it’s drooping, When I give it water it perked back up but it’s so much heavier than my other plant which is doing fine… And the soil is much wetter in the bottom, I even cut some holes to feel with my finger… What is going on?

  12. Cuzntime on September 28, 2022 at 2:04 pm

    So what is the fix if the soil is to compacted and wont dry out? I have one potted plant that is starting to lighten up in color and wont dry out. The pot weighs a ton compared to my other pots due to the soil being way more compacted (these were clones I received, I did not pot or water them).. Im afraid to repot right now because its starting to look weak and im afraid any shock right now could kill it.. Its been sitting in the sun for 4 days now and doesnt seem to be getting much lighter in weight.

  13. cool breeze on September 28, 2022 at 2:07 pm

    Most important information for grow right here good stuff bro! And so important and easy to over water!

  14. neobz32 on September 28, 2022 at 2:10 pm

    can running a hair dryer into the top of a tent help the plants get thirsty like simulating the sun?

  15. kaitlyn gottke on September 28, 2022 at 2:10 pm

    great video! 👍

  16. Vasilis Mavrommatis on September 28, 2022 at 2:11 pm

    Hello,my plant looks like is underwatered,i water it like 2-3 times a week,i thought i didnt put too much water and worried about the nutrient burns,so i flushed them to be sure for both,after 24 hours the leaves are still a little bit down,(I dont think its overwatering cause there are none yellow leaves or whatsoever

  17. neobz32 on September 28, 2022 at 2:12 pm

    it seems the soil will never dry even with perlite in it at 3 weeks in they are getting some yellow leaf tips after to high PH and soil wet for to long.

  18. J Blazer on September 28, 2022 at 2:12 pm

    Youtube wants my ID to watch this xD i’m crying!!!
    add nsfw in front of www. and before youtube and press enter, and presto, privacy maintained xD
    Excellent info! got a local copy of the vid and am just going to use it when I need!!!

  19. Double A on September 28, 2022 at 2:13 pm

    Well done 👍

  20. TurpyDurp on September 28, 2022 at 2:14 pm

    Good info and straight to the point. 👍🏼👍🏼 was looking for someone to get to the point and glad I found your channel.

  21. S S on September 28, 2022 at 2:14 pm

    Always water the pot till maximum to avoid underwatering. Then, don’t water again until the pot is literally as light as before you watered the 1st time. You’re already halfway to success that way. Over-watering is the MAIN problem in growing. Not pH as most claim. Keep the pH between 5 and 7 and you’re good, but only water once a week. That is exactly sufficient.

  22. Timmer on September 28, 2022 at 2:15 pm

    Solid info. I think it’s better to use less water more frequently. Wait til you see some leaves start to droop a little before watering again.

  23. Green Leaves Grower on September 28, 2022 at 2:17 pm

    Make sure to check out that merch 🔥

  24. Zed The Commander on September 28, 2022 at 2:25 pm

    Thanks man one of my plants is about a month and a half old and the leafs looked dead out of random I looked over and it was droopy and I was able to save it

  25. Chabiguala on September 28, 2022 at 2:28 pm

    Very helpful. Thanks alot. Short and to the point. Seems I’ve been underwatering my plant. It’s about 15 days old, and I think my pot’s a little too big for my auto. My question is, if I wanted to replant to a smaller pot should I wait for my plant to recover from the underwatering problem or would it be okay if I did after a day or so?