Nation Update: Cannabis Fines
In last week’s Throne Speech, it was announced that court appearances would no longer be mandatory for small quantities of marijuana, the equivalent of a spliff or roach. However, smoking in public places will soon carry a fine of $200, similar to a traffic ticket. Nation News spoke with Barbadians about this development. (Video by Krystal Hoyte) #MeAndMyNation #YourNewsYourTimeYourWay #ILoveMyNation246 #NationBarbados #Nation246 #Barbados #Cannabis #ThroneSpeech ⠀
The whole problem with marijuana is the need to smoke for recreation. People have turned a serious thing into a joke, Let the true Rastas have their sacrament in peace. Ever since the herb came mainstream it has ruined countless lives.
When marijuana cud b illegal and alcohol and cigarettes pun shelves legally looks more like racsism and buyas
"Legalize it, and don’t criticize it"
Well evryone answerd wise except for 3 persons