Hydroponic Peppers Race – Kratky vs DWC
Hydroponic Peppers Race – Kratky vs DWC
We grow two pepper plants and have a race between two growing methods! We grow one plant with a simple Kratky set up, and our second plant has an air stone added to the reservoir. I document the differences between these plants and ask the question- do air pumps do anything to help grow hydroponic plants? This bucket and airstone combo is a simple hydroponics system design perfect for any beginning grower!
Let me know in the comments below if/why you use an air pump and the effects it has on your harvests! I love hearing from the community!
Check out my full Air Pump Races Playlist here:
———————— Product Links ————————–
————- Hydroponic Nutrients: ————-
I grow with Future Harvest nutrients – using micro / grow / bloom and additives.
https://bit.ly/futureharvest – Use coupon code “JIMMYBHARVESTS10” for 10% off your orders!
I’ve also used Advanced Nutrients micro/grow/bloom on the channel
————- LED Grow Lights: ————-
My primary light is the Mars Hydro TSW2000 – http://bit.ly/marsTSW2000
I also use the Viparspectra P1000 – http://bit.ly/viparspectraP1000
————- Garden Necessities: ————-
Grodan A-OK Starter Cubes 1.5inch – http://bit.ly/GRoDAN
CZ heavy duty wide rim Net Cups 2inch – http://bit.ly/netCUPS
Clay Pebbles (any brand) – http://bit.ly/clayPEBBLEs
Programmable Outlets – http://bit.ly/outletTIMER
PH & TDS Meters – http://bit.ly/PHtds
————– Video Equipment: ——————-
iPhone XS / iPhone 12
Amazon Basics Tripod – http://bit.ly/TRIPoD
Phone Mount – http://bit.ly/phoneMount
Moza mini-S Gimble – http://bit.ly/myGIMBLE
Yongnuo Light – http://bit.ly/videoLIGHT
HyperX Quadcast Mic – http://bit.ly/hyperxQUAD
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#gardening #hydroponics #peppers #homegrown
he is a genius, good job my brother
what really matters is the crop, did you run this test all the way to harvest, any difference in yield?
your supposed to use UV from fish tanks too get rid of algae
Do you get bugs/flies/insects since it’s a garden indoors? If yes, how do you prevent them?
Re-do. Black buckets. Bigger air stones and air pump. Algae was an issue.
I do the no air pump all the type and it never affect it. Use good nutrient and a good full spectrum light, you will be surprised with the yield. Don’t forget to use a dark colored container.
Give them good full spectrum LED light for 6-8 hours daily and run your fan for at least 30 minutes everyday to help with auto pollination. Happy gardening.
When I used to grow I’d sometimes just throw a water pump in the bottom with no tube and that would circulate everything extremely well , next I’d always use black containers, then ontop of that around the net cup I’d throw a sheet of black plastic to cover any light leaks. Something like hydroguard does a great job at killing off any problems you encounter with bacteria or fungi. Oh and always make sure your pH and ec are in check at all times. And try to make sure temps don’t go above 24 C if you keep all that in check you shouldn’t have any bad outcomes or at least keep them to a minimum (my tomato plants used to love all these tricks LOL) oh and lastly that air Stone was tiny and very lonely LOL I’d throw a few more in there and you’d notice the difference. Water levels are important don’t let it run dry or the root structure will change you’ll notice it yourself if you look closely on the roots above water line vs under so best to try and keep it around the same level as long as possible happy growing peeps
Not a fair comparison u had algae with a transparent container. Ur peppers were competing with algae and of course if u have algae infested waters ur not gonna see a difference when u oxygenate your water because ur benefiting the algae by adding the air stone more than ur benefiting the actual plant….. Get a black bucket….
I use a aquarium sponge filter on top of air so it gets filtration but not too much and water agitation
As far as algae goes that’s because u using white buckets use dark ones
If have them out side paint over the black tho with white paint to reflect the sun so water don’t get hot
Or wrap bucket in tin foil
what size of net pot you use for this plant?
The plant with smaller roots looks bigger on top
I figured it would mostly be used on the ISS.
The reason why there was more algae in the container which had the air pump could also be because the air which was pumped into the water contained algae spores
I think if you are growing something with short season like lettuce Kratky works great but anything else use pump.
How can I make that hole in a bucket
do this again with buckets that don’t take in so much light
Ì don’t understand this video as an unexperienced grower I’m trying to look up some information. You’re telling there is not a lot of difference with or without an airpump, although I see a difference. Look at how the leaves a hanging/behaving. However, what does this mean for the end result? What is the end result? It makes no sense to make a video without a result.
I love airpumps to naturally diffuse the chloroamines the water treatment plants add instead of vitamin c
And you can use a float valve to keep the kratsy method bucket at the same level even when the plant drinks it.
Maybe next time you could add some soluble Mycorrhizal to the water reservoir.
Yield difference?
i would wonder about pepper production differences – size/quantity/ how long it takes to produce etc. You would think that a larger healthier root system would have to have some sort of positive impact
Do not paint the buckets.. Cover with growers poly, the back and white kind or use contractor garbage bags that are thick and black.. A lot more easier. Was for me anyways. Air pump is used to get air to the roots as well as keeps the water circulating in the sump.
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens is considered a root-colonizing biocontrol bacterium, and is used to fight some plant root pathogens in agriculture, aquaculture, and hydroponics. It has been shown to provide benefits to plants in both soil and hydroponic applications.
Props on the channel growing and learning is the fun part I like to use air pumps but I also stumbled into the cost of it and also I over did it with air stones and how much air I was putting into the water it is a great way to add oxygen and I leaned the hard way that with the air pump moving the glorious life giving chemical oxygen it also pumps in CO2 in the water giving the PH a really unhealthy acidic affect. That’s just my own experience and every plant is different I like to add the pump but more to keep the water agitated and add O2 but I don’t run it 24/7
Make sure you use food grade air stones, I know that some cheap aquarium air stones use carcinogens in the material they use to make the stones, would not want that in my system. May also alter plant growth.
Air pump = less to no algae.
It’s not the air that produced the algae, it’s the light filtering through the plastic.
Wrap the buckets in double or triple newspaper, lay something on the bucket tops, and your algae problem will be gone.
Will it minimize or not at all occurred the algae growth if the system designed to have a water circulating system !?!
Can i make hole in the side so it can have a aeration?.
How often do you change the Solution in the Kratky System? Do you check PH Daily?
A circulation pump would oxygenate the water better than an air pump. The oxygen exchange happens at the surface of the water when it’s moving.
I would avoid air pump – you are putting a lot of moisture into your room – extra moisture in your room could cause mold on walls etc.
Did you use any nutrient solution before moving them to the small jars?
i thought air pumps give your roots oxygen? is that not the case? i think it also keeps the nutrients mixed up as well.
Ppl must understand the basics and then move to hydro or aero.You cant use any bucket you find in your garage they must be anti uv…you cant just put water and wait that all good..must monitor your ph your ec your temp and humid..thats the basic after that try your things.
You need dark buckets for this. Sorry. Algae locks up nutrients so it’s not a fair comparison
Thank you for the video it helps alot and question; was there a difference in taste between the 2?
black bucket = no light penetration = no light for algae to live off = no plant matter "algae" growing inside the bucket for the air pump to help other than the plant you want growing <3
Using a airpump is good if you want to use a pipe and pump the water through loads of plants in a small space.
Should been from clones of same plant to make fair
As an aquarium keeper I am pretty sure that low oxygen levels is more favorable for algae than high oxygen levels. The higher the DO then less mold and algae can survive. Circulation also plays a part in that too. I have done this same experiment with vastly different results on my channel. The aeration needs to be more powerful. And once the stone becomes encased in a root mass, it looses its effectiveness drastically. The oxygen exchange happens at the surface with the agitation that the rising and popping bubbles create. The large bubbles themselves do not put O2 into the water column by simply being in the water. They need to rise to the surface and cause a lot of agitation. What happens mostly with aeration is the CO2 in the air reacts with carbonates in the water and creates carbonic acid, lowering the PH. The fluctuating PH and CO2 levels in the water is what drives algae growth. Not the oxygen.
Hydroponic lettuce; timelapse (2 months in 9 secs) Kratky method https://youtu.be/7wiJ0FBFNSk
Love the background view of the city! Id love to know which nutrients and lights you use for indoor peppers.. Do you initially PH the nutrient solution?
Were both systems running the same nutrients? If so, the results dont really surprise me. In my experience, air pump allows you to run higher ppm of nutrients. Of course, one will also have to make sure the plants are not limited by other factors, most importantly light.
Great hydro comparison
Why am I one of the few who knows the best thing is to get black buckets and paint the outside of them White the black blocks out the light and the white prevents your bucket over heating they work hand in hand it’s not rocket science but I let u all off if you’re thick or just new
… you used a dinky little air stone! try it with a way bigger pump AND bubbler. typical zoomer refusing to accept that technologies that existed before they were born were effective.
The agae is taking oxygen from the water so the larger root system needs to grow larger to get oxygen. That’s my thought anyway.