Malta becomes first EU nation to legalise cannabis – BBC News

Malta becomes first EU nation to legalise cannabis – BBC News

Malta has become the first EU country to legalise the cultivation and personal use of cannabis.

Adults will be allowed to carry up to seven grams of cannabis, and grow no more than four plants at home.

But smoking it in public or in front of children will be illegal.

Several other nations have similar plans, such as Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland. Countries like the Netherlands tolerate cannabis use in certain circumstances.

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  1. ꧁𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚡꧂ on May 16, 2022 at 4:11 pm


  2. thePLECTRUM on May 16, 2022 at 4:13 pm

    Can I apply living in the UK on maybe special circumstances?? I am mentally and physically ill, I have nerve root damage due to disc prolapse’ in my lower back and it looks like I may be suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder (mentally) Due to major anxiety issues I first tried cannabis when I was 15 and it made me panic and that panic lasted so as my mental health got more tender I learned that alcohol was what I needed to "Man Up" and be molded into another and as I grew older I found the hangovers far yo hard to embrace, to the point I would have to drink more and everyday for at least for days until the anxiety wore off, then when my back started playing up I found myself at the doctors being diagnosed with depression so I started being heavily medicated from prescription drugs Tramadol, Pregabalin, Duluxotine, Sertraline, Mirtazapine and Omeprizal, this led my to stop drinking, cold turkey style, it was tough, but I was in far to much pain to care, over the years I have become more confused and I believe sphychsis maybe setting in and I hade started to realise all the Darkness that has and does happen to me, bur also all of the wrong things I do, which to others. Last summer to help with my Chronic mental pain I started using cannabis as a way to cope (and as a last resort to save my relationship with my wonderful wife to be) the first couple of times I was 15 and panicking until tge cannabis helped me realise another perception, a place where the voices stop, a place when my tense and stressed body starts to actually relaxe, but it’s costly and illegal in the UK, but all those other drugs the NHS prescribe me are extremely costly and deadly, but that’s ok?!!! Why can’t they allow me 1 maybe 2 plants a year so I can use it as a medicine and would cost the NHS hardly anything in comparison, would I qualify??

  3. Alice Queen on May 16, 2022 at 4:14 pm

    Pharmaceutical, oil plastic and even paper companies got jealous of the competition this plant 🪴 brought.

  4. scorpioninpink on May 16, 2022 at 4:14 pm

    Legalize all drugs.

  5. TallDryGlass on May 16, 2022 at 4:15 pm

    Kudos, welcome to the team!

  6. The father of Dragons on May 16, 2022 at 4:18 pm

    But don’t forget the marijuana’s effect on brain and intelligence, two ingredients that we as homosapiens need in today
    s world. IF it is legalized we only have dumb, dull stupid people who are good for nothing.

  7. Recognize Sealand on May 16, 2022 at 4:19 pm

    Good job mata 🇲🇹🇨🇦

  8. Michelangelo Pe on May 16, 2022 at 4:19 pm

    I will tell you how is going to happen. I am a recovering addict and I have discovered the cure to addiction. Addiction is the psychology of a liar, only liars get hooked and only honesty gets freedom. The tragedy of addiction is children who revenge a childhood hurt, or trauma, against their parents. Drugs will be legal when my theory is known. Are you interested?

  9. As-if If-as on May 16, 2022 at 4:19 pm

    Isn’t malta British?

    Why are we waiting?

    Thailand or something legalised it. Its madness.

    They say weed changes the brain of children. But I smoked since age 11 not serous smoking then one bong a day on average. I was wild at school. They expelled me end of yr8 I took a year off school whilst they tried to find me a new school.

    Two schools were willing to accept me and let me be clear I was cheeky lil 💩 I was never violent.

    The teacher would try TRY to make me look a fool in class but end up with me being cocky and the whole class roaring in laughter at the teacher instead until they SCREAMING GET OUT. I had a deak outside head of years office alot. I never did the work. Then I was expelled. Took a year off end yr8 two weeks before summer hols.

    I spent that year delivering Avon for my step mum and handing around the olders on the estate Ide hung with for years by then now they 19-20 not 15-16. I started blazing the same as them by then.

    Then suddenly I’ve got a school whos willing to accept me in my county. I went there and just was not intrested at all. So in private with the head she told me to take my coat off. I refused zipped it all the way up. Buried my lower face into it. Obviously nervous retreated into a shell. She said take it off I said no. That was that I’m not welcome there. Good.

    Then awhile later another school this time its 5-6hrs away and I better be good cos this is it the last one thats willing to take me.

    I’m thinking good. If its as easy as the last one I’ll be back home later blazing with my boys smashing GTA3 again and left alone.

    But no I got to UNDERLEY HALL BOYS school and looked around saw some weird kids some scary looking kids and just chaos tbh kids swearing at teachers no punishment at all. Kids running around the halls with a woman chasing them. Kid having time of his life making gun noises pointing a stick around.

    I looked at my mum like whoaTF IS this place. Who do I have to tell to F/O so we can get out of here.

    Then we went into the court yard and they showed me the motorbikes, go karts and told me there’s cars too.

    Oh. Mayb its not so bad here then eh. Then my mum and social worker said wait here a minute look at those Crossers were going for a ciggy 2min.

    I watched them go through the prison gate it get locked again I watched them go to the car with school staff member and open the boot. Then I saw them pass over a big bag and drive away. There was no meeting today is my first day. I couldn’t believe it.

    You can search that school the building is famous in the North the most grand estate stately home in the North when built. Hogwarts style. The abuses scandals still playing out in courts.

    I was lucky I never saw anything like that. But heard some boys abused each other at night but not me. I learned fast to wake up if anything changed around me. Bed tipping was common and it looked horrible especially with a 1800s radiator next to your bed big huge metal pipes to land on then your bed land on you. I woke up once with 3 lads creeping towards me but they ran before I saw who they was and they know ide have had them PHUCKED.

    I was so lucky I started that school without a clue I had nothing with me. So I made top boy freinds first class. Then lunch by the end of the day I was in with the 3 hardest kids without even trying. I had bleached hair so stood out. Bcos I had no cigs they gave me cigs.

    Another lad started that day and he had tobacco big 50 gram pouch. But he didn’t have it long. Then he was outcast. I was lucky asf I had nothing but witt so climbed to the top day1 with the year 10s too as year 9. The yr11 had just left only 2wks till summer holidays.

    But it was still like prison for kids. Yr5 to yr11 which tripped me out properly. Especially when they’d get on the crosser or drive the cars.

    I smoked hash daily In that place from yr10-11 and my record will show ive never been so good at school. My work improved from yr6 level to top of the class yr 10 level in 6mnth. Especially reading and wrighting.

    The school work was a joke though and once you finish you can play on watecrr. Sega. Nintendo. Pc. First come first serve. I wanted that pc so thrashed the worksheet.

    I do think me snd a freind was potential grooming candidates. Teacher brought us Cigs. Then for activities he’d bring new pc games and take me and another lad to his class to play them. Give us cigs.

    But idk but he did get sacked after leaving vodka on his table and left we saw it we nailed it. My friend was 15st 6ft tho so I doubt it unless I was the target my friend had done it for awhile then brought me in. But that teachers class was the Yr 6 class or yr5 the pennylane boys. Every dorm named after London Street.

    Pall mall I started on then. Carnaby loved that one. Then the Strand the best one. 2 beds per room and 2 rooms had built in kitchens we cooked ourselves plus room 4 pair used our kitchen. The rooms with kitchen were the ticket cos they had fans to smoke out of.

    Me and my best friend there always had backy and hash so bribed kids we wanted to. Controlled others with threats to bribe somebody they scared of. We had it amazing tbh. Thanks to our Foster mums and his brother sending stuff to us.

    Bring a ps1 to school we’ll give you 3 cigs a day if it stays in our room.

    Bong found under our bed. Give dumb kid 3 pipes and handful of backy to claim it as his. He hid it in our room cos we goodie goodies the staff saw us that way. Loved us lads kicking off at female staff we could tell them phuck off now and they would. We wasn’t the biggest or the hardest but we was 2 and fteinds of everyone if sound. So we got chosen every night pretty much for motorbikes only 2 lads per dorm and it was us two from our dorm 4-5 out of 7x.

    We had our moments like any kid but the staff did favourite us. Bcos we was stoned and easy going.

    I’m 35 now and I honestly Google names I remember and often find their mug shots for serious crimes shocking like what he did that no way.

    But the system phucked us all up in some way or other.

  10. Franklin Williquet on May 16, 2022 at 4:21 pm

    Alcohol and tobacco are dangerous you stupid mug cannabis is far greater

  11. MrReynardMULDRAKE on May 16, 2022 at 4:22 pm


  12. Van Dan Escobar on May 16, 2022 at 4:25 pm

    Pastizzi, Kinnie, Blunt’s, Beach & Boobs !!! GAME OVER……………

  13. xxxdieselyyy2 on May 16, 2022 at 4:26 pm

    How many Euros per month does one need to live here simply and toke up ?

  14. saqibali45 on May 16, 2022 at 4:27 pm

    What are the S.O.Ps of injecting in humans around the globe

  15. kai butnor on May 16, 2022 at 4:29 pm

    this is a big step

  16. Kieran Neal on May 16, 2022 at 4:30 pm

    Time for UK

  17. LordNGGamerMT Poppy on May 16, 2022 at 4:33 pm

    The tobacco causing cancer, alcohol liver failure, cannabis heals all disease even all sort of cancers. But the huge companies and businesses don’t want you to know this because otherwise they will lose their business (health business).

  18. Dmitrii Chuprakov on May 16, 2022 at 4:34 pm

    I thought the Netherlands legalized it a long time before

  19. The Watcher on May 16, 2022 at 4:34 pm

    It‘s a healthy good plant If controlled and if you take easy. They will get many Jobs because of this . Progress 🏆

  20. HRH Jayesh Bhagwanji Chitroda on May 16, 2022 at 4:34 pm

    In the past I have bought cannabis from the Indians, Russians, Africans and Qurdish and Iraq got attacked strange analogy and crazy high. I also bought from Bangladeshi people. Coincidences whilst on cannabis. 🤴🏽🕉🔺➕

  21. Fendi Wasp on May 16, 2022 at 4:35 pm

    Only if we had politicians like these who believe in self liberty 🤦

  22. jamesmike326 on May 16, 2022 at 4:36 pm

    I really think malta is moving with the times good show as of a gate way drug I have to disagree as if you like apples your not going to eat oranges

  23. zoutzeder on May 16, 2022 at 4:36 pm

    Just waiting for the uk to do the same. Might take a while tho 🙁

  24. Respect 420 on May 16, 2022 at 4:40 pm

    I am trying to come Malta for student visa

  25. Dm hiddenweeds420 on Instagram on May 16, 2022 at 4:41 pm

    The above name 👆👆helped in getting the best strains… thanks to those who recommended them

  26. Respo on May 16, 2022 at 4:43 pm

    Paul Gascoigne is a piss head and Mike Tyson is a pot head. Argument over. How is alcohol leagal and weed isnt? Legalise it ASAP

  27. Reinhard Heydrich on May 16, 2022 at 4:43 pm

    Wish britain would do the same 😑

  28. Backpackers Compass on May 16, 2022 at 4:46 pm

    And now according to a peer-reviewed scientific paper it has been shown that Cannabis/mahihuana actually has a positive effect on Coronavirus. So Malta is ahead of the trend 😀

  29. GsterfunkGLA82 on May 16, 2022 at 4:46 pm

    Too much sugar is bad for you,people want freedom and making it a crime is a joke,

  30. No2Guy on May 16, 2022 at 4:48 pm

    Legalise in the UK next?

  31. Andrew Williams on May 16, 2022 at 4:48 pm

    Cannabis is harmless until you put it in your lungs

  32. DKING on May 16, 2022 at 4:49 pm

    This is stupid

  33. Dario Jurić on May 16, 2022 at 4:49 pm

    Does anyone here know the price for weed in Malta?

  34. Promoted Firebird on May 16, 2022 at 4:50 pm

    It’s a plant. And the human brain has evolved with a SPECIFIC cannabonid receptor so…time to grow up everyone, and stop being afraid of A PLANT! 🙄

  35. kucho joe on May 16, 2022 at 4:52 pm

    Its better its has been legally because already lot of young people are addicted to drugs I think its better then cocaine. I miss Malta especially the festival season.

  36. RobandDana Duxbury on May 16, 2022 at 4:56 pm

    I thought the Netherlands pot was legal.

  37. The Watcher on May 16, 2022 at 4:57 pm

    Malta congratulations 👍👍👍

  38. corey coulter on May 16, 2022 at 5:00 pm

    Australia next🤞

  39. Carl Red on May 16, 2022 at 5:00 pm

    the amount of times ive come too beat up or in a bush covered in sick or in a+e lost friends or in a police cell because of alcohol…any time ive gone out and got blazed i always make it home unskaved and woke up in the morning fresh and ready to do my daily tasks instead of feeling ill all day not eating and feeling like death, legalise! jesus please and more people will take cannabis over alcohol which ruins you before you even know it.

  40. DreamAdvance888 on May 16, 2022 at 5:00 pm

    WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴WHAT ABOUT PORTUGAL OR NETHERLANDS? 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴

  41. Louise Moss on May 16, 2022 at 5:01 pm

    Cannabis is life 💚

  42. StephenAndrew777 on May 16, 2022 at 5:02 pm

    Right on.

  43. GL0WING HUMAN ♨️ on May 16, 2022 at 5:02 pm

    Wise move beautiful Malta❣️

  44. Se7eN on May 16, 2022 at 5:04 pm

    Bbc is funded by bill gates

  45. ClydeJarrod37UK on May 16, 2022 at 5:04 pm

    I AM HALF MALTESE. I can take or leave the drug. Smoke it or ignore it i care not, Indifferent.

  46. AMERICAN BULLY ITALIA on May 16, 2022 at 5:07 pm

    where are social cannabis in gozo. I have to go there and I would like some help. thank you

  47. jimstormcrow on May 16, 2022 at 5:07 pm

    Very wise

  48. CoolSpot on May 16, 2022 at 5:09 pm

    Look, UK law makers, people capable of critical thoughts. Learn.

  49. Angel Mancia on May 16, 2022 at 5:10 pm

    Guess I’m moving Malta