Advance! Legalizing recreational marijuana in Hawaii
Advance! Legalizing recreational marijuana in Hawaii
From heated outbursts to personal stories, the House debate on SB 3335 to legalize the recreational use of marijuana in Hawaii had it all. The bill ultimately passed the full house vote 25-23, with three legislators excused.
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hawaii will have more homeless bums if they pass this bill… hawaii will be like newyork…. the stink of weed is everywhere it hurts to breathe….
Have weed taxes go back to the native Hawaiian people
Same how u guys can drink on tax payers money
And it continues, pretty soon going be too late to learn from it …

Worse idea ever I’m not against marijuana but to legalize it for recreational use is absolutely wild you think crime is bad now watch it get insanely outta control our gov so fucken corrupt!!!
next the loonies will be using excavation tractors to rip out marijuana vending machines bunch of dopes here
Legalize weed.Make liberlalism illegal.
Let’s gooooo
Thank God I live big island always get choke

You can’t regulate it! What kind of stuff you guys smokin ?
More and more studies on cannabis use show’s damage to the brain.
To legalize it and not make people criminals is not the answer. Just another addicted drug.
America is falling apart.
Let’s legalize GAMBLING at the same time!
We want to be a part of Mega Million and more…
All politicans is getting paid with the brown envelopes, they all have a hand in it, what goes on in front of the cameras is Totally different what goes on behind close doors. Politicans are the biggest crooks organization and the biggest hypocrites.. legislature politicians should legalize fireworks and gambling, Green is Green, money makes the world goes around, money doesn’t discriminate
Cant wait till i retire. I going shmoke out. Yessssah!!!!
420 for the win baby
Weed = Bad
Cannabis = Good
how many lives have been ruined because of DUI, domestic abuse, and all other crimes related to alcohol??
It’s better than alcohol and cigarettes which have no healing properties
Its legal in missouri where i live and none of these old outdated reefer madness issues happened at all lol just a billion more dollars, better roads & the kids are just fine.
This cannabis today is not like the cannabis of old. Please don’t pass this bill.
So tired of the "but the kids…" . FYI the "kids’ are laughing behind your backs. Times have changed drastically. Keep babying these " kids" and see your world crumble more. While your at it, why not raise the age of consent to 21? Blackmail you into oblivion
Wake up
With 1 plant in the front yard the evil that is will rip itself apart
We are fearfully and wonderfully created in the image and likeliness of God, the Father. As Christ, Jesus says to do all in his name I have never felt closer to God (Ke Akua) when partaking in remembrance to his only Begotten Son, Pu (Christ), Iesu (Jesus).
I am that certain and have been brought through everything and more I never would have imagined in Iesu’s Holy name and am currently on a hiatus.
Literally like EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING done in Iesu’s name is pono. I have never been in an unsafe environment when a majority of individuals believe Pu, Iesu is Gods only begotten Son and have had a problem.
Jeesh, I never know so many graduated from D.A.R.E. with honors… I mean most of us meet our fate from sitting on our behinds and the junk we eat, pretty much the worst thing this plant can do to you… If you look back at prohibition, all the dark criminal elements dried up when things became legal and regulated…
Organized crime wants to keep Marijuana illegal for obvious PROFITABLE reasons……. If i was a marijuana profiteer id cheer on those dumb politicians. Lol smfh
I smoke weed but boycott the medical ripoff. I doubt it will pass because of the $32.50 to download the State application, paying a quack $140 to sign off, and the prices/taxes at the dispensary. This gov does not represent me.
We would attract tourists, govt could make money on it, and it’s much better than other drugs and alcohol.
Work on the real important issues you potheads.
Locals are already the laziest people in America, according to BARACK OBAMA’S AUTOBIOGRAPHY.
They don’t represent the people. The majority smoke weed.
Don’t matter either way. People will smoke weed freely regardless. Everywhere u go u can see and smell people smoking weed freely with no fear of being busted.
Maybe they’ll steal the tax revenue for more half brained ideas like Rail.
You have the climate and soil for it
Really bad idea. Hope it never happens again having lived in mainland states where they’ve already gone down this road I can tell you nothing good has come from it … nothing at all. They used the same “stories” about increased tax revenue, etc. it lead to an increase in crime, prostitution, and attracted homeless from other places attracted to legal weed … which led to the increased crime. It’s bad bad bad.
Legalize marijuana to fight the heavy drugs, Heavy drugs is a chemical warfare. Heavy drugs will kill every single living specissues. Marijuana will win and save lives, Heavy drugs are taken over hawaii. For the police department prosecutors, everyone who is against legalizing marijuana. You are supporting the heavy drugs. Because of money and yet you cannot control the heavy drugs.
BS they want the profits
Weed is a cash crop. It makes sense especially for the economy. The younger generation doesn’t drink alcohol as much as the previous generation ls and i believe thats a good thing.
Everyone complains about kids vaping but now weed is cool for kids to get easier access too? You Hawaii lawmakers are pathetic.
Legalize the use of stem cells and peptides.
The local senators that voted against the Bill ALL were told behind closed doors by the pharmaceutical industry that they will fund those senators’ opponents campaign for their reelection, if they voted for the Bill.
That one senator that voted against the Bill and mentioned basically marijuana is a definite gateway to heavier drugs, more than likely believes those that smoke it due to undergoing chemo, are soon to be heroin addicts.
Nice to know that your school bus driver will be transporting your children while stoned. What could go wrong?
Worst thing they can do as it will cost more when the Government regulates, taxes and fees the businesses. Plus these business can not use the Banks because they are Federally regulated and thus deal with cash only which brings crime. People will continue to buy it illegally cause it will be cheaper. California and Colorado are great examples of this. They can make it for medical use only by prescription.
Lawmakers are trying to Lower BAC% for DUI, trying to ban vaping, but they want to legalize smoking all the weed you want!!! Dumb!
It will pass…
This is such an exciting day thing. Shit down expired conservative Japanese. Thank you god. This is a literal plant from the earth that god created for us as a medicine. Do people abuse it?!?! Ofcourse!!! Humans abuse everything and everything!!! Humans abuse cars/driving every day…we gonna make cars illegal?!? No!!! Shut up conservatives… my dad who died of cancer last year….THIS WAS THE ONLY MEDICINE that worked for his pain..: and guess what?! When he couldn’t walk and was in too much pain to get in the car with me..I couldn’t even go pick it up for him without getting myself a “prescription” for a PLANT!!!!!!!! From the earth..that god created… your all mad… teach ypur kids the danger of addiction-no matter what the substance cause addiction is a mind problem not a substance problem…!!!!!!!
I just wanted to say that If you have suicidal thoughts or mental trauma or even if you don’t or just going through a thought time or neither just know that I love you and your loved by many and people and if you think that might not be loved by your family or people you know or just anyone just know they might even love you even more than your think. You have a purpose you are beautiful, kind, just be yourself and go after what you want to do. You are amazing, you got this, and things will get better in your life, you will do great things, and so many people and I are proud of you. Your future is bigger than your past and your past does not define you are awesome and a warrior. Don’t hate yourself simply because of your past, forgive yourself, love yourself no matter what because you deserve the world and the great things in it. I love you Have a wonderful beautiful nice day. Also how are you and your family doing today? Hope you feel better and your family.
Be yourself no matter what you are, have, or what to be you are still amazing and you kind and beautiful always you are the light of the world. Stay safe. 
. Have a beautiful day.
Legalize it and focus on other things like the meth and fentanyl problem.
Shows how corrupt Hawaii is.
Noe if you can pass the prostitution law and get tax money on that. Then there would be no excuse to not make health care available to all of the United States citizens like other countries have. This is insane!

Finance wont approve. Dead Bill.