Air Layering Cannabis!!
I’ve never tried air layering and there’s not many videos on it being done on a cannabis plant but after watching a few videos of people air layering other types of plants I figured I’d give it a shot and this is what I came up with, I’ll be posting another video in the following weeks with the results weather it’s a success or a complete fail. I hope you all enjoy and find this video some what helpful please like and subscribe if you haven’t and if you want to stay updated on the results or all my plants in general follow my grow page on Instagram @charlie_made_cannabis thank you.
was going to follow but marijuana is a adult hobby. Kids dont belong around drugs of any kind that’s not alright regardless of culture of beliefs at that age.
I like that! Is there a follow up video where you take it off and have roots?
Also – if it did work? Did it slow the growth of the overall plant down or just that branch?
I’ve been curious if there is a better way to take clones. Instead of all the crap of another light, space, more energy and reasons for the cops to say I’m over my legal plant limit. Please get back to me I’m seriously very interested in this style of cloning
Popcorn in the background
You shouldn’t be touching the rooting hormone…. you’ll end up growing a 2nd cock out of your forehead
Shit music
It Work?
Little nugs comment