Auxly Cannabis CBWTF A Cannabis Stock To Watch With #1 Market Share
Auxly Cannabis CBWTF A Cannabis Stock To Watch With #1 Market Share
Auxly Cannabis holds a 14% market share for a cannabis 2.0 product in Canada. That is a significant position to hold. Plus, Auxly Cannabis has a distribution deal with Inner Spirit Holdings who will sell their products in their dispensaries. Inner Spirit Holdings will have over 100 stores by the end of the year. Auxly Cannabis will see continued revenue increases over the next several quarters. They just printed a 47% QoQ revenue increase. However, we still do not have enough information to target a price target on the stock. Margins are still low from Auxly’s financials. However, total operating costs have been kept measured for this cannabis stock.
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Can you do a vid on flowr Corp
What do you think about Khiron Life Sciences? I think it’s an interesting angle at a South American play, and I know they’ve been involved in trials in the EU.
Auxly owns 9.9% of spirit leaf outstanding shares.
The agreement was up to 50% shelf space in corporate owned stores FYI.
lol what a joke
one of the worst companies over the years, "no the market is wrong"
What that can’t sell probably goes to oils like Nextleaf Solutions (OILFF) nice if you would cover them.
You should do flowr Corp
based on this information, is this stock going to increase prise ?
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ty for sharing. went in on some of your picks, lets hope it works out!