Best Coco Coir Hydroponics Nutrients for Weed – How To Grow Indoor Cannabis mediums Coco Hydro Soil
Best Coco Coir Hydroponics Nutrients for Weed – How To Grow Indoor Cannabis mediums Coco Hydro Soil for The Latest News on Everything Cannabis Related! Trippy.Tube
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I feel same way about flushing as long as u flush like u said
50/50 coco and perlite and you’re NOT watering every day? Lol
I run straight coco and late in flower they still want to be fed twice a day.
Commercial u dnt get the great sesults outta soil hysro is faster bigger harder nugs
water coco once a week? :)) I do it twice a day, read scientific reports more 🙂 It MUST be moist to 80-100% all the time, at least it needs watering once a day
synthetic isn’t worse than organic. It’s the super hippies like myself who try not to consume chemicals or to drastically reduce the amount of chemicals I consume.
With that said I prefer organic over hydro for edible foods. However, with weed hydro is great as long as there’s a 1-2 week flush. It’s all personal preference at the end of the day.
U can use super soil good results but i want that hydro taste i remember when i was younger wed get that great dro once every couple months n it was just full of flavor