Best Ways To Use Medicinal Cannabis: Beginner's Guide
Best Ways To Use Medicinal Cannabis: Beginner's Guide
Are you new to MMJ and wondering about the different ways to use it? Each method has its pros and cons that you should consider before making a decision, and I’ll explain them all in this video.
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#StrainShow #MMJ #Explainer
Sick editing, great job bro!

Thank you, I know the old ways, I schooled myself with y’all’s help on todays ways and am excited. I received my first new these days bongs come from eBay today and it was broken. Stinks but was able to try the smoke in paper. Ty for your expertise, i cannot get enough information fast enough.
I love edibles, they give me an amazing high, that can last a very long time. It starts with a wave of "oh this is happening" and I’m able to breathe without loads of anxiety, it then subsides to a nice mild high for the lasting duration. That being said, it sadly takes me 1-2 hours before edibles start to kick in, which can be an issue if I need instant relief. I wish they would work in 30 minutes for me
Solid banger video such quality bro

Big differences in effects from cannabis depends on the weed you’re smoking.
Sativa dominant Hazes are known for paranoia and anxiety. Some modern offerings have all but eliminated this side effect.
Communication with your dispensers will help you choose the best products to suit your needs these days is as simple as understanding the weed itself that you’re choosing from
I’m in the uk , if you get a prescription for flower it must be vaped not smoked my doctor told me they can refuse the prescription if they think ur smoking it
It’s a joke
Sadly in Ohio we can’t “take flame” to medical cannabis, not that it stops anyone
Probably no one cares but minor correction at 8:23, 11-hydroxy-D8-THC is shown when he meant to show the typical delta-9 version of 11-hydroxy-THC
Thanks! Having been a stoner since 1976, I couldn’t articulate upon this subject better.
My oldest is about to try it for medicine, and has never smoked before. I recommended that’s where we start, just to get familiar with the effects in a controllable manner. We’ll likely go to.RSO next, as it’s psy effects are similar to smoke, and we have ultimate control over dosage.
with edibles i only ever take one dosage over a 24 hour period bc i’ve greened out one too many times
I wish edibles worked on me. I don’t think I have the proper enzymes to metabolize THC into the bioavailable version.
Always good info matt
Please review the Noids.
I´m glad a family friend gave me two bottles of her cbd painkillers, first pills which aren´t opiodes which actually work for me for pain release. I´m smoking so long and never had pain release by smoking but no wonder, what I´m smoking is pretty much all THC and no CBD, CBD is so low you simply can´t count it as present; for my authism that´s perfect but as painkiller? Nope, not working.
I fill 00 Gel Caps with bud and take it about an hour before bed time. I’m able to sleep through the night and don’t need to get up at 3am to pee! waking a lot and the need to pee is an age-induced problem along with the pain from 6 back operations. I can’t afford the products from the dispensary so I’m growing my own now. Smoking, I was a smoker and came up with COPD . probably shouldn’t have started smoking at 8? The times were different back then. It was the 50s and smoking straights was the norm! Is taking the weed in caps an OK thing to do??
In my experience, edibles can take way longer than 1 hour to kick in. Not always but depending on how it’s made and when you last ate it can take a long time.
was she saying, have your cake and eat it too – all joking aside, this was a really great video – a definite share
Great episode

If you chew a gummy, or similar edible, and then just suck on it till it dissolves, it will hit quicker. It ends up being mostly absorbed in the mouth and throat and not the digestive system.
I have degenerative disc disease and there has been nothing better than edibles to treat it. I had pain down both my legs and alwase dealing with herniated disc taking opioids for over 10 years and now i rarely have pain and no more pain pills … they only takes me about 15 mins and i can feel the affects have a really fast metabolism while some people might take longer and i know several that say they dont do any thing for them i dint even care about the buzz but it helping my back
Instead of the lawmakers restricting the amount of thc in edibles, they should make it law to include some cbd edibles to come with it in case it hits to hard, the cbd could bring down that high enough to avoid a possible tragedy. Years ago I ate too much and took a cbd gummy when the high was becoming to much, the cbd not only brought it down but it felt amazingly body euphoric. I felt as if I was floating on the couch. I used to be a heroin user and I can honestly say 100% that experience was just as pleasurable as any opiod I ever had taken.
It’s not about how long you been smoking cannabis it’s about getting the right cannabis to get multiple hours of high I thought the same thing until I started running this purple kush I’ve been reading for years because of that ability to have multiple hours feeling stoned got the same effect from purple punch as well I had to combine them in an autoflower that only takes 12 weeks from seed and gets me stoned for two to three hours every time I smoke you can’t go wrong and produces resinous buds that press very well
2:44 for those who may not already know vaping bud also means you can reuse your bud as AVB in homemade edibles.
6:41 ive been told that your digestion slows or stops when you sleep so that would explain staying or finally feeling high after having an edible late at night or right before sleep
I had a Da Buddha vaporizer back in the day and an Atmos Pen
I just started working at a dispensery your videos like this help me to help customers who have different needs thank you
Thank you for this video, very useful.
Great video bro. Now please follow up with intermittent level & then advance level methods!!
It’s all about getting the right sardines and cannabis compounds in the strain to prolong the I there are strings out there it’s still have the ability to get you stoned for hours and most people don’t pay attention to the strains or keep them around which is a huge mistake
I smoke the good old facial joint
I have tripped so hard on edibles !
My neighbor has this big giant dab machine thing… I took a fake little puff and ’bout hit the floor. Won’t be having any of that. I’ll just stick to my yard kill.
Can you make a video on what it takes to call the bud medical like pest management p.o water .. what else? Or how can a home grower grow their own medical grade or close to it
Use the wick! Stick to greens! Or purples lol
You didn’t do tinctures
This channel has become my go-to during for all my after work smoke sessions. Always excellent info and entertaining.
Thank you! The dispensaries I’ve gone to have been less than helpful on this topic.
Take one puff and put it out… oh yes and I’ll have one chip thanks you
My dispensary has resin for $6g so I’m not sure where you get concentrates are expensive from
yeah boiiii
Awesome channel,top quality!
Just wanted to highlight an aspect of medical flower you haven’t covered. Irradiated (ganma or beta) vs non-riradiated.
As a UK Medical Cannabis patient I got prescribed both oil and then flower to help deal with nausea/vomiting after chemotherapy. I got prescribed oral oil initially and I had to wait until my neutrophil count (a sign of how good my immune system is working) was sufficiently high enough before I was allowed flower and then only irradiated bud. This is because vaping/smoking is a possible route of infection and this is not what you need when going through chemo. My last chemo cycle finished around 8 weeks ago and my immune system is back on track so have now been allowed access to non-irradiated…
F.e.c.o. is better than rso
The strand show and fast buds are the two most educational marijuana shows on YouTube into the best marijuana shows next to token daily if there’s three guys got together that would be one hell of a video
Ya reckon it could be possible to use a small amount of ground flower in a dish used like an erb? I feel like that could work to gain all the benefits, edible style…
Tincture and butter will be ALL you need
. And it’ll turn your pee green 
My sife and I no longer smoke but I do grow weed. My big question it ingesting the weed straight. Can we stuff it into 00 caps and take it with our evening meds or are we simply wasting our bud? We are looking for pain relief and help sleeping. So far it helps with the sleep but pain, not so much!
I tried bongs, pipes but man oh man I love a good dab.