Bizarre marijuana illness increasing in Colorado
Bizarre marijuana illness increasing in Colorado
A little-known syndrome connected to heavy marijuana use is on the rise in Colorado, according to doctors.
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fucking bullshit
Complete Hysteria Shilling. I just don’t know that he doesn’t have a vague sensitivity. After forty solid years of daily excess with MJ, I would nave to say the guy probably drinks.
I also live in Colorado and work in marijuana stores, and never ever heard of this. And no fucking Colorado doctor can talk about marijuana or the local boards at the hospitals will fire them, and i had a doctor visit a out 3 months ago, and told him Im a medical marijuana patients, and he was silent. They cant talk about it. Much less tell the fucking news its been evaluated as a problem.
get this bull shit out of here. lying mothafuckas. see people its shit like this that makes undecided people not find out for themselves the truth. and you mothafuckas who support these are equaly uneducated. ask yourselves one question. if canninbis is a scedule 1 drug. meaning as long as its on that list no research can be done on the study of this plant. then how is it that all these research facts about the plant being pulled out of thin air. over 5000 years of use this plant has been proven to be the cure for mankinds illnesses. with zero side effects. zero deaths. zero overdoses. zero people. wake up a stop letting these idiots brain wash you. do you own research.
This shit’s real you guys are fucking stupid do your research I was in the ER 10 fucking days vomiting, couldn’t hold water nor food down nothing at all second I’d drink water I’d throw it up, dont abuse weed is all I’m saying
*clicks video looks at like bar and laughs my ass off*
Marijuana users are more likely to engage in degeneracy.
A lot of you people on this page need to do your research about this.and it’s not from pesticides are neem oil.
This is total bullshit 25 year smoker daily or try to i run out at times and feel just fine lol made up crap smoke on lightweight smokers probably have no buisiness smoking
too much water will kill you before too much weed will even hurt you…stfu
Maybe.. Or maybe it’s the shit we’re putting in our pot. GMOs
I used to have that !
Sherlock homes here
To those who say that this is fake news. Just do a search on ‘Marijuana CHS’. You’ll find people talking about their experiences with CHS.
Ooo bullshit. Stop pushing this shit. This is 100% wrong! Been smoking weed for 30 years and eating eatables . Never heard of this shit. Fuck the media for pushing false agendas.
lived in a illegal state all my life, been smoking for years. never once felt sick souly because of smoking weed. pretty sure customgrow420 would be dead by now if any of this was true
Fake News!!!
CHS is bullshit
that first guy said he has a get in the shower and he’s throwing up. he’s on heroin. it ain’t no weed
So it takes 10 years of smoking for this supposed illness to kick in, but weeds been legal 1 year in Colorado. That makes sense.
if you ingest too much of anything you will get sick. drinking too much water in a short period can send you into hyperhidrosis shock and kill.
the problem is the quest for higher THC concentrations to win some sort of growers prestige. the lower amounts with higher CBDs is much more beneficial.
furthermore, smoking anything in any way is damaging to your lungs, cardiovascular system, etc. however, edibles can completely negate these effects and soothe ailments in a more natural way.
the plant is designed to interact with our bodies a certain way, to consume as food or applied on the skin in oil solutions.
wax/dabs also add to the health problems, they claim it’s pure and clean but a very small amount can be an overdose, albeit minor overdose when it compares to other drugs. anything which is extracted by butane or other gases is, due to the chemical reaction, not pure.
never heard of it
It’s called tokin’ til you’re chokin’ or Too much baken’ for the taken.
I smoke joint after joint for 10 years lmao this is bullshit
I get heart burn when I abuse orange juice.
hmm maybe stop putting chemicals in it..
my high blood pressure med, Lisinopril was the real problem! misdiagnosed 6 time’s at hospital, treated like crap because of this misinformation!? If you assume the worst, it’s what you get. l stopped the Lisinopril, switched to a new medication and the simptums are gone

They full of shit
Stop spreading this bullshit, all lies, no scientific proof just speculation.
there lying
*** Heavy Marijuana use making people SICK!
*** Heavy tobacco use making people DIE!
*** Heavy alcohol use making people DIE!
I have been partaking of the plant since mid 1971 and I have never gotten sick from it. I guess I just wasn’t using heavy enough.
What I find funny is this dreaded, unknown illness didn’t show up till Colorado went legal.
Just a strange coincidence? I think not…
Yep peanuts and strawberry’s along with shrimp and crab make people sick. Probably might need to be outlawed
fake news
BTW my dog gets these symptoms after eating cow dung.
Side effect of the munchies? Better munch healthly stuff when the urge hits.
What a fuckin pussy, I’ve been smoking at least 7 grams a day for the past 4 years and I have yet to experience any negative side effects.
u are so full of shit
Marijuana is not for everyone and these people are taking WAY too much at one time. Just like Alcohol, use it in moderation.
bull fucking shit if those people are sick they are being poisoned by someone at a restaurant in their kitchen grocery store or dispensary i was being poisoned by people at taco bell and mcdonalds stopped letting other people have access to my food and it fixed the problem
Do people have better things to do besides sit down and smoke?
Too bad a doctor can not do marijuana research in America or this could be true. I been smoking daily for 20 years, and haven’t had a stage 3 seizure since i was 17. I got epilepsy. But its seriously stopped my seizures for 20 years and counting. I also smoke hash %50-70%. By the way its illegal for Walmart to sell Nyquel in counties where alcohol sales are banned. Can’t sell any products eith alcohol in dry counties, but Walmart, and Wallgreen does.
I love how abortion is legal and drugs are not. Legal to murder your kids, but not to medicate yourself.
OMG! how long will we have to wait for this bullshit news to actually just disappear….
moderation smoderation, I use cannabis to so i don`t go back to heroin or alcohol. anyone who believes this non sense should watch an ad for one of the newest pharmacological wonder drugs. my life is beautiful and productive now that i have gotten clean and used Cannabis to help. This is most likely from over exposure to food grade pesticides that chemically change when burnt. i.e. pyrethrum, wich was only pulled from hydro store shelves in the past year or so in cali. NAUSEA from cannabis? really? i used it to keep food down while kicking. When are they gona do a true story on the evening news about the people with a much higher quality of life now that they can legally use cannabis?
Why did it take you now get this TWO Years to figure that out lying lying lying!
Wonder if this has to do with pesticides rather than the plant.