California Cannabis Businesses Fear State's Legal Industry Could Collapse
California Cannabis Businesses Fear State's Legal Industry Could Collapse
Cannabis companies across California say they are struggling to survive due to high taxes and illegal competition. NBC News’ Gadi Schwartz explains what’s killing their buzz.» Subscribe to NBC News:
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#California #Weed #Business
California Cannabis Businesses Fear State’s Legal Industry Could Collapse
🤣🤣🤣.Poor folks that need the meds can’t afford it and they want me to feel sorry for any of them.How much have you made since the beginning?Cry me a river..🤧
will take on a few Chinese slaves once the economic collapse of pot
U aint gots to lie craig u aint gots to lie
In order to “funt?” 1:39
People don’t wanna support corrupt politicians so they buy underground YAY!
(⬆️⬆️name above)the kush get given me vibes and cloud night is get from ⬆️⬆️ thanks..
ONE LOVE ✌️☮️💚🇬🇧💨
This is an example of how California Over regulates businesses in general. I agree that there should be some standard but it shouldn’t be at the cost where businesses can’t sell the Product and make money. The state of California is good at destroying small businesses.
Dude is a hater 🤣
Well don’t tax it so high
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In Colorado, its common to have growing grounds raided by men with guns. Growers are hesitant to grow pot.
Michigan is bad at 16 percent taxes but 50 percent taxes is outrageous. There’s some shops that are diamonds in the rough but the market got messed up by corporate buyouts. So it’s dirty behind the scenes and about the state capitalizing as much as as possible, but California, like always. Is doing way too much
Brillant !!! Weed N Blues !!! Evil Hydro Fives NONONO
Its crazy cannabis is only allowed if its taxed and regulated , its a weed . Its like taxing grass or daisies
Good. Black and grey markets are better
It should we dont need weed nor alcohol
Lol you guys act like y’all was before the cartels! Now you know how they feel, been knowing they’d have to hustle that weed out the back door. All I know is some offices need that defund treatment
leave it to the government and corperations to ruin a beautiful thing
Let them fail government shouldn’t be in this business.
You got to hit the streets bro
Federal legalization would just be easier on everyone
Pretty soon the ATF will be the ATCF
Uhhh. You sell a product i can grow in my backyard.
cali just needs to be cut off from the USA
Seize all their money under federal law and use it to build the wall
That’s why I stay Black Market 🤙🏽🤙🏽🤙🏽
👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 (name above) I just wanna say I’m Very impressed with your service. Got my cannabis, Absolutely faultless, hope to be doing plenty of future business. Many thanks
Wouldnt know if the business is using the news as a ploy to lower the taxes … pfffft
There should be a class action lawsuit for Mexicans for black people for non white people for muslims and then for smoking cigarettes and cannabis and an alcohol distribution centers Paul distribution centers oto all the California law suits
This country needs to lower the taxes and be easy on rules.
Why are people surprised it’s the US government and they do what the Mexican mafia does called extortion.
this made my jaw drop. making over a million in sales and all you get is 70k out of that? Pure Insanity. Im scared to open any kind of business because taxes, and corporate monopolies destroyed the free market.
Good people need to take there money else where let that state burn
Typical federal government taking our money.
They vote for this
MSNBC, I wish you blurred out that painting, it’s a bit obscene.
That’s really too bad the politicians are unjustly taxing this herb. May God have mercy on my home state and all it’s people, and may He bless them with better laws and regulations for God’s glory, and may He discipline the illegal dealers so that they become wise and righteous, those people who dodge taxes and harm all society through their meanderings and through their mistakes.
All drugs that Big Pharma banned with the DEA need to be legalized and the DEA needs to be dismantled. May it be, oh creator in heaven. Amen
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Hahahahaha this should be funny if your high lmao. Good question is what is California doing with all this tax money? They tax everything but the infrastructure is still bad and they always say is for infrastructure 🤔
How the states can duck everything up… Probably there’s connection with the cartels and politicians. Good to ask questions, who, why, when, what where and finally who benefits when things are going as they do.
You guys got your weed before everyone else, you got it early and you were happy, and now you want the same deal as everyone else..Typical California!
That dude is mad because he has competition sounds like he’s wants to be one of the few to capitalize from legal Marijuana sales forget about healing people its all about the bottom line he sounds really selfish and greedy 🤦♂️
Because y’all choose to do business in cali literally no other state has this issue Washington is making hella money while cali is staying broke.
Well, they are always the first ones to say weed isn’t addictive, so if you think it’s expensive, just stop buying it, if you can 😉
That’s why legalize weed is bad. More money to our government pocket for personal spend instead of put it back to community.
There should only be regular sales tax, no excise taxes.