California cannabis officials recall more than a dozen weed strains statewide
California cannabis officials recall more than a dozen weed strains statewide
The recall is due to concerns over dangerous mold contamination.
California cannabis officials recall more than a dozen weed strains statewide
The recall is due to concerns over dangerous mold contamination.
They already smoked it duh

too late
Some disgusting Greenhouse buds, typical Legal Weed.
Haven’t smoked any tasty bud since like 2013. It all lacks flavor and mangled by machine trimming.
Good stuff, get that bad cannabis out. Good to see officials doing their job.
It is now medically well established that high grade marijuana is destroying the brains
of students in the schools and young adults on the streets and college campuses. The political establishment in Sacramento couldn’t care less about the constituency they represent because they are only interested in themselves and the money
they can grasp in their dirty little hands. The news media should do in depth reports and investigations about the harmful effects of smoking marijuana. Unfortunately the LIBERAL news media is so corrupt that it too does not want to report the truth about brain
destroying marijuana.
Moldy Cannibis just give you a headache that all…
What backwoods dispensary where they at. It all looked like bushwhack
Good work!
Imagine the reaction in dah hood!

Yo dawggg das some baaaahd
There is. Fungus among us!!!!
California is useless when it comes to cannabis
Society remembers slime bag who poison children
The state itself is contaminated. Can we recall the politicians?
Ashley a cutie pie
Recall Newsom instead.
lol give me a break. Btw, to those blindly complaining – Newsom2028
Lol, I used to smoke Reggie aka Mexican brick weed.. them kids will be alright

Don’t care, should still be illegal. Always leaving the laundry detergent on the playground.
what dangerous mold that’s from allowing wet flower not to dry properly
Not a big deal. Get a real job.