Cannabis Clone Acclimation Soil vs High Pressure Aeroponics HPA

Cannabis Clone Acclimation Soil vs High Pressure Aeroponics HPA

Was attempting to clone in AAA ( Air Atomizing Aeroponics ). Mid way through the process one of the hermetic compressors for my Silent Compressor experienced a failure.

During this time I was putting my HPA ( Outdoor High Pressure Aeroponics ) system back online. It was cycling without vegetation but, needed to flush the debris out of the system since, it was offline for a while. I decided to try to save the cuttings and put them back into my HPA Cloner ( Top Feed and Perlite Media ) and see if I would be able to save them OR if the HPA would clog up on me and kill off these cuttings.

They finished out in the HPA Cloner just fine and then I decided to make a run of them the subjects for my chambers and monitor the HPA system for clogging issues. For this grow I’m utilizing several methods along with different configurations just for fun. I figured since all the clones were off the same mother plant and taken off the top why not just see how differently they grow.

In this video 4 days after they were transplanted I noticed the rate of adaptation between these two particular cuttings. I know in the past when I started growing I was looking for direct simple information like this… so, I thought I’d take the time to put out some footage of the difference in the time it takes to acclimate in soil vs hpa.

Now, this is NOT meant to be a test it’s just the simple reality of a timeline. I’m not a soil grower so, I’m certain many of you who specialize can possibly acclimate them better with additives like mycorrhizae amendments or maybe having certain protocols to follow.


  1. Pirate X on August 20, 2022 at 7:19 am

    Keep up the good work buddy cant wait for the complete build and to see a successful harvest 👍❤️

  2. Mandie Garrett on August 20, 2022 at 7:21 am

    Hi, Im sure you don’t remember me but I have been following you on a bunch of your other videos as you were building/tinkering with HPA. I was very interested and still am in growing with HPA but then I decided to step back to the basic and start growing with other simpler method so I can have better understanding of the grow before delving into something like HPA. Anyway, GREAT video as always and keep it coming. I am sure I will be back to pick your brain once I am ready for HPA…lol. Meanwhile, I have been scouring and asking every one about how in the world I can get a hold of some hemp seeds as my hubby and I are interested in having a hemp farm in the future and wants to practice growing them so we can get to know how it grows but don’t want to buy a 50 pound bag or get a license to grow in TX as we are planning to move to other state. If you can guide me to the source of how/where to buy a small amount of hemp seeds OR even let me know why it’s so hard to get hold of some since it’s legalize in most state now. THANK YOU.

  3. Konoplja Zdravi Zaupaj Naravi on August 20, 2022 at 7:30 am

    Hello. I m from Europe and looking for a compresor. What i need to look for… good crop to make?

  4. Yawning Tears on August 20, 2022 at 7:40 am

    Poor soil clone 😉

    How do you drain/recirculate those buckets that go into the ground? Pipes in the grounds?