Cannabis Hydro Grow 2.0 Part 4: 5 Tips for Hydro Growers & Plant Updates! 🌱

Cannabis Hydro Grow 2.0 Part 4: 5 Tips for Hydro Growers & Plant Updates! 🌱

Hey plant peeps! 🤗🥰💚 Today we’re going over 5 tips for a successful hydro grow as well as giving you an update on my plants.


Hydroguard supplies beneficial bacteria that coats the roots and eats harmful pathogens and fungi such as root rot and converts it into nutrients the plant can absorb.

Strong roots helps your plant grow faster and healthier. Hydroguard also helps balance pH, and increases nutrient uptake.

2. Get a decent sized air stone and get a good pump!

Make sure you have decent sized air stones and that your pump has enough pressure. Low oxygen levels can harm your plant.

3. Make sure the PPM and pH is in range ESPECIALLY after adding nutrients.

PPM will tell you if your plants need more or less nutrients. High PPM can lead to nutrient lockout where the plants can’t absorb nutrients and low PPM is a sign that your plants need more nutrients.

Some nutrients can’t be absorbed if the pH isn’t in the correct range and if your plant isn’t taking in nutrients your plant will grow slow or die.

4. Make sure there’s good lighting and airflow!

Good lighting and airflow helps with 🌸 formation and with avoiding 🌸 rot or other molds and fungi. Don’t make the lights too intense though because they will foxtail!

5. Get a humidifier and a dehumidifier.

A humidifier increases humidity which is important for germination and plant growth especially in veg. A dehumidifier lowers humidity which helps avoid 🌸 rot and other diseases.

These are my 5 best tips for beginner hydro growers! Don’t be afraid to jump right in y’all! You learn a lot through your failures and successes.

And now for a quick plant update. The 🌸s are really starting to form on the two aut0s. The ph0t0 is starting to stretch and its first pistil is forming where as the pistils on the autos started forming about 2 weeks ago.

I’ll most likely have to harvest my aut0s late and my ph0t0 early because I have to harvest and dry everything at once since I don’t have an extra tent. Stay tuned for more!!


#hydroponics #newgardener #growyourown #gardening #dwc #hydro

1 Comment

  1. @kevjoned1975 on February 17, 2024 at 6:49 am

    S dot..I was wondering when you gonna come thru ..I know I can get you more subs but you gotta come around.. bless up