CHS is real and dangerous yes…… but the cause is overconsumption….. not the weed
@ankscrispymarzon May 19, 2024 at 9:21 am
Ive been to the ER 5 times cuz of smoking weed and I kept getting worse everytime. I almost went through diabetic shock and was severely dehydrated from excessive vomiting I do believe that regulated cannabis are being sprayed with pesticides and other preservatives now that might be causing some people to get sick, its the body’s natural way of getting rid of toxins that is dangerous. My doctor even told me he’s seen alot of people with the same cases, and even had a patient die cuz he wouldn’t stop smoking weed. Now I’ve quit smoking and don’t ever want to go back to that disgusting habit again!
@beyondlevel7866on May 19, 2024 at 9:21 am
It’s real. Anyone who says it’s not is defending it because they can’t deal with their emotions like an adult and have to be high all the time.
@davidking2470on May 19, 2024 at 9:24 am
(Coughing) BULLSHIT. them kids been smoking pesticide laced carts/ weed
@deepthoughts8393on May 19, 2024 at 9:24 am
I have this. It’s horrible and quitting is easy if your barfing for two days straight and have no strength left to stand in the shower. I don’t give a shit what people say weed isn’t for everyone.
@sk8erade694on May 19, 2024 at 9:25 am
Kinda crappy that the daughter didn’t want her face shown but her mom is in full scale. She wanted her 15 mins of fame at her daughter’s expense I suppose.
@MikeMetalson May 19, 2024 at 9:26 am
When I got this 7 years ago, I stopped smoking W33d,and i’am still dry heaving in the morning everyday day since then,even without smoking buds for 7 years…
@rickymahoney4113on May 19, 2024 at 9:27 am
When does the vomiting stop after you quit ?
@crashburn2938on May 19, 2024 at 9:27 am
This shit is no fucking joke. I haven’t been able to do jack shit but go from the bed to bath back to bed back to bath. Smh. I’ll never touch that shit again. And I was a heavy smoker. Moderation my ass.
@devintodd_on May 19, 2024 at 9:28 am
Chs is very real it’s something I have been dealing with every year since I was 15 it all kid of happens the same whenever I slow down and only smoke in the evenings all is good it’s when I start to smoke in the morning wake up in the middle of the night fuck it smoke a bowl what I relized is you have to be sober more then you are high if you can do that you will fell fine if you are high more then you are sober you will definitely start to develop some problems and if u don’t get chs making you feel sick you will still gain a dependency where you can’t eat you can’t sleep and you feel anxious if you smoke 7 days a week from the moment you wake up problems will occur
@Postulatedstateon May 19, 2024 at 9:29 am
@blahblahbitchizeon May 19, 2024 at 9:31 am
I had this condition for three years. I stopped smoking weed in 2019 and have not touched it since. I have never been so close to death as I was when I had CHS. It is something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Please take this seriously and if you start to feel symptomatic put down the weed. It isn’t worth it. I promise you.
@jcsjcs9777on May 19, 2024 at 9:33 am
Bunch of propaganda, first adults now it’s children? I used cannabis for 35 years and still using and haven’t had any issues.
@tylermiller7830on May 19, 2024 at 9:34 am
It’s hard to be on here with so many idiots thinking it’s from pesticides so many stupid comments.
@tubeofnoob4683on May 19, 2024 at 9:34 am
Only teenagers? No adults? Kids have died? Proof please?
@sataniclivesmatteron May 19, 2024 at 9:37 am
Wow a minor smoking pot and no police involved in this story…hmmm seems like selective accountability if you ask me.
@meeeeeeeeeeeepon May 19, 2024 at 9:37 am
*My sister has had this for years and it’s pure hell! However she refuses to stop smoking bc she’s mentally addicted to weed. She gets so sick & dehydrated that she throws up all day and all night for WEEKS AT A TIME and says it feels like glass is in her stomach but she won’t stop smoking!!! I wish more people knew about this bc it’s not a joke but sadly most medical professionals won’t take it seriously if they suspect you have it bc they look at you like a junkie This happens to chronic smokers and it’s nothing to play with!*
@Q_winson May 19, 2024 at 9:38 am
I mean no offense to a lot of people but a lot of the weed that “everyone” is growing now (a lot of people grow it) the weed is not being taken care of right some people don’t realize that there’s mold in it and that shit makes you sick, some people don’t realize that they gotta put the plant in a place where fresh clean air is flowing, little things ect, I could be wrong but it’s only the beginning of the weed era and if people are going to be growing it and smoking it with people they have come around then we should make sure the weed is being grown right and cured right otherwise the weed isn’t gonna be what it’s supposed to be
@tubeofnoob4683on May 19, 2024 at 9:38 am
Isn’t it weird the mom has the same look in her eyes as chris Pratt?
@carolmarable776on May 19, 2024 at 9:39 am
Madiwana ???! Whatdat ???!!! Speak English please.
@maddiiydaddiiyon May 19, 2024 at 9:41 am
Going through detox? It’s WEEEEDD
@brookekilgore3400on May 19, 2024 at 9:41 am
I have CHS and it’s no joke. The worst I’ve ever felt. And the episodes still don’t stop after you stop smoking.
@jwood6902on May 19, 2024 at 9:42 am
this has got to be bullshit. but if it isnt, just stop with the 420! jesus c.
@OnyxTheJeep1995on May 19, 2024 at 9:43 am
Chs can take years to develop. It took me 3 months. That just tells you how much I was smoking.. all day… everyday…
@Postulatedstateon May 19, 2024 at 9:44 am
It sounds like fake weed or laced. This has never happened before so clearly it’s not the weed it’s something else.
@bo-di5myon May 19, 2024 at 9:46 am
just got diagnosed with this after about 3 years of steady weed use, but using a lot more this past year with carts and concentrates… it’s more than just nausea and vomiting, it’s crippling anxiety and headaches from withdrawals, hunger, and dehydration. i have woken up every morning heart racing and feeling like i’m dying then hanging out by the toilet for hours even though i haven’t had anything in my stomach for days. i’ve been weak and fatigued but worst of all i’ve been so anxious even through the exhaustion… it’s serious and if you think you might have the condition, be honest with your doctor and most importantly stop smoking. you don’t have to quit forever by any means, but you will feel worlds better once you recover.
@ilikecheetos912on May 19, 2024 at 9:48 am
I would go through week long attacks, yes, week long..
What no one mentions is its not just hot showers you need, your back muscles will hurt so bad, you need someone to massage the living hell out of your muscles non stop to control the pain…. Id be going in the shower as long as I can handle the heat, then back out for only 10-15 min with my mom massaging my back, then I wouldn’t be able to take it anymore and go back to the hot shower, imagine going back and forth like this, non stop, without sleep, for a week straight… Neither my mom or I would sleep for 3-4 days at a time, it is hell for both of us…. A few times I contemplated taking my own life just because I could not take it anymore…. The only thing stopping me from taking my life was I didn’t wanna do that to my mother, but if my mom wasn’t there, I most likely would have ended my own life from the pain being so bad…. Yeah… It’s that bad…
@zaydenzion4645on May 19, 2024 at 9:49 am
I had this when I was 16 and it came back in my 20s and 30s there was no known cause just recently Drs told me it was CHS and I stopped smoking and it nvr came bck! I had some Dr tell me to smoke to help with my nausea and appetite not knowing it was the cause and made it worse! I lost so much weight and couldn’t drink or eat… been to ER about 10 times within a year. After getting fluids I cud only eat jello for about a week before I could try light foods it’s the most painful thing to deal with! My friends and people I tell this to don’t believe me and are in denial that it’s cannabis that causes it but it it 100% the reason! As soon as I stopped smoking I never had an episode again!
@laurafay4097on May 19, 2024 at 9:51 am
I was just taken to the hospital via ambulance on Wednesday (4/20). I was a regular smoker, no issues. Blazed up and in a couple hours out of nowhere I fell to the ground convulsing with cold sweat ALL over me, my stomach and sternum was cramping non stop like a bad stomach flu. Went to ER and had to be given 4 different med thru IV. Went to ER at 11pm cam home at 6am. Still rode the bull all the way until like 10am. Felt likeI needed and exorcism, I felt like death was better. Still haven’t ate, been 2 days, food is nasty. Please be safe guys, cannabis is serious just like any mind and body altering drug. Stay safe and be responsible. Been smoking bud on and off for 12 years and it happened to me at 30 years old!
@xoxolaurynwuvsuon May 19, 2024 at 9:52 am
I’m 23 and have been dealing with these symptoms since I was about 16-17. It’s just gotten worse over the years.
@greekphilosophyon May 19, 2024 at 9:53 am
I have this! I love 40/50lbs in 4 months. Thought I was dying.
@wrackion May 19, 2024 at 9:54 am
I’m 17 years old, just today I was taken to urgent care was told about this. All my symptoms matched with it and I had to get a iv to stabilize my fluids. Still feel like crap writing this but I’m scared to loose my weed man
@arielburdette5416on May 19, 2024 at 9:56 am
This is REAL! i thought the doctors were crazy but when i told them hot baths is the only thing too help me she immediately new what it was & i had been hospitalized & couldnt never figure out what exactly it was but sure enough stop smoking and within a week or two start too feel better! Can lead too SEVERE & Deadly dehydration & also make you literally feel like your going crazy in your mind! I’ve struggled with this for 5 years now & it comes back everytime! The only thing that helped me were stimulants such as ocycodone or even xanax. & thats what kept me from going to hospital & the meds helped me stop throwing up & i could eat small & drink sips of water & keep it down! For ANYONE saying this is a joke i pray you never have too experience the agony & pain ive had too endure from doing something ive done since i was 12 years old! Can be deadly if you dont know how too take care of yourself or how too deal with it! Its so hard for me too stop something thats helped me get thru alot of bad things in my life now too only bring me misery! Literally cant sleep or eat or drink or even think in your right mind! Its awful! & from what ive been told it happens when ppl hace smoked it for years! It doesn’t necessarily mean your smoking bad weed its just your cannabanoid receptors could be genetic ive read.
@katherine2674on May 19, 2024 at 9:57 am
i’m dealing with this now and have been for a few years. it is genuinely one of the worst things i’ve ever dealt with but i feel like i can’t stop smoking. i’m literally addicted to weed.
@conordonovan7374on May 19, 2024 at 9:58 am
I had this. It is prob the sickest I ever was.
@lordofgenocidaltendencies4209on May 19, 2024 at 10:00 am
I think I have this I go through about a ounce and 15 carts a month!
@jwood6902on May 19, 2024 at 10:00 am
@groovegnomeon May 19, 2024 at 10:01 am
I had this, was able to get over it without quitting smoking. Lost almost 30 lbs in 6 months.
@Postulatedstateon May 19, 2024 at 10:02 am
no dude. chs isn’t real it’s a reaction to pesticides. I put a thorough blog together on this and show many news clips where pot has been found to be laced with a large number of things. It’s socialist laced pot ( there’s all kinds of legal hemp flower that’s sprayed with synthetic crap now ) and Marijuana is not getting stronger. You can go pull up seed shops on the way back machine and compare the potency to those that we have now and see that the strongest pot in the world has not changed in the last 30 years.
@MultiRen2008on May 19, 2024 at 10:04 am
It’s real. I have it. It SUCKS so bad.
@diegoconchas8354on May 19, 2024 at 10:05 am
Not touching it ever again.
@dannymartinez1557on May 19, 2024 at 10:06 am
I’m 19 and I have this right now, this has been living hell, I’ve had it for 5 days and been vomiting alll day
@ModestNeophyteon May 19, 2024 at 10:07 am
i use a high amount of edibles and im starting to experience this feeling that im going to throw up, but then i sneeze and the nausea goes away. it doesnt sound serious but it is really alarming to feel this and i am actively working on stopping edibles. i’m losing weight and eating a lot less.
@unclemikey2004on May 19, 2024 at 10:07 am
I had it 3 times and it was horrible…
@RaviSingh-xl3oson May 19, 2024 at 10:07 am
CHS is such a evil thing to have only way to beat it is to stop using cannabis & that sucks i love weed but its not worth going to the hospital hoping the dr will give me something that will help me but that can be a hit or miss. I had CHS since 2005 & no Dr told me anything about CHS until 2016…. I finally stopped smoking after a new Dr from Oregon told me about CHS & after 10yrs of monthly hospital visits I was finally hospital free i wish I knew all I had to do was stop smoking but I thought it was helping my nausea but im the 5-10% of chronic cannabis users who end up with this horrible syndrome i say it horrible bcuz I love smoking weed BUT I love being healthy more… I can smoke cannabis but not daily or I will get sick again(trust me I tried & didn’t go a month without getting sick again so I stopped again ) after testing the boundaries I can use cannabis one day a week if I smoke constantly I will get sick again so its not worth it
@WWFSuperstarVirgilon May 19, 2024 at 10:08 am
Someone that doesn’t have this will never understand how bad it is. I’d rather die then have another episode. Only way to stop it is to stop smoking
@acaciahariklia4268on May 19, 2024 at 10:09 am
I’m going through an episode rn
@headlessproductions8908on May 19, 2024 at 10:11 am
wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
@josheubank8986on May 19, 2024 at 10:11 am
I’m not qutting even if it kills me I just don’t care
oh wow thats wild
CHS is real and dangerous yes…… but the cause is overconsumption….. not the weed
Ive been to the ER 5 times cuz of smoking weed and I kept getting worse everytime. I almost went through diabetic shock and was severely dehydrated from excessive vomiting
I do believe that regulated cannabis are being sprayed with pesticides and other preservatives now that might be causing some people to get sick, its the body’s natural way of getting rid of toxins that is dangerous. My doctor even told me he’s seen alot of people with the same cases, and even had a patient die cuz he wouldn’t stop smoking weed. Now I’ve quit smoking and don’t ever want to go back to that disgusting habit again!
It’s real. Anyone who says it’s not is defending it because they can’t deal with their emotions like an adult and have to be high all the time.
(Coughing) BULLSHIT. them kids been smoking pesticide laced carts/ weed
I have this. It’s horrible and quitting is easy if your barfing for two days straight and have no strength left to stand in the shower. I don’t give a shit what people say weed isn’t for everyone.
Kinda crappy that the daughter didn’t want her face shown but her mom is in full scale. She wanted her 15 mins of fame at her daughter’s expense I suppose.
When I got this 7 years ago, I stopped smoking W33d,and i’am still dry heaving in the morning everyday day since then,even without smoking buds for 7 years…
When does the vomiting stop after you quit ?
This shit is no fucking joke. I haven’t been able to do jack shit but go from the bed to bath back to bed back to bath. Smh. I’ll never touch that shit again. And I was a heavy smoker. Moderation my ass.
Chs is very real it’s something I have been dealing with every year since I was 15 it all kid of happens the same whenever I slow down and only smoke in the evenings all is good it’s when I start to smoke in the morning wake up in the middle of the night fuck it smoke a bowl what I relized is you have to be sober more then you are high if you can do that you will fell fine if you are high more then you are sober you will definitely start to develop some problems and if u don’t get chs making you feel sick you will still gain a dependency where you can’t eat you can’t sleep and you feel anxious if you smoke 7 days a week from the moment you wake up problems will occur
I had this condition for three years. I stopped smoking weed in 2019 and have not touched it since. I have never been so close to death as I was when I had CHS. It is something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Please take this seriously and if you start to feel symptomatic put down the weed. It isn’t worth it. I promise you.
Bunch of propaganda, first adults now it’s children? I used cannabis for 35 years and still using and haven’t had any issues.
It’s hard to be on here with so many idiots thinking it’s from pesticides so many stupid comments.
Only teenagers? No adults? Kids have died? Proof please?
Wow a minor smoking pot and no police involved in this story…hmmm seems like selective accountability if you ask me.
*My sister has had this for years and it’s pure hell! However she refuses to stop smoking bc she’s mentally addicted to weed. She gets so sick & dehydrated that she throws up all day and all night for WEEKS AT A TIME and says it feels like glass is in her stomach but she won’t stop smoking!!! I wish more people knew about this bc it’s not a joke but sadly most medical professionals won’t take it seriously if they suspect you have it bc they look at you like a junkie
This happens to chronic smokers and it’s nothing to play with!*
I mean no offense to a lot of people but a lot of the weed that “everyone” is growing now (a lot of people grow it) the weed is not being taken care of right some people don’t realize that there’s mold in it and that shit makes you sick, some people don’t realize that they gotta put the plant in a place where fresh clean air is flowing, little things ect, I could be wrong but it’s only the beginning of the weed era and if people are going to be growing it and smoking it with people they have come around then we should make sure the weed is being grown right and cured right otherwise the weed isn’t gonna be what it’s supposed to be
Isn’t it weird the mom has the same look in her eyes as chris Pratt?
Madiwana ???! Whatdat ???!!! Speak English please.
Going through detox? It’s WEEEEDD
I have CHS and it’s no joke. The worst I’ve ever felt. And the episodes still don’t stop after you stop smoking.
this has got to be bullshit. but if it isnt, just stop with the 420! jesus c.
Chs can take years to develop. It took me 3 months. That just tells you how much I was smoking.. all day… everyday…
It sounds like fake weed or laced. This has never happened before so clearly it’s not the weed it’s something else.
just got diagnosed with this after about 3 years of steady weed use, but using a lot more this past year with carts and concentrates… it’s more than just nausea and vomiting, it’s crippling anxiety and headaches from withdrawals, hunger, and dehydration. i have woken up every morning heart racing and feeling like i’m dying then hanging out by the toilet for hours even though i haven’t had anything in my stomach for days. i’ve been weak and fatigued but worst of all i’ve been so anxious even through the exhaustion… it’s serious and if you think you might have the condition, be honest with your doctor and most importantly stop smoking. you don’t have to quit forever by any means, but you will feel worlds better once you recover.
I would go through week long attacks, yes, week long..
What no one mentions is its not just hot showers you need, your back muscles will hurt so bad, you need someone to massage the living hell out of your muscles non stop to control the pain…. Id be going in the shower as long as I can handle the heat, then back out for only 10-15 min with my mom massaging my back, then I wouldn’t be able to take it anymore and go back to the hot shower, imagine going back and forth like this, non stop, without sleep, for a week straight… Neither my mom or I would sleep for 3-4 days at a time, it is hell for both of us…. A few times I contemplated taking my own life just because I could not take it anymore…. The only thing stopping me from taking my life was I didn’t wanna do that to my mother, but if my mom wasn’t there, I most likely would have ended my own life from the pain being so bad…. Yeah… It’s that bad…
I had this when I was 16 and it came back in my 20s and 30s there was no known cause just recently Drs told me it was CHS and I stopped smoking and it nvr came bck! I had some Dr tell me to smoke to help with my nausea and appetite not knowing it was the cause and made it worse! I lost so much weight and couldn’t drink or eat… been to ER about 10 times within a year. After getting fluids I cud only eat jello for about a week before I could try light foods it’s the most painful thing to deal with! My friends and people I tell this to don’t believe me and are in denial that it’s cannabis that causes it but it it 100% the reason! As soon as I stopped smoking I never had an episode again!
I was just taken to the hospital via ambulance on Wednesday (4/20). I was a regular smoker, no issues. Blazed up and in a couple hours out of nowhere I fell to the ground convulsing with cold sweat ALL over me, my stomach and sternum was cramping non stop like a bad stomach flu. Went to ER and had to be given 4 different med thru IV. Went to ER at 11pm cam home at 6am. Still rode the bull all the way until like 10am. Felt likeI needed and exorcism, I felt like death was better. Still haven’t ate, been 2 days, food is nasty. Please be safe guys, cannabis is serious just like any mind and body altering drug. Stay safe and be responsible. Been smoking bud on and off for 12 years and it happened to me at 30 years old!
I’m 23 and have been dealing with these symptoms since I was about 16-17. It’s just gotten worse over the years.
I have this! I love 40/50lbs in 4 months. Thought I was dying.
I’m 17 years old, just today I was taken to urgent care was told about this. All my symptoms matched with it and I had to get a iv to stabilize my fluids. Still feel like crap writing this but I’m scared to loose my weed man
This is REAL! i thought the doctors were crazy but when i told them hot baths is the only thing too help me she immediately new what it was & i had been hospitalized & couldnt never figure out what exactly it was but sure enough stop smoking and within a week or two start too feel better! Can lead too SEVERE & Deadly dehydration & also make you literally feel like your going crazy in your mind! I’ve struggled with this for 5 years now & it comes back everytime! The only thing that helped me were stimulants such as ocycodone or even xanax. & thats what kept me from going to hospital & the meds helped me stop throwing up & i could eat small & drink sips of water & keep it down! For ANYONE saying this is a joke i pray you never have too experience the agony & pain ive had too endure from doing something ive done since i was 12 years old! Can be deadly if you dont know how too take care of yourself or how too deal with it! Its so hard for me too stop something thats helped me get thru alot of bad things in my life now too only bring me misery! Literally cant sleep or eat or drink or even think in your right mind! Its awful! & from what ive been told it happens when ppl hace smoked it for years! It doesn’t necessarily mean your smoking bad weed its just your cannabanoid receptors could be genetic ive read.
i’m dealing with this now and have been for a few years. it is genuinely one of the worst things i’ve ever dealt with but i feel like i can’t stop smoking. i’m literally addicted to weed.
I had this. It is prob the sickest I ever was.
I think I have this I go through about a ounce and 15 carts a month!
I had this, was able to get over it without quitting smoking. Lost almost 30 lbs in 6 months.
no dude. chs isn’t real it’s a reaction to pesticides. I put a thorough blog together on this and show many news clips where pot has been found to be laced with a large number of things. It’s socialist laced pot ( there’s all kinds of legal hemp flower that’s sprayed with synthetic crap now ) and Marijuana is not getting stronger. You can go pull up seed shops on the way back machine and compare the potency to those that we have now and see that the strongest pot in the world has not changed in the last 30 years.
It’s real. I have it. It SUCKS so bad.
Not touching it ever again.
I’m 19 and I have this right now, this has been living hell, I’ve had it for 5 days and been vomiting alll day
i use a high amount of edibles and im starting to experience this feeling that im going to throw up, but then i sneeze and the nausea goes away. it doesnt sound serious but it is really alarming to feel this and i am actively working on stopping edibles. i’m losing weight and eating a lot less.
I had it 3 times and it was horrible…
CHS is such a evil thing to have
only way to beat it is to stop using cannabis & that sucks i love weed but its not worth going to the hospital hoping the dr will give me something that will help me but that can be a hit or miss. I had CHS since 2005 & no Dr told me anything about CHS until 2016…. I finally stopped smoking after a new Dr from Oregon told me about CHS & after 10yrs of monthly hospital visits I was finally hospital free i wish I knew all I had to do was stop smoking but I thought it was helping my nausea but im the 5-10% of chronic cannabis users who end up with this horrible syndrome
i say it horrible bcuz I love smoking weed BUT I love being healthy more… I can smoke cannabis but not daily or I will get sick again(trust me I tried & didn’t go a month without getting sick again so I stopped again
) after testing the boundaries I can use cannabis one day a week 
if I smoke constantly I will get sick again so its not worth it

Someone that doesn’t have this will never understand how bad it is. I’d rather die then have another episode. Only way to stop it is to stop smoking
I’m going through an episode rn
wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
I’m not qutting even if it kills me I just don’t care