Cannabis Seed to Harvest Full Time-Lapse 4k
Cannabis Seed to Harvest Full Time-Lapse 4k
Most of my content doesn’t get monetized, if you support my channel please subscribe and click the bell notification. If you are looking to create your own #timelapse I have provided a list of all the things I use below. These are my affiliate links and I truly appreciate all the support from the amazing community we have.
Royalty Free Music & Sound Effects
Filmstro Coupon Code: Whatspercolating
Gear Used:
Camera Body: Canon 70D
Camera kit: Canon 70D w/18-55mm
Lens 1:
Lens 2:
Lens 3:
Strobe Light:
Light Box:
Strobe Light Kit:
Sturdy Tripod for Timelapse:
Memory Card for Timelapse:
The making of this time-lapse took far longer then anticipated. Over 500,000+ photos were taken in total and roughly 400,000 were selected for the video. One of the main challenges faced in finishing this video was capturing footage during the plants “sleeping period.” Once this issue was resolved the #bloom phase could be finally documented. I found this extremely important as most #timelapses only record the hours with daylight and miss many crucial moments in the plants sleeping period.
Aside from thousands of photos to sort through, another issue was the use of music in this project. #Royaltyfree music Is hard to come by, especially ones that fit your video style. Thankfully I had access to #Filmstro and #EpidemicSounds which have thousands of royalty free tracks to choose from. Filmstro is giving my viewers 15% off all annual subscriptions, just type in Whatspercolating in the coupon section.
Lastly, huge shoutout to Amrit Sandhu, for #narrating this video and bringing it to life. You can find all his info over at thebritishvoiceartist dotcom. Tell him I sent you!
#garden #indoorplants #indoorgarden #cultivation #bbcearth #natgeo #seeds
I’ve always found videos like these so interesting. I basically grew up watching Planet Earth. To see a video like this about the plant i love so much is amazing!
What light did you use?
Que vídeo dahora…
Very entertaining
Dislike because of ad placement. Start the video with it or end it with the ad. Putting it right in the middle sucks
its even more beautiful that at uncle house :)))))
This is the highest of quality time lapse cannabis plant doco. Brilliant!
Hello all and thank you for watching my video
. What do you want to see next?
Damn, that was awesome! Well done
The narrator sounds like Boomer from the Wojack animations, I would pay money just to hear him say “I need beer in my belly” “Beer is bae”
The BUD!!!
"is ready to be carefully harvested"… then proceeds to handle it like brick weed lul. Insanely beautiful video though man.
I just want to say, holy… fuck….. You all have such a great understanding of how Attenborough’s documentaries are made and what elements to include. This was well beyond any expectations I had for this, so much time and effort went into this.. hats off. Thank you for the great video.
this is amazing to watched stoned
Now this was incredibly enjoyable to watch. Not just to watch it grow up really fast but to know exactly how it grows is awesome.

For the love of cannabis. You’ve earned a thumbs
and a new subscriber.
I wanna smoke
That’s a terrible ending though…
Why was the plant leaves going and then down? Was it the wind or something?
Trichome colour change is a natural part of the growth cycle. It has nothing to do with deciding when to harvest.
12 months that’s a long grow
Wow, great video!
Can you send some seeds 2 hear in Perth WA

The quality of this is incredible! Keep it up!
This is pure informational content fully eligible for monetization.
If it’s not monetized on YT, take it to Rumble.
I miss growing. Indoor rules. Three months to harvest!
this video is just fantastic! Many many thanks and see you soon..
What strain takes a full year till harvest? 8 months is the longest I have seen and indoors it’s usually more like 4 months.
Awesome video, 12 and 12 light cycle would be equal to the autumnal equinox
That was not “carefully” harvested. Soon as he grabbed and squeezed that bud so many tricomes stuck to his glove
potheads get the rope
they got david Attenborough’s stoner cousin for the voice over

Wow what a high quality production. I did not expect this level of quality especially with the voice-over and the music. wow, just wow. Well done.
Absolutely beautiful
nah bro that shit was not ready had at least 2-3 weeks left
fire prediction my man
couldve been better made, narrator sucks hard
That sponsorship interrupting freakin sucks
All that time growing that plant and you sqeeze the crap outta that Bud

stay outta my grow room pffft
Attenborough has a substitute!

This level of production!!!
Amazing! Excellent Job
Wyy was this 12 months? You can do 4 harvests in 12 months with such small plants.
Love the high quality video!! Don’t care much for the knock off David Attenborough narrator to put it mildly
It seriously took you 12 months? Jesus it’s not avocados.
You’d be amazed how fast the Taproot grows over the course of a couple days if it’s not in the soil. I remember doing that napkins and water and forgetting and look like I had bean sprouts