Dealing with Caterpillars in a Hemp Grow
Dealing with Caterpillars in a Hemp Grow
A quick guide on how to control caterpillars in your hemp grows. Like the content? Then check out The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Creating CBD Products From Scratch guide at
BT (Bacillus Thuringiensis):
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Just came across your channel, it’s awesome! I’m looking to get into the Industrial Hemp business, working on my MBA right now so that I can look like I know what I’m doing when I present my ideas to investors
I truly wish videos would clarify that it’s predominantly moths – not butterflies – that lay eggs on cannabis. Most butterflies have very specific host plants that they lay eggs on and I am not aware of a butterfly species that specifically targets cannabis. Not in North America anyway. Open to correction if others have info I don’t. But my wife and I do a lot of work in order to support monarch and swallowtail butterfly populations, neither of which have any interest in my cannabis garden. It’s the damn white cabbage moths you gotta guard against.
Damm catapillars , stoned eating machines , good information
Horrible little shits! Bt does the job alright!
I got a worm problem
. Thanks buddy
I dont really feel well about killing anything, coming from a buddhist background, is there anything that will help keep them away rather than kill? Thanks
Is BT better than sevin?
Where can I buy BT?
Can I use Vinegar and Water for Catapillars
love the video ty
Thankyou so much!
my outdoor plants have been invaded by these bastards
huge buds destroyed.. running out the door for a bottle asap
I’m sure that there are some essential oils or other herbs that they hate that you can spray on the plants that will keep them away like citronella and Eucalyptus
Big up force de France
so why did this plant started to produce THC again?
Monarch and Queen caterpillars only eat milkweed and using pics of them here suggests you should kill them to protect your peppers. Armyworms and fruit worms do love hemp. I grow peppers and hemp but also raise butterflies. Each type of butterfly has a specific host plant for its caterpillars.
I sprayed BT but continued to find 3 more in a week, a few more buds lost. Now i take them and put them in a jar with the bud they ate through, starting up a little caterpillar community.
I bet those catapillars eating the buds were high as f***. Lol

"Babe! The catapillars took over the remote and ate all the Dorritos again!!" "There’s Dorrito dust all over the place!"
Will the BT burn my plants? What’s a good ratio to use? I got kurstaki BT
Man lik 3 weeks away and here they come
Butterflies and Moths are not friends!
Clean buds just like you clean your fruits and veggies.
If you don’t wash buds whether indoor or outdoor, you are gross and lame.
Worms or not, this process will make your buds taste best and give cleaner smoke.
(Bud cleaning process)
This is done if you have worms at day of harvesting. So get a clean bucket, fill with room temp water, add baking soda. Dip your freshly harvested buds, submerse buds under water and hold for a minute, shake buds in water so debris falls out. This causes worms, caterpillars, spiders and other bugs to drown and die. While they are drowning they will attempt to escape but what this does is it makes them ungrasp and let go of your buds and fall off or out of your buds. Also this process removes the poop these bugs leave behind and removes pollen, dirt and other contaminants. Also change out water often. I use 1 clean bucket for each plant. After the process shake buds off water and dry out in sun for a bit.(make sure they are as dry as you can get them. Then dry in rack or screen like normal and cure buds.
To avoid this problem in the beginning. use these in any combination or preferably do it all.
Use BT insecticide and neem oil often,
cover your plants in a mesh style enclosure or wire screen(butterflies and moths cant come in and plant their worms or eggs).
KILL BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS ON SIGHT!!!(shoot them, swat them, murder them) and other flying insects.
Also fake butterfly/moth decoys help keep them away (because they are territorial) this only helps, it doesn’t solve your problem, put them on a stick or hang them on a wire (I make them out of Styrofoam cups.)
Also buying some moth zappers bulbs or lights can help by killing them at night when moths are more active.
Remember ladies and gentlemen, Butterflies are not your friends!
Only bees, preying mantis and ladybugs are human friends.
And last thing, don’t smoke worm poop! or any poop in that matter.
i love growing outdoor and have been doing it since 2007. This info is from experience not fairytales. Goodbye and don’t smoke poop.
Neem oil spray
Will ENDall insect spray work ok on flowering cannabis plants? Thanks
Man, Last year I had a really bad Caterpillar infestation. These Little Devils Do Some Serious Damage! I was so pissed of they ate buds so so fast and the Shit! Omg the shit! It’s like they eat and as there eating destroying your buds there shitting at the same time! The leave a trail of destruction and a trail of shit and also they Multiply fast! You gotta check your plants for eggs constantly cuz once they hatch they start eating right away. I’ve been growing For 11 years outdoors and last year was my first time getting them so I was caught off guard. By the time I figured out how bad it was the damage was done! I’m kinda embarrassed because honestly I never even herd about these things let alone seen or had to deal with them. Like I said 11 years and never ever encountered them. I probably threw away a QP of what was Beautiful BUDS! Dam I was so pissed! So take it from me check for the eggs once a week and if you get them just get the Spray Right Away because these Little Devils Destroy and they Destroy Fast and Hard!
Watched at least 4-5 videos and yours was first to mention you can spray the bud sites

Yea I just found out I have them
Those pesky bugs eating our ganja
Dish soap works against softbodied insects. Eggs too probably.
Will spinosad work the same?
I fucking hate that I have a phobia of them
don’t give af about any other bugs but caterpillars are just… foul to me
Squish them!
I’ve been using BT a couple years now, and I’ve had no problems since. I used to get a lot of those little bastards before. I start spraying as soon as see the butterflies landing around my plants. Usually right when buds start getting big around second half of September and keep spraying every couple days until a week or so before harvest.
They completely destroyed some of my buds, I was pissed this morning. Like who does that shit smh
Is it safe to smoke if you find it in dry bud? The weeds good but I found a bug in my half oz
Im having caterpillar trouble with my veggies thanks for the tip.
What do u think of using BT as a soil drench along with spraying the plant?
Could you use BT as a preventative measure?
Just found a green caterpillar on my plant…also found a green grasshopper looking bug. It moved very fast to avoid me. Will this pest controller get him as well? Also what about flies? How do I control them?
Growing cannabis has made me hate these things. They like to hide in the buds where you can’t see em and eat and shit in there, rotting everything. Just let me grow my medicine in peace man
Are you supposed to bud wash during harvest after using BT?
Wouldn’t a bird eating a caterpillar that ingested BT also be killed though? Safer to use Neem oil as it also prevents mold or fungi.
what kind of caterpillar is that ? 3:15 i want to study up on it (yes i made a comment like this just now but deeted it bc this one looks more accurate)
Thanks man. I found 2 of them LiL hoes yesterday and white mold the day before that. I’m struggling here.

Bacillus Thuringiensis, long story short.
Wrap your plant loosely in plastic, then smoke them out…… A smoker box and old trimmings, but after an hour in smoke and not able to breath and come out of the buds……unwrap your plant then pick me off natural and cheap.
1:59 That must be one happy caterpillar lol, damn
You can kill them spraying with garlic and lemon squeezed in water. FOR SURE.tested and they never appeared again