Deep Water Culture (DWC)

Deep Water Culture (DWC)

I’m new to growing to cannabis in Thailand.

And I have some experience in D W C before.

I’m not very good at soil.

So I was wondering, is it possible to crop steer in D W C manipulating E C?

Since in D W C, you can’t really do dry backs, right?

I love this question because I don’t know the right answer. I like to think about is just how the science breaks it down in relationship to the plant.

So when we’re looking at deep water culture, obviously, we can’t manipulate the E C.

We don’t have a lot of abilities to adjust how much water that plant has access to, you know, in something like Aeroponics, we could change our misting frequency or duration to try and, and fluctuate the plant’s response to water a little bit.

But in deep water culture absolutely isn’t easy in substrates like coco and rockwool osmotic differentials, you know, increasing or decreasing the osmotic potential between the plant and its nutrient supplying source, whether that be straight vert water or the substrate does make an effect.

So, but give it a shot


  1. @edprybylko on April 4, 2024 at 8:36 am

    great highlight right here. thank you all at Aroya for the videos. i dig listening to them while i work

  2. @Dmoney-hz8qk on April 4, 2024 at 9:03 am

    You dont need to steer in the sense of ec or ppm, but u can adjust the environment accordingly. The advantage to dwc is a oxygen rich substrate and nutrients immediately available. The plants dont have to work to get the nutes they need, their roots are submerged in food and water, they can take what they need when they need it.