Delta 9 THC shines light on pot law loophole
Delta 9 THC shines light on pot law loophole
Products containing delta 9 THC are hitting store shelves thanks to a legal loophole that dictates how much high-inducing THC a product may contain without being subject to medical cannabis regulations.
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Where is that store located
These news feeds are cringe worthy every drug known to man including alcohol has killed millions Marijuana has killed no one why is Marijuana still illegal blows my mind.
Legalize it in all 50 states and quit trying to stop people from utilizing a gift from our creator!
nearly all legal cannabis candies sold in Washington state are legal federally for the same reason these gummies are legal
too bad its not a loophole
How about we do nothing, since it’s not really creating a problem. You have to be 21 to buy anything from a shop that sells it anyway. Imagine if a whole industry and market are allowed to flourish from this loophole!
Their characterization right off the bat is wrong. They are not taking THC and putting it in gummies, but just in smaller amounts. It is a completely different compound. Faux news is crushing it as usual.
This is just plain stupid I went to go buy a pack of CBD gummy’s and now I can’t find them because all the stores are filled with the delta-8 and delta-9 and that stuff has a lot of side effects of impairment and can actually make anxiety worse instead of better while the CBD doesn’t have any side effects
just legalize it alcohol is way worse we are grown ups not children
Wouldn’t need a legal loophole/chemical gymnastics to get these products to people if the Pharmaceutical and Tabacco companies didn’t create a several decade long drug war based off of profits, promoted by racism involving Mexicans. God this country is so effed up. There are zero reasons you can give me as an adult who has consumed alcohol and marijuana, that will justify marijuana’s prohibition, while alcohol is in every single store and gas station I walk into. Anyone who still defends prohibition of weed does so under a heavy fog of brain washing and I can’t wait till these boomers are out the door and no longer have control of legislature that should have been changed decades ago. All things in moderation, from a consenting adult. No, I am a degenerate criminal for enjoying the only drug the has ever made my confused ADHD addled brain feel ok. Prohibition doesn’t work. It never has. Legalize it 🙂
So Luke claims that kids will get a hold of these products and that’s why we should ban them. By that logic I guess we should ban alcohol as well.
I came here for a bit of knowledge describing the diff between delta 8 and delta 9, but got a horrible flight wing sludgepit
Guys don’t think that just because they are legal they are less powerful because you really need to only take half of one of these gummies DO NOT TAKE A FULL ONE unless you are used to smoking 10 joints a day cuz these things are powerful im telling you half a gummy will do, if you don’t feel it after 45 min then u might could take the other half but these are seriously strong. Just fair warning to everyone. I’m actually all for legalizing it but these definitely need better warning labels on how strong they are
They want to keep talking about kids getting it. While kids are out there doing fentanyl provided by the government!!!
Kids are already getting the illegal stuff, fake carts and sprayed weed, it’s better to legalize so everybody can consume Lab-tested stuff.
Anything under 10% Delta 9, CBD, Delta 8, and THC-A are all trash. Oh and also kratom.
those are sprayed. He don’t make them…
Go off grid and have a real life.
You have to admire, however, how much more we’ve learned with: Delta-8, Delta-10, THC-O, THC-P, THC-V, HHC, HHC-O, HHC-P, and all the CBD variations… in depth due to the loophole!
Its bizzare af how marijuana is illegal…. but they can do this just because some flip flops laws, and tbh… I’m still not understanding how can you get d9 out of hemp derived and keep it under the 0.3 that is in hemp, and get high, all due to some "dry weight"…. we need to stop letting the government MAKE UP obstacles to legitimize the government, because all these variations of thc-somethings is starting to serve no point in keeping d9 illegal
The loophole was put in place by the federal government
If you think otherwise, read the farm bill.
Josh looks like he been enjoying them gummies himself a bit there lol
Lol, trust me these kids know what they are getting into
These news reports act like this is legal meth being sold at every grocery store. And the reporter said 18😂
Thank you for doing this video. Let’s not stigmatize it further than what it has been for about 100 years. 20mg of delta 8 per serving, does not equate to 20mg or 20% THC. Every legal product of cbd or delta 8 has to be less than 0.3%, based out of the 2018 H3mp farm boll. Just because ibuprofen is regulated, it does not mean it’s tested for solvents ? Do Wine manufacturers test for pesticides? 2021 we had more than 100,000 Opioid related deaths. Regulation is good, transparency is good, studies are needed. But what can be more harmful, a plant or pharmaceuticals with a bunch of side effects, let the people decide.
Every party I went to when I was a pre teen they had booze but no weed and you guys are trying to ban hemp lol wow thats crazy
Products are labeld.
Just legalize and regulate pot you stoopid nazis.
If they BAN these products at this point, then they’ve essentially ALLOWED Americans to become ADDICTED to an ADDICTIVE SUBSTANCE (they’re the one’s saying it’s addictive, not me) and then SNATCHING IT AWAY from them COLD TURKEY. Why would the fed govt allow Americans to become addicted to something via LEGAL MARKETS and then forceably take it away? Seems unfair, and unhealthy actually. Seems like a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Yay loophole in marijuana laws that’s not hurting anybody let’s report on that former vice president Joe Biden’s an alleged criminal that’s brought the United States to the precipice of Destruction in less than 15 months let’s not report on that!!!!!
That guys laugh🤣
The economy would do so much better if they would just legalize it already I mean everybody already uses it everybody wants it just legalize it make the economy great again
I’m not against medical marijuana for people with chronic or terminal diseases. But for recreational use it’s all bad. I know because I used to work in this industry. Both legally & illegally.
Report on something that actually matter. Y’all know mf well all you doing is spreading the knowledge of it.
Leaglize 2024
Luke Nefarious what a party pooper
They dumb and don’t know what they talking bout
Totally ridiculous that they think these gummies get you High. I’ve eaten these gummies and there’s no High to them just relaxation. I’ve been smoking weed for about 48 years now. This report proves that Journalist and Politicians are uninformed or simply spreading LIES! WHAT HAPPENED TO TRUTH AND HONESTY in JOURNALISM. Fact Checking??? Politicians and Journalists are spreading more lies than truth these days.
Did He say: “It basically is a meth problem”?
Always finding a loop hole they say. Hell, it took over 50 yrs! So, I really wish these idiots would just STFU!
You know we’re mostly teens watching right Karen ?
Products like these are the result of prohibition. Just legalize weed.
Alcohol kills many more people than weed does, just legalize it. Probably be less crime on the streets.
You are responsible for your own health and your kids health.. Its not the governments job to make sure you are healthy. These laws have nothing to do with "protecting children".
If you are not allowed to determine what goes into your body and you have to have permission from gov, you dont own yourself. You are owned. Property of the state. You are a child to your parent politicians.
didn’t know Jonah hill would be running his own shop!
The fact people are still acting as if marijuana should be illegal is baffling. Do better jobs as parents and you won’t have to worry about your kids hiding things from you.