Does Marijuana Cause Strokes and Heart Attacks?
Does Marijuana Cause Strokes and Heart Attacks?
Health effects of marijuana. The temporary quintupling of heart attack risk associated with cannabis smoking may be due to the increased heartrate, blood pressure, and carbon monoxide levels.
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I have a slew of other videos on cannabis if you’re interested. Check out:
• The Institute of Medicine Report on the Health Effects of Marijuana(
• Researching the Health Effects of Marijuana (
• Is Marijuana Addictive?) (
• Does Marijuana Cause Health Problems? (
• Does Marijuana Cause Permanent Brain Damage in Teens? (
• Does Marijuana Cause Permanent Brain Damage in Adults? (
• Will Cannabis Turn Into Big Tobacco? (
• Marijuana Legalization and the Opioid Epidemic (
• Effects of Smoking Marijuana on the Lungs (
• Smoking Marijuana vs. Using a Cannabis Vaporizer (
• Does Marijuana Cause Lung Cancer? (
• Can Cannabis Cure Cancer? (
• Are Cannabis Edibles Safe? (
• Pesticides in Marijuana (
• The Effects of Marijuana on Fertility & Pregnancy (
• Does Marijuana Cause Schizophrenia? (
• Effects of Marijuana on Weight Gain and Bone Density (
• The Effects of Marijuana on Car Accidents (
I first released these videos in a webinar last year, and you can find them all in a digital download here (
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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM
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I’m going through this
Except it never happend to me or 1000’s of musicians. And Artists. In over 50 yrs.
Willie Nelson and Snoop Dog must be immortals…….
If you buying from clonic of course. Swisher tobacco give me anxiety. But if i smoke from a bong i don’t get anxiety
If pot hinders blood vessels how come we get strongest 🍆 when smoking
May cause you to stroke it 💦
I’ve smoked for 20 years. Recently quit cause of all the weird symptoms I was getting. I don’t think it’s an issue if you only smoke sometimes. But, all day smoking seems to cause some issues. I started feeling like I was going to have seizure or stroke. You can 100% feel the blood pressure rise and hypertension start. Believe what you want kids…
Two heart operations and minor stroke currently no medications Stop smoking in 20 twenties Why risk it period
If you smoke organic there isn’t any problem
I’ve been chalking up my discomfort with THC to anxiety caused chest pain / palpitations…..finally, accurate research leads me to truth.
Not to mention CHS. I never knew anything like this existed until I was told I had this at the hospital
I love this channel!
Is this the same for edible cannabis daily use for pain?
However, I do remove plant foods by vacuum purging in water… And remove plant particles by extraction of the hash oil to remove the couphy plant particles, and dab screens with bud underneath the screens to absorb any hash oil that drips through the screen and allows full burning for a full toke that would otherwise be lost, due to the problem of hash oil dripping through the screen, sticking to the side of my pipe, instead of gifting me up with euphoric delight of every moment of the day 🙂
4 mins in and thus far all of the data discussed is based on a Marijuana cigarette (aka a joint). So smoking 2-3 nice sized blunts daily will clearly have an increased effect. Whether a functional smoker or not!
So those of us who are/were functional addicts weren’t able to tell our doctors we smoked weed depending on the types of jobs we worked. No matter how bad our rapid pulse, irregular heart beats, and/or arrhythmia were.
I know our medical information is generally protected PPI under US HIPPA laws, yet it can leak and even legally be reported to places such as other doctor offices and life/medical insurance companies.
Just WOW 😳🤔🧐
Oh yes…
Cannabis in combination with lots of carbs and sugar will do it!
The same as ‘Don’t blame the butter for what the bread did’
The mere thought of inhaling anything is repulsive
What about vaping cannabis flower in a dry herb vaporizer? Are there less negatives since you are not inhaling the tar as with smoking?
Bliss, fun, euphoria, n a special appreciation for life, sporting my smile 😉
It’s true , I have a stroke almost every time I smoke cannabis ,
Eeeeh aaaahh waaaa eeeaaaa
CBG will lower BP! Guaranteed 😊
Seems there are different cannabis users in studies than there are in reality.
Do edibles change these equations?
First of all, any study that says the words "non synthetic marijuana" loses all credibility before it even begins. At least Dr. G saw that bizarre statement, yet went on to take the study seriously anyway? That’s already proof they don’t know what they’re talking about. How vegans rife with their own ideology wound up the ones falling into this hole I’ll never know. Alright vegans, time for you to weigh in here in these comments before you put me to sleep with the boredom of your ignorance: What do you use to catch a buzz?
It’s not worth the risk still smoking ❤❤
Are they factoring in the munchies on this study
Its going to be a new stigma how this stereotype that people becoming stoners are getting heart attacks and strokes. This scare tactic pseudoscience will prevent medical Cannabis to progress.
Weed is an oil that is not water soluble, dawn or detergent won’t affect thc, terpins etc… Alcohol or hotter solvents will cut it though. I think that this quality of thc probably would contribute to its adverse effect on the circulatory system. Still better than booze, but that analogy is like saying a broken arm is better than a broken leg😅
Everything in moderation also smoking in general cause dehydration which also cause heart palpations and strokes
So in short, drink water, work out, eat healthy, dont be lazy and smoke only on weekends not everyday so that your heart can pump out blood and your lungs can breathe in air.
Careful use of marijuana, with lower THC and equal CBD, reduced my heart rhythm problems. Eventually they stopped and the ongoing consumption of such weed never provokes the arrhythmia.
Sativa can make your BP go up. indica doesn’t.
Ive Been a heavy pot smoker for 30 years and one thing Ive never heard anyone talk about is after a big hit of really good pot has made me fall over and I even lost my vision for 10 seconds. I know when it’s coming on and I’ll drop to my knees so I don’t fall. It’s like standing up too fast after laying down for a full day.I know other people that this happens to also
what about medical cannabis? i usually mix my thc with cbd so it evens out..
No it improved my heart condition, my memory, sleep like baby many things very good for me as long I don’t mix with any pharmaceutical drugs. That may interfere that you aren’t aware of. No heart pain anymore for 9 years. Best choice I made.
It’s bad guys. It causes me to have over active bladder bad! I been on edibles for 4 years every days. I have to get off it with cbd
Is there a difference in Eating and not smoking long term?
I’m pretty sure i had a stroke or heart attack last night from vaping a cart. Terrible situation all alone in my basement. I rode it out and have had palpitations all day today. This is not the first time either. I am completely done with thc in any form because this video is 100 percent true.
Have you heard of the dark side of sex? It kills!
I think theyrw putting something in the weed
What about oils and tinctures
Bull. Since the 60’s I’ve NEVER heard of anything close to that.
Quit it. I know revenue is down. You may have to find a real job.
its all becouse of co2 from smoke
my heart beat per minute was around 160 when i smoke yesterday. im freaking done with it lol..weed is just not for me
All of my marijuana videos can be found on the playlist:
There is no proof…oropaganda! Prove it! LOL LOL
Since carbon monoxide is a major component of the alleged harm, choosing to vaporize cannabis will eliminate that and various other harms of smoke. This would be an excellent avenue to research.
Been smoking since I was 12 one thing today’s pot is over 20 thc sometimes 30 back in day u lucky if u get 10 percent… In moderation no problem daily use it’s just too strong although I never experienced no heart issues just weight loose