Emerald Cup, Santa Rosa, California. The premiere cannabis event.

Emerald Cup, Santa Rosa, California. The premiere cannabis event.

The 2020 Emerald will sadly not take place this year, due to the pandemic, but check their website to enter or follow this year’s online contest.

Meet the cannabis vendors of the fifteenth edition of The Emerald Cup and check out their quality flower and rosin products. The 2019 event delivered all we expected – hundreds of options to purchase fine California marijuana, alongside workshops and music.

The Emerald Cup is Northern California’s premier cannabis destination, known for its emphasis on sustainability and outdoor farming. Cannabis education and entertainment at its finest.

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The Smokers Guide to Amsterdam
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All music used with permission and with thanks to the artists:

Music: Outro by Robert Rigby – http://reverbnation.com/robertrigby

The Smokers Guide book is a map-based, full color guide filled with handy tips, super discount coupons, reviews, rolling tippies and much more. It explains the legal situation in Amsterdam, and provides you with all the best info when traveling to Amsterdam. It also deals with how marijuana works, and how to select the best smoke for you! The Smokers Guide believes in high quality. It represents only good businesses that offer high quality products to their customers. The Smokers Guide has been making product reviews for many years now, testing the strains of marijuana (a.k.a. weed, cannabis, herb, buds) and hash currently available on the Amsterdam market. Check our channel for videos from Canadian, Nevada and Jamaican dispensaries!