Germany legalizes smoking of cannabis at home and in public | DW News
Germany legalizes smoking of cannabis at home and in public | DW News
German lawmakers have voted to legalize cannabis for private consumption. The new legislation allows the limited legal availability of cannabis, but with numerous rules, regulations and restrictions. The government says the main goal of the bill is to crack down on the black market and drugs-related crime. But the move faced considerable opposition from medical associations, the judiciary and opposition politicians.
0:00 Germany legalizes cannabis for private consumption
2:40 Thomas Sparrow, DW Correspondent
5:43 Kristine Lütke, FDP Party Drug policy spokesperson
8:40 Bernt Werse, Goethe University Center for Drug Research
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#cannabis #germany #laws
Personally i dont do weed but i drink when with the gang.
How will they enforce the 25 gram law? Will they carry around some scales??

If alcohol and cigarettes are legal,then weed should be too.
Less insanity in the world the better.
People will do what they do legal or otherwise.
Now the rest of europe!
If you can drink at 14, getting baked at 18 seems reasonable
Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It’s quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.
I’m so jealous lol.. Israel is still behind.
What an absurd in a place where it is such needed and is already known as a pioneer in cannabis research and pharmacology that helped worldwide… I hope that soon
Don’t allow them to make the same mistake america did by 1. High taxes on cannnabis 2. Ban on Banking. 3. Not violently going after illegal farms. 4. Not having a cap on How many people can make a commercial farm by limiting the number of farms and by adding at least a three year wait time for anyone who is not from your state or in germany’s situation their "country" before they can start a farm. Meaning, anyone who exists outside who is trying to finance, act as a source of finance, or make a farm happen in any way must wait three years. Which means you can’t live in France or in Oregon’s situation, lets say Texas, and then stay living in texas while you have someone else who has already lived in Oregon start a farm for you as an employee or partner. Seriously, severely limit trying to cover every loophole you can to prevent outside people from having any possible chance of starting farms in your country and limit the total number of liscenses for farms and producers.
Don’t over tax, don’t over populate, do not over regulate. Otherwise, your cannabis industry like the one here in oregon will be flooded, over taxed, hostile to anyone new, non profitable, and all of that together of also not going after illegal growers stealing tens of millions of gallons of water during a drought and hiding millions of tons of illegal cannabis in warehouses will run rampant and the illegal trade of it will do nothing to stop crime involving it. In fact, it will make things so much worst. FFS, I can’t even FIND a farm to work at. The closest thing I have is a place that only hires people for harvest work during October only.
Remember, alcohol is legal too…
now you need heavy regulation
By growing it at home stoners will learn the skills 5he nation could use if a food shortage occurs. If you have the knowledge and skill to grow weed you’ll have no problem growing food. This would be useful whenever the need arises.
so these health agencies are concerned what will happen "after" legalizing it but didnt care about it before?
i mean people were smoking and will keep on smoking pot legal or not
i think its a win that people can grow their own weed and not buy turkish grown with deadly chemicals inside it..
Opposition does not like this law cause they now lost monopol
and their drug sales will go down, poor poor politicians ,,,,
Praise The Lord! Big Pharma’s grip on our lawmakers is loosening!
Still, this law is a bit pathetic and dishonest. They will have to change it, this cannot go on forever, it is corruption in the eyes of God. Cannabis is an awesome and blessed supplement.
How soft drugs is illegal but alcohol isn’t is just beyond me. Same with sugar, how corporations globally are even allowed to make people addicted to mant health issues is insane.
System > CorRect > Understanding > Acceptance > Part of the way >
next oktoberfest will be a smoke festival…
beer indusrtry will definetly sabotage this law…
It’s easily implemented . And with limits for possession on the streets . Easy to Police too . If they even bother .
Cigarettes and alcohol. End of debate
Meanwhile in Italy we are still in dark ages
Im from the uk. Trying to learn from DUTCH producers the art of hard dance music. These guys seem very able to do this and I don’t see many people from the uk succeeding like the dutch do. My point is . They say cannabis damages the brain. Well the dutch, who are pot smokers don’t seem to be that dumb lol. As I said very able to do amazing things. Have u been to the Netherlands. A very kl country. Lets take some advice from the crazy dutch. Where would we be without them.
Austria should follow. Here only cbd is allowed.
Soon hospitals will be filled with people with mental disfunctions, placing a bigger burden on your health system for others who really need it. Glad i no longer live there.
any politician that argues the health consequences of weed, while booze is legal, is just being a politician.
What I am missing: Why is the model of Portugal never mentioned?
In Portugal consumption of drugs (and a limited amount of possession) is allowed but drugs stay illegal. They emphasize helping the addicts and don’t want the victims to be criminalized. This would still decriminalize users (as the German law now does) but would make a stronger statement about Cannabis not being supported by the Country.
Thats not all. The legalized it for political friends, but the other side still say no. The will lost the driver lincens work and so on if the smoke, the politicals are complete menthaly ill
The German downfall continues. Does another country need real skilled workers? There are enough Germans who are fed up with it
Never mind about "solving problems"…how about the civil right to choose to smoke cannabis, as long as I’m not bothering anyone else.
Legal or not i will smoke
I thought the Germans were smart
Many don’t have air conditioners. When their neighbors smoke it will be too hot during the summer to close the windows!!
Is Canada named after cannabis ?

this is a huge mistake, the consequences will be catastrophic!
Such a good news

WAAAAAAN, WAAAAAN wird das ott legal
I don’t care about that law, if ppl like to consume weed, they are pleased to do so. But I have my doubts with the age, since the brain is fully developed till mid 20, so able to consume weed with the age of 18 is a bit to soon
I smoked cannabis 30 years ago & glad that time is behind me. I could say alot more Negative things about making it legal; alot. And Negative social effect about smoking in public.
I feel concern for Germany & sad for them; there youth especially. Most Germans will look back on this in the future as a bad decision.
Legalizing cannabis will only make Germany weaker in many ways.
It should be completely legal, together with opium and psychedelic mushrooms and plant drugs, all over the world.
Distribution to minors should be socially unacceptable, but not punished except for fines of approximately a months salary!
Good Job, Germany,,will be helping those with health issues especially pain releaf,, england should follow like many others,, peace
I know more people who ruined their lives with cannabis than I know people who ruined their lives with alcohol – and I’m German.
The thing is it’s super hard to drink alcohol on a level that it affects your life negatively. Nobody likes to drink daily, because you get a hangover. Also while you’re drunk (and before you become a "functioning alcoholic") you pretty can’t do anything, but most of us have at least something going on in our lives so it’s not happening.
Weed on the other hand can be consumed daily. Maybe not before work, but for sure after, even if you’ve got something to do. If you consume daily (which as I said is pretty easy to do) you’ll ruin your life for sure. You don’t care about anything anymore, you lose all your drive to do stuff. You’ll lose your job, your friends and your girlfriend. That’s something no "statistic about the danger of drugs" will tell you, because it doesn’t kill or harm you directly – but at least people know when you shoot heroine that it’s your death sentence. When people use weed they still act like it’s just something safe, something fun. Not really a drug.
Germany has officially fallen.
i think that listening to politics regurarily damages the brain, however its a nice change from the usual bs. well done germany! pushing the decrim or legalisation!
Wie hier alle denken, dass Alkohol dadurch jetzt verschwindet…herrlich
Will Germany have 2 parks – smoking and nonsmoking? Or, will parents and children have to deal with it?
„Germany‘s largest opposition party“ *shows CDU* yeah sure thing öffis