Growing Cannabis with an Aquaponics System

Growing Cannabis with an Aquaponics System

In Canada it is now legal to grow up to 4 cannabis plants for personal use. We recommend using an aquaponics system to grow cannabis. It is not only possible… it’s a desirable way to grow cannabis. Aquaponics has a huge advantage of hydroponics, in that aquaponics is a closed loop system.

The fish in your system produce ammonia, benneficial bacteria in the system breaks down the ammonia to nitrites and then into nitrates that the plants can use. The plants use up the nitrates which effectively purifies the water, which is then cycled back into the fish tank. Aquaponics does not produce the toxic waste water that is a big problem with hydroponics.

You not only grow your cannabis plants, but you are also growing a healthy protein food source.

To learn more about aquaponics take our online Introduction to Aquaponcs course, available at