Growing Marijuana UnderWater in an Aquarium (ULTIMATE HYDROPONICS) in Colorado
Growing Marijuana UnderWater in an Aquarium (ULTIMATE HYDROPONICS) in Colorado
The Ultimate in Hydroponics growing Marijuana completely underwater. It is possible with the proper fertilizer and proper water conditions. As the plant grows it gets so tall it comes out the top of the aquarium where it buds.
If I could give your whole channel a dislike, I would…
you lied to us in your first scentence, be clear and do diagrams if you cangt show noone wants to look at your shit gardening outside that makes us have less faith along with the thumbnail; of an aquarium of shomeone who actually has one!!!!
Let’s see your setup… Show us some tanks where this has worked for you.
Wow, so cool. You know what else would be cool? If you stuck your tongue into a blender while it’s on.
Nice shed.
Wot a cock
Lies. Cannabis is NOT AN AQUATIC PLANT. It is impossible to grow it under water. You are lemon.
well that sucks cuz I’m growing in my fish tank I want to see a picture I threw a clone in my fishtank with a betta and catfish roots are taking off
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Dude i thought you were gonna show me clickbait
Dumb ass video
Stupid video
Stupid fucking video
A rather interesting spoof video to say the least.
His talking out his ass bruh..
Submerge the seed root down inside of a fish’s mouth 😎
Grow up
All u ungrateful people complaining about the shed instead of obsorbing the unique info he just gave
If you haven’t I’d like to know more even if it’s in an email i need a way to say oh that’s fake or prentend like it’s something else when it starts to flower (even tho a idiot could smell it a mile away i could blame it on my sack🤣🤣🤣) and i think this might be a decent way I’m not looking to harvest much just clone and some seeds so i can continue it’s genetics till I’m in a place where there’s no anyoying ppl
@antwan nix : You are some next level Troll. Genius!!. You suckered me into watching the whole video…….with no sound. 😉
Anyway, I am saving this because I’ve thought of doing this for years and clearly the information is all in the audio, people, so stop being haters.
Waste of my time
He didn’t show us because he has nothing to show
Fo king eediat
Thank you and smart not to show anyone trust me they will take your profits happened Everytime I had to show it anyhow I’m wondering if a large 3ft deep pond could be a good one to try I think I’m going to let my friend know about this so he can listen to you and try.
Honestly? I hope all your future grows mold, and get infested by mites, for making this shit-fuck video.
U fucking suck
You didn’t show us anything, you told us.
Shout out i’m in Colorado and i’m doing this lol hellllllla
aye man wtf is this ??????
U didnt show shit
Fuck your fake video!
NICE SHEDS! NEVER seen sheds like those
Great channel I’m learning now thanks
I didnt watch shit bro i heard
word has it is that he is still filming the shed
Can we see an example please. That sounds tight!
Show something.
Def would’ve at least want to see u know what your taking about no one can rob the product thru the fone I mean I’m sure it would be a new common crime if possible but filming a shed won’t get anyone robbed I would think lol just saying
Fuck this guy.
So when you say you wont be able to show us most… you meant any…? You should have just showed clips of strange animals being friends!