Growing Outdoors During Winter!
Growing Outdoors During Winter!
Cannabis Experts
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Can grow in winter if you don’t have real winter got it.
As a first time we would grow our plants inside and plant in our green house in June..
I thought same thing about this but if keep it in door it’s b easier but outside be harder on the weed WOW
That’s to much work lol
We can do it here in Buffalo NY… we just need a complete greenhouse with a full heating system, light deprivation system, and a bunch of supplemental lighting! Easy right?
lmao so basically when youre in a place where winter is not real winter like north africa or maybe north argentina or southern tip of brazil
Fax bro yall really make quality faded vids

Show us some winter grown flower pls
Liquid seaweed will help plants in cooler areas
Topping off the soil with straws should help maintain the temperature and humidity of the soil and roots.
So, in a nutshell, move them indoors.