Guide to Temperature & Humidity In The Garden + Cannabis Grow Update
Guide to Temperature & Humidity In The Garden + Cannabis Grow Update
Today we get back into the indoor the garden where we’ve got some dank ladies on week 7 of flower – also I cover Temperature, Humidity, and airflow in the garden along with an introduction to VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit)
Thanks for watching, enjoy!
(Had to reupload for sound correction!)
theres even graphs! this goes to show that stoners could be scientists…
Liked it just for the back flip
5:00 if u wanna skip the look at his awesome plants. I appreciate the full content, thx.
What instrumental are you using
here is the chart if anybody wants it as a guide.
U silly for that intro
Late to the party, but I think you read the VPD chart wrong. Each color of the chart is associated with a different stage of the plant, with the dark orange being the danger zone for any stage. It’s at the top of the chart. Take a like for the criticism. Good luck!
Doooope ass intro song broooooo
this guys hi af
Can’t hear ya bro
Excellent useful information
I’m trying to learn about Mantis Buffered Nutrients and was wondering if you heard of it yet, it’s new?
Thanks for the temp/humidity chart, much appreciated. Great channel too, Instant subscription 👍🏼
0:16 :When i find out the bag seeds i planted were females :>
Are you on the spectrum?
Well done video man thanks
Regular seeds are better then feminized…. Can’t prove me wrong
Thumbs down for cringe intro, annoying voice and very generic fan info. Nothing of real informative value here. Shitty video
shidd I like the intro!
Nice video. Why when you low temperature and humidity in late flowering, it produces more trichomes? Is that proved by science?
I love your grow and infò.
Yo good vid, great content mad UPS on your buds and room. But pls get the 1.5 understanding dialed and spit it to us. Thx fam
Love the intro rap ❤️🤷🏽♀️
Sounds like Dirk Diggler!🤣
Look at this Graph! LoL
Your mag deficiant, purple stems.
Can I get the chart for us f
what light are you using for this grow?
why one for the intake? i mean, for privacy? i mean if the blower blows 300CFM, it will have to bring in 300CFM by bottoms widows. i don’t think you need two blower fans. maybe if you stuggle with temps.what you take out, will go in. Maybe if you don’t ahve enough intake …..
Dope video growmie.. 💯💯💯💯
Don’t ever In your life try to sing over a classic bone thugs beat. I was not prepared for the lyrical disaster and flow that my ears were going to experience. 🤫
what you think about enzyme? should i put them? I got good equipement good enviroment etc. just want to know if it really does something.
Intro cringe af
🆔️🔞&👍your plants look great,,nerd growing is lame..I grow without co2,ventilation and my shit is fire.i dont worry about humidity&never spray plants with water..20 yrs same fertilizer. Could my shit be better I am sure it could be.what blows my mind is my closet cannabis is better than store bought cannabis.cause I show love to my recreational cannabis is for profit.
Can’t hear ya bro
Whats the hottest temp to run at is 29 degrees c to hot ?
The intro go hard af lmao!
thanks for those charts didn’t even know they existed . really awsome can you share them in pdf so i can print them?
Good video!
you’re not suposed to get mold if ventilented properly even with high hum and cold. But since the air is denser, you have more chance to because the cooler the air, the less palce for humidity it got.
The warmer the air is, the more place you have for humidity, so the higher youy have to put it for minimizing transfer beetween plant and air. simple has that.
it’s called
enthalpy that’s why in cold days outside(-20C) you have water or frost into you widow for exemple and not a -10
Lmao bro its the music for me
Link to that bombass temp & humidity chart?
this is like heating a inside pool, 55% hum with only 1degree of dif beetween water and air, minimizing heat and hum exange from water to air.
Yo that chart is so nice thanks.
Wouldn’t it be easier to open a vent at the bottom?