Harvesting 10,000 lbs. of Cannabis at C4 Farm
Harvesting 10,000 lbs. of Cannabis at C4 Farm
In this episode we will be harvesting sun grown marijuana with C4 Farm a tier 3 I-502 grow operation, as they hurry to buck, and wet trim 10,000 pounds of marijuana. As harvest season comes to an end producers and processors like C4 Farm hurry to harvest the rest of their cannabis before rains come in and cause mold to outdoor crops. We have interviews with Shannon Howard C4 Farm’s (owner) and longtime grower, as he explains his operation, and some methods to his growing. We also interview some of his staff to see how their holding up with the fast pace of an operation this size.
Wet trim and removing flowers wet????? Shame on you guys
Охуеть!! Заебумба
Can I please just have a poundd
Can I get a job I’ll travel for season no
2:18. Enough said.
Gas, Carts, Edibles, Glocks Shrooms, Prerolls, Lean pint.Discount offered on bulk purchase
Fwm Instagram
@winny farm
125 pound a day! Gooderrer one
Wet trim for extractors but what bout saving the terps n smell nbthe flower i would love some great outdoor high grade i havent had anything good out door ever
Anytime I’ll travel with just a call 📞 haha almost on call waiting g hope you can use some good help I have 15 year grow experience hope to help
Should see new Zealand buds best shit I’ve smoked indoor my favorite
Love the video def subbing!
Damn! i was complaining trimming my plants is taking me so long…. that’s insane
Isn’t it better to whole plant hang and then trim? Not cut it into little buds and then dry those?
Lol the biggest thing he learned was that he has a clone supplier? Maybe he should keep a mother or two
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Excuse me did you just say "there’s more mold in there"???
These growers are fucking dirtballs. Cutting out the molded bud and leaving all the rest of the nasty tainted bud. Scumbags are only concerned with profit.
Did he say there’s alot more mold in this one? Wtf
Only 10k pounds? Weak.
What a dream job…. ahhh all the weeds in the world you could sleep in the weed fields and even have sex with cannabis plants
I would like to have a job there.
How many plants is that you think?
These assholes mix moldy buds with their shit and sell it to you for the same price, THESE PEOPLE ARE BAD GROWERS.
that’s at least one dollar…
10000 lb per light nice
That chicks a commie bitch!
Anyone with grnuine advanced knoledge on cannabis genetics advice me on strains that are ables to withstand very hot datime temps and low humidity somethibg that was bred in texas perhaps????
Forget about raiding area51 lol
do you guys really earn anything good of harvesting?
Any local cali growers looking forward to doing some business?
anyone notice at 3.11 that big ass dead plant on the right proper brown and mouldy yuk nasty, I should imagine a lot of this is mouldy tbh how cramed in it is
Just curious, how would you handle a spider mite problem or any issue like that??
Everyone that smokes should grow or at least try.
lets be real, its interesting to watch, but who would buy and use this product from this source!!!
I wish this shit was legal where I was
god I would love to work up there, looking at that area there working in is my kinda enviorment, this desert where I live in…….not cutting it for me, lemme know if you have any trim jobs open up there
Well if the title is true then they could make 3mil easy selling fo 3000 perlb
I love the weed
Hit up http://massrootsonlinedispensary.com/ for high quality buds
Cool video guys. So many people make videos but don’t know how to shoot pot videos!
Can you guys send a sample to review and try
Damn 400lbs a day?! That’s like $1,000,000 every day
How would I be able to talk with you without everybody seeing my message I have some things I do I keep as a secret from others so I don’t give away my techniques and was wondering if I could share with you and ask you for a few tips on what is a better method or if it’s something that maybe can help you and your yeild
happy workers ☘️☘️
thats 5 tons of weed……..
Can I borrow a branch or two??? Please🙏