Have Canadian cannabis users increased their usage during the pandemic?
Have Canadian cannabis users increased their usage during the pandemic?
It’s no secret many Canadians increased their alcohol consumption during the lockdowns brought about by COVID-19…but what about cannabis?
More than half of cannabis users in Canada say they increased the amount they consumed during the first wave of COVID-19, according to a new study.
In findings released by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), 52 per cent of existing cannabis users reported an increase in their consumption during the first wave of the pandemic.
Alexia Kapralos looks at why users are consuming more, and why the latest cannabis trends are concerning for some health professionals.
For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/7693366/canadian-cannabis-users-increased-habit-coronavirus-pandemic
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#COVID19 #Cannabis #Canada #GlobalNews
People coping during a pandemic with a harmless substance with benefits well suited to our current situation is great news. Certainly better than an increase in alcohol
Smoking cannabis damage to blood vessel in lungs this is viruse of lungs
It’s better than a chill pill

weed for the mainstream masses to keep you nice and controlled
exactly what they want, you won’t have any brain cells left.
I know I do and it’s not just because of the pandemic.
The number of crises that have been happening around the world have resulted in perpetual triggering – The People of Colour who’ve been killed by cops, electoral fraud in Eastern Europe, "sexual misconduct" EVERYWHERE, millions of minks being gassed to death painfully, Hong Kong, Thailand, Myanmar, a young woman killed by a cop in England and the misogyny on the youtube comments about the protests…I’m vaping right now
Rather have a bottle in front of me then a frontal lobotomy. And getting stoned is a lot more fun and far more heathy then getting drunk.
Virus Killer!!!
Yes and a concurrent increase in crime, highway traffic collisions and deaths and illnesses. Way to go.
gateway drug =future crack heads of america
Alcohol sales are up also – which just means the government get even more taxes…… a bit of weed is probably better for you – help you sleep – stay calm etc…
Cannabis made me based- lil b
Im not any smoke than i stoned before
Why india is great

Thanks tips. Stress & terrify everyone, make them lose jobs & businesses, make some lose hope & leave all the booze & weed stores open…
Guess what happens….
Who else high asf rn
Not gonna lie, before the pandemic I would smoke an ounce every couple months. Lockdown increased my consumption 10 folds, smoking an ounce a week.
cannabis and the cannabis plant family are, have been and will be with mankind always.
praise THE LORD.
The only positive Trudeau made was legalize weed. Im stoned 24/7.
Did Rose Kennedy have a black dress?? Duhhhuhh
Who did the indepth investigation on this? I bet he was high AF
Suicide rates have sky rocketed- should be the main thing we’re focusing on here
Risking lives to save lives…
Of course.
Cocaine’s a helluva drug.
cancer rates go up soon
If your paying $40 to the government for 3 grams, your not being taxed enough.
Weed doesn’t hit anymore man i need my backpage wh*res again
Cannabis got me through the pandemic
Don’t smoke weed.
Vaping weed is better, much better.
They should be pleased ppl r using a healthy substance over a dangerous one. Use nature regardless if there’s a high & you have a way better chance to live long. Some people want you to think its bad because they do & because they think all highs r unhealthy. And some think its bad cus they domt make $ from it.
They already increased usage as much as possible since 2018 when it became legal; there wasn’t much higher usage could go from there, even with the pandemic. ¬_¬ Every square-inch of the country smells like pot now.
Brain fog is linked to magnesium deficiency.. magnesium glycinate to be specific.. heals muscle cramps and insomnia as well. Not saying CBD doesn’t work.. just saying what the link is of what "natural vitamin/mineral" is deficient in a brain linked issue.
Im 48 years old and. I didn’t go crazy whit weed. I smoke once or twice a week
No kidding! What was your first clue??? When will you start employing people with brains!
well..every car that drives by stinks like weed.. wha do you think!
During the pandemic and even before, people are spending hard-earned wages (and lack thereof) on cannibas when they should be paying bills, putting food on the table for their families, heating their home and paying off debt!!!!! That ev*l snake in Ottawa (justin) is laughing all the way to the bank for his evil plan to legalize marijuana just so he can scam people for their money!! Instead of making the lives of Canadians better (as a REAL PM should), he is determined to make every one destitute!! This ev*l snake has no business being in the Prime Minister’s Office!! (BTW….i don’t smoke-its a 100% waste of money)
That’s way gov made it legal people spend their cerb on pot and booze..
Trudeau was counting on that
Canada is the local pot dealer now so they should know.
Its fucken bad ok lol
listing being ontarian as a cause for smoking more weed hahaha
Only because the quality has gone down.
Grow your own stone.
Global news is utter garbage
Because big pharma kills. Marijuana heals
"Do people who smoke weed, smoke even more weed now that everything is closed and they cant go anywhere?"
The medical community rallied for legalization, yet remain expected to have a lot of money for that that they never had. Interesting.