Hawaii PD conduct state’s first-ever cannabis impaired driving Green Lab
Hawaii PD conduct state’s first-ever cannabis impaired driving Green Lab
As the state has been debating whether to legalize cannabis or not over the last few years, one Hawaii island Sergeant noticed that states that legalized marijuana, also saw an increase in traffic crashes.
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Nobody is getting high and crashing. lol
"Cannabis is 114 times safer than drinking alcohol"
"Cannabis may be even safer than previously thought, researchers say"
"Cannabis may be even safer than previously thought, researchers say New study: We should stop fighting Cannabis legalization and focus on alcohol and tobacco instead By Christopher Ingraham February 23
Compared with other recreational drugs — including alcohol — Cannabis may be even safer than previously thought. And researchers may be systematically underestimating risks associated with alcohol use.
Those are the top-line findings of recent research published in the journal Scientific Reports, a subsidiary of Nature. Researchers sought to quantify the risk of death associated with the use of a variety of commonly used substances. They found that at the level of individual use, alcohol was the deadliest substance, followed by heroin and cocaine."
-Washington Post
"The report discovered that Cannabis is 114 times less deadly than alcohol. Researchers were able to determine this by comparing the lethal doses with the amount of typical use. Through this approach, Cannabis had the lowest mortality risk to users out of all the drugs they studied. In fact—because the numbers were crossed with typical daily use—Cannabis is the only drug that tested as "low risk."
Be careful visiting Hawaii is still a pirate child rape state I made 18 police reports on police child rape it is a cover up
What a waste of money and time
People been smoking in Hawaii like it was legal forever. I doubt Marijuana alone can be attributed to all these car collisions. Seems like just another excuse to extort more money for the state. If it’s left to officer discretion people will be getting DUI’s unjustly and people that actually deserve DUI’s will be let go because they know the officer. WE ALL KNOW OFF DUTY POLICE ALWAYS DRIVE DRUNK AND ARE NEVER ARRESTED. NOT TO MENTION ALL THE COPS THAT DO COKE. HAWAII LAW ENFORCEMENT ARE THE MOST CORRUPT COPS EVER.
Announce a statewide vote. Every resident is free to show up and make their wish known on legalization. If it passes, then that’s the new law, if not then things stay as they are. So sick of this nanny state we live in. If people are free to buy a gallon of liquor, how is buying cannabis any different.
How to arrest people for non impairment with arbitrary bogus science.
Should focus more on the crack heads and meth users who actually causing mayhem…
Noone has died from a lil pot.
Legalizing Cannabis will not create a massive influx of marijuana impaired drivers on our roads. It will not create an influx of professionals (doctors, pilots, bus drivers, etc..) under the influence on the job either. This is a prohibitionist propaganda scare tactic. Truth: Responsible drivers don’t drive while impaired on any substance period! Irresponsible drivers are already on our roads, and they will drive while impaired regardless of their drug of choice’s legality.
Therefore, legalizing cannabis will have little impact on the amount of marijuana impaired drivers on our roads.
The same thing applies to people being under the influence of cannabis on the job.
Responsible people do not go to work impaired, period. Regardless of their drug of choice’s legality.
Pakalolo in trouble…
Must be summer! The termites are coming out of the woodwork!!!!!
Let’s face it. our biggest problem is our own legislature. They want to legalize cannabis. They want to drop bails. They want to increase citations instead of arresting people. This is an election year. Use your vote to get these politicians who are putting the general public more at risk than criminals!
It’s about Revenue. If they use anything other than saliva tests that are approved by the DOT, then they’re just out for your money.
Legalize cannabis federally now. What’s legal to possess and consume in over half of the populated areas of The United States should not make you a criminal in states still being governed by woefully ignorant prohibitionist politicians. Cannabis consumers in all states deserve and demand equal rights and protections under our laws that are currently afforded to the drinkers of far more dangerous and deadly, yet perfectly legal, widely accepted, endlessly advertised and even glorified as an All-American pastime, alcohol. Plain and simple! Legalize Nationwide Federally Now!
Thank you for this Mr. Koyanagi excellent points like if you can handle then after a “legal limit” you are not necessarily impaired
They should focus on other things then A plant that helps ppl,so dumb
Sad for the accident victims, but glad to see caring officers that want to understand herb to keep us safer on the road.
if this turns out to not be the cause of the fatal accidents, i hope that authorities are responsible enough to find what is the actual cause …otherwise people are going to continue to die.
Prohibition and Reefer Madness are only pushed and believed by a very small, lunatic-fringe minority of irrational mental midgets on a never ending little personal moral-crusade and witch-hunt against relatively benign cannabis and it’s consumers. The rest of us sane, rational, normal Americans just laugh our butts off at and mock utterly desperate lying prohibitionists and their rediculious Reefer-Madness-Rhetoric as the comedy show they truly are!
These "reports" are bogus. – "Marijuana involved" does NOT equal "marijuana caused." — This is a trick first devised by Colorado narcotics police who were fighting against that state’s legalization. This is what happens. – An unfortunate, NON-impaired marijuana consumer gets crashed into by a drunk, texting or other bad driver. – Everyone in all the cars gets tested, even the passengers. If just one person tests positive, or if they find a small amount of marijuana in one of the cars… Shazaam! – You have a "marijuana involved" accident. – Which gives you a mountain of bogus statistics conveying the idea of impairment and crashes where none exist.
Whatever, bully-boy.
‘And laughter, too.’-can’t even make this shit up! Now, I’m laughing!! Oh, yeah, that’s right, I live in Denver.
ok but how many people in the state smoke cannabis? what kind of testing is this
Legalize it
This is crazy Alcohol kills people
Idk I see so much people driving at least 30mph above the speed limit.
Contrary to what prohibitionists are so desperately trying to get the public to believe wholeheartedly and without question, legalizing cannabis IS NOT adding anything new into our society that wasn’t always there and widely available already. Therefore cannabis legalization does not lead to some massive influx of new cannabis consumers. The very same people who have been consuming cannabis during it’s prohibition are for the most part the very same ones who will be consuming cannabis when it’s legal.
The prohibition of cannabis has never prevented cannabis’s widespread availability nor anyone from consuming cannabis that truly desires to do so.
Cannabis has been ingrained within our society since the days of our founding fathers and part of human culture since biblical times, for thousands of years.
So, since cannabis has always been with us and humans already have thousands upon thousands of years worth of experience with cannabis, what great calamities and "Doomsday Scenarios" do prohibitionists really think will happen now due to current legalization efforts that have never ever happened before in all human history?
Legalize Nationwide Federally Now!
Stupid real smokers can fool you
I tink it’s da cannabis mixed with alcohol…then droned. Drunk n stoned. Forreal
Cannabis is not alcohol. The preponderance of the research shows cannabis consumption is NOT a significant cause of auto accidents. — In 2015, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), found that while drunken driving dramatically increased the risk of getting into an accident, there was no evidence that using cannabis heightened that risk. – Various recent studies confirm this.
Put it on the ballot and let the people decide.
I’m more afraid of drunk drivers then I am of pot smokers!
I bet the other 60% of accidents was elderly over 80 years old pilled out from Pharma but keep ignoring that part
They’re going to step all over the constitution with this
Cannabis is doing a great job attracting more craziness to the island.
What has actually occurred in states that have legalized cannabis is that law enforcement agencies statewide immediately and vigorously began a new policy of testing more drivers than they ever did before legalization occurred for residual trace amounts of THC. Which remain detectable in a driver’s system for up to months after consuming cannabis.
This obviously in no way proves actual impairment at the time a driver is pulled over. So for instance, the police get to the scene of a roadside accident with a fatality. The driver at fault, is let’s say for example three times over the legal alcohol BAC limit, but the police also insist on a test for cannabis. Although bear in mind, with a BAC three times over the legal limit for booze and with all the obvious tell-tale signs of impairment, it’s plain for all to immediately see, and know, that alcohol was the drug responsible for this tragedy….
Residual trace amounts of THC are detected in the driver’s system after the police conclude their very specific and intentional policy driven test for those residual trace amounts of THC. A month prior to being pulled over, the driver consumed a little cannabis socially with friends…
Obviously, the joint or two from a month ago had nothing to do with this fatal and tragic accident, but the booze the driver drank at the bar before he got into his car that very same night most certainly did.
Law enforcement now marks off this accident as another cannabis "INVOLVED" fatality in order to bolster their bogus statistics.
Prohibitionists always use terms like "INVOLVED" , "RELATED" or "LINKED" when they tout these horrific sounding statistics and claims. Because they can’t ever prove cannabis impairment alone to be the actual "CAUSE".
In states that have now legalized cannabis, when you get into an accident whether at fault or not at fault even, pulled over for speeding or for anything at all, law enforcement policy will automatically also require that the police administer that very same test for residual trace amounts of THC from up to months prior to being pulled over. Which again, in no way proves impairment whatsoever and then the results are added on as just another one of their bogus cannabis "INVOLVED/RELATED"/LINKED" statistics.
This is nothing more than merely another prohibitionist scare tactic. The goal being to frighten and alarm the public back into the strict prohibition of cannabis.
Well guess what? The public isn’t buying it and everyone sees the deceit by ever more desperate prohibitionist zealots. Hell-bent on keeping cannabis illegal. So, the public is already well aware that when such claims are made about cannabis "INVOLVED/RELATED/LINKED" deaths, they are flat out lies!
Nobody is so gullible as to believe these utterly nonsense prohibitionist claims of massive amounts of new cannabis impaired drivers.
Now, I challenge all anti-cannabis prohibitionist types publicly yet again:
Please provide us proof of just one single roadway fatality proven one hundred percent to have been "CAUSED" (Not "INVOLVED/ Not "RELATED"/Not "LINKED") by cannabis impairment and only cannabis impairment, alone.
The public is waiting for prohibitionists to provide indisputable proof of just one such death "CAUSED" directly and solely by cannabis impairment, alone. Just one. (Not even the massive influx prohibitionists claim. Just one.)
We’ll wait….and wait…and wait….While we all know they simply can’t. Because it’s all just propaganda, lies, and scare-tactics.
How will HPD prove when a user last used? It stays in their system for a long time.
I’m definitely passing this test
Unbelievable Alcohol and weed are nothing alike and should be treated accordingly period tyrants
This clip claims that 40% of people involved in deadly auto accidents have cannabis in their system. I assume that nobody is giving a voluntary blood or piss test- so are they only testing the dead people? Also, how many of the involuntary participants have alcohol or meth in their system? Is it higher than the cannabis levels? Is this just a propaganda campaign against cannabis? I am guessing that more people usiong alcohol are involved in accidents so maybe Hawaii should consider banning alcohol! Try that out for size and see how many donors want to give SHOPO any more support. You are just supposrting government sponsored propaganda!
Sounds like a good thing. Hopefully they still have compassion for those who don’t have a medicinal card but still use it medicinally when recreation happens.
Most accidents happen by sober drivers so THEY have a lot of nerve. Drinkers, too!
lol people been doing it for year for some it’s like having a pack cigars in their cars it’s a part of peoples lives some can some no can
Maybe because cannabis stays in your system for weeks! Little by little they chip away at people’s freedom.
Meanwhile, an HPD officer got off scott-free for killing a youth in a hit and run car crash in Hilo recently… the boy died needlessly, and no one knows if the officer was impaired at the time because he hit the boy and drove off without assisting, leaving him to die in the street.
Alcohol and prescription drugs are the problem not weed period
Cannabis should be absolutely just as legal and easy to obtain anywhere as alcohol currently is. In every single state. No exceptions. It’s so easy: As legal and easy to obtain/use as alcohol currently is. Why hold relatively benign, often healing cannabis to any sort of irrational, stricter double standard than perfectly legal alcohol?
But was cannabis the leading cause of the crash?
You could say the person had McDonald’s in their system maybe that was the cause of the crash perhaps the person had slow reaction time because they had a food coma from too many big mac’s then HPD will need to do a food coma aka kanak attack sobriety test too along with DUI check points they’ll have kanak attack check points too
If you need advanced impairment training then the people you’re trying to catch aren’t really impaired