HB 1535 Public Health Committee Hearing
HB 1535 Public Health Committee Hearing
A hearing for HB 1535, which would expand the Texas Compassionate Use Program and give more patients access to medical cannabis, was held on April 7, 2021 by the Texas House of Representatives Public Health Committee.
For more information visit TexasNORML.org
Legalize Texas ALREADY!!
As a person who has chronic pain due to injuries sustained in an automobile accident in 1989, when I was 17 years old. I have also survived a severe addiction to opioid pain medication!! Cannabis is the only thing that truly helps my pain and still allows me to have quality of life!! So many people would benefit from legalizing cannabis!
I hope they weren’t talking about just .5% to 5% that’s is extremely ridiculous on defeating the point of THC!? OMG

You can have a suitcase full of guns and a place to get beer on EVERY corner (they even put it in a to-go bag for you) but you can’t have a plant. Abbott, Patrick, and all the rest say no cuz they can. Texas Cancel Culture, what happened to less government, such Hippocrates!!
Damn she did all that
Shuffling everyone through…so rude. I feel like they know how they’ll vote before they sat down
Legalization is still 2 generations away
Mr Walker you are absolutely right PTSD can affect anyone
Sometimes, living here in Texas is really depressing, the Texas government so far far behind the other states, it’s really hard to take to take in! Are we living in 1968 or 2021? What’s wrong with this state? I just don’t get it! Are these people paying attention to what’s going on in this world? Get with it people, the world is passing you by, oh – it already has!
#thisisnotaprototype #thisisprophecy #thisisnotadrill #thisisnotaprivatematter #thisisapublicmatter Hold up I read and understand all of the nice words but sir I think you mis understanding the people of TEXAS for YEARS and the rest that believe in the practice of being God over people, lying at the same time telling the truth as if you are protecting us by false round up and KILLING US I’m only passionately speaking so thanks for replying but you can keep your modified slavery and nee off our neck and why you at it SIR RESPECTFULLY #CUTTHECHECK
#jesusdieforourfreedom #jesuslovesyou #GodBlessAlloftheVictims #coronavirushasapatent #coronavirusisstillkillingpeople #policearestillkillingpeople #endprisonprofitsonhumanabuse #endthedrugwar #endthewaronhumans #goodcopsprotectusfromthebadones We are not blind, we can hear, and we are not stupid.
Federal legalization will come before the state probably
I have severe Gastroparesis and it causes pain, nauseous, can’t eat, don’t have an appetite, can’t sleep, throw up every day, depressed etc from this.
if there is ever any need for research on patients like me I would be more than willing to be part of the research group. Anything to help.
This condition needs to be considered as we with this actually go unnoticed and can even die from this condition.
I have endometriosis and have severe pain and always have. I cannot take pain medication it makes me so sick.
I want to use natural cannabis.
I have so many other diagnoses and am desperate and there are 33 thousand others of us with Gasteoparesis on a Facebook group that DESPERATELY need your help