How Amsterdam Weed Dealers Get Around the 500g Limit | WEEDIQUETTE
How Amsterdam Weed Dealers Get Around the 500g Limit | WEEDIQUETTE
Krishna heads to Washington DC to find out how partial pot legalization works and then to Amsterdam to see how decades of weed tolerance, not full legalization, has played out.
This episode of Weediquette first aired on VICE TV in 2016. Weed laws around the world have since changed.
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Track id at 16:20 ?
How hypocritical…The US Government has been growing and handing it out since the 80’s (IND) program…Ask Irvin Rosenfeld

29:38 what the dog doin
Who in the hell is animating these graphs? They are so confusing, like the 3 part where he says "there is no legal supply system in place
So if somebody grows weed or wants to smoke weed it’s automatically got something to do with organized crime now that is some irrational thinking right there unbelievable
What a fantastic statement he wrote and I’ll bet he didn’t need one speach writers help
Dutch Gov … horrible
In liceu am fost lider de sindicat anti drog nu m-am,o ai pe colega mea tiba claudia trebuia sa fie cu mine
asa a fost sa fie mna
vote for who which party’s support it
They forgot to add or cut out that in The Netherlands you are allowed to grow 5 plants at home and can sell your excess stock to a coffee shop. They just don’t want the whole industrial scale of coffee shop tourism and growing.
He will lose , he pleaded guilty , all the appeal judges can do is reduce or dismiss the fine , but the conviction will stand
you can’t sell but what about accepting donations
I bought a 360° touch Laptop, it wqs a good thing, cuz i needed this to Take notes in math, cuz i can’t just Keyboard shortcut a math function in OneNote, but i also needed a Laptop strong enough for my programming tasks
9:07 all fun but you want to avoid always "watching" over them and doing whatever
Cant you sell the seeds to weed becuse its not the ting you can smoke it you grow it so it is a plant
Marc Emery aka “The Prince of Pot” the biggest cannabis seed seller ever! Legally I might add

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The classic right wing deflection,. No answer.
Its not even legal to smoke weed in the netherlands
It’s not about getting high otherwise alchohol wouldn’t be legal it’s about the masses not staying in the dark about the uses of hemp for industrial purposes tree take decades to grow hemp takes one seson fossil fules are very expensive and toxic to produce hemp can make lamp oil coking oil motor oil it makes the best rope paper and clothes but Dupont has to sell their synthetics and the oil and gas companies seem to not want to swap over although for the life of me i don’t understand why because the truth is we need all of the above and hemp would offset some of the demand it seems to me it’s a whole new industry just waiting to happen while everyone is focused on smoking bud
we already where the drugs export of Europa .
The dude is capping so hard its sad.
Also RIP to our biggest farmer of freedom
White man with a stupid ass purple tie is exactly the reason why things get all messed TF up IGNORANCE

organized crime is not going to go away simply because you make something legal lmao its going to give them more motive. these guys have no experience with people willing to do what it takes to make their money.
Netherlands must be among the few countries where humble worker people speak almost perfect english but posh people in power cant, also thinking that far right rise in the NEtherlands or any other country has anything to do with terrorism is pretty simplistic and all the way wrong. Europe is not America.
If it’s legal there then it ought to be legal every where
I am Dutch, often visit Amsterdam, and occasionally smoke a joint myself. But honestly, compared to US laws, our laws are actually even weirder. Weed is illegal here, believe it or not! But the point is that the (coffeeshop) sale is legal, the use is legal, but possession is actually illegal. Even if you only have a gram, the police will take it but the point is that it’s "gedoogd" which means tolerated. So, they will take it from you and it’s still illegal to have it on you, but if it’s less than 5 grams you won’t get in trouble, no fine, no jailtime and no charges.
Almost there the DEA will make it schedule 3.
Legal weed is an overpriced, plus tax, poop weed pushing corporate Monopoly scam
Germany is the same right now, but u cant even give or trade weed
That Dutch politician spoke for over 5 minutes without saying anything. What a bafoon
2024 and it’s just as bad, if not worse in Netherlands. While our neighboring country Germany has legalized weed as well. Great country!
Are you the nuclear nadaal.?
Jai Sri Krsna

31:30 Nobody in the Netherlands has EVER heard of this ‘rising star’ Foort van Oosten. Thanks for the heads-up, I guess?
Poor dude sold him the shake
Its strange how Americans have gotten so scared of Marijuanna that they have to check to make sure thats it legal since humans have using marijuanna for over thousands of years.
Politicians and the control over the person
“There are 2 types of laws; Just and Unjust…One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just Laws, just as one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws” MLK

This is an old documentry, the Netherlands is currently doing a so called "cannabis experiment" wherin 10 cultivators are allowed to grow cannabis for 10 municipalities. The trail will take 4 years, if all goes well, we might see full legalisation. Vice please do an update documentry about this
achterdeur beleid moet weg! it is idiotic that the front door is legal but we are supporting the back door illegal criminality required for it. Legalize growing now.
There was a time when it was mandatory to grow it…
33:11 this guys is a lost cause… He simply doesnt understand what hes doing lmfao.
This man leveling up in the Highest way possible
Omnea Enua.
31:39 Man when that politician switched to English, even though he can speak English fluently, just shows what a coward he is. Hiding behind a pre-written policy statement, not engaging in any real questions or dialog. Just spewing the same regurgitated garbage they always do. What a tool.
Visit Nepal u will find top weed
In 3 of the dutch cities they have now started experimenting with main suppliers. Planning to regulate the entire countries growing.
This is a long process and far away from becomming a reality. But steps have been taken.
Nothing like hack bureaucrats to ruin your mood they are always so arrogant and full of themselves but i guess that’s how they end up hack bureaucrats