How I germinate and start Cannabis seedlings in a TrueHPA system. A cloner in a 5 gallon bucket.

How I germinate and start Cannabis seedlings in a TrueHPA system. A cloner in a 5 gallon bucket.

This is how I start my seedlings sometimes when they will go into a true high pressure aeroponic system. You can first soak the seeds over night in warm water. First I germinate the seeds in a warm wet paper towel by placing the seeds between the wet towel and then put them inside a sealed container. Place the container in a warm dark area. After a couple days the seeds will germinate, you want them so the seed shell is almost if not entirely off. Stretch the seedling so the tap root is down and the leaves are up top. Seedlings are easier to start than clones, I’m spraying them for 3 seconds every 3 minutes. After a day I brought down the on time to 2 seconds.

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  1. Ian Maier on June 27, 2022 at 4:12 pm

    I was wondering if that could be done thanks a million dude you have been a huge help can I email you? My email is I just built a nice ish system would like to show just how much you’ve helped me along

  2. Yawning Tears on June 27, 2022 at 4:27 pm

    Might be fun to see a timelapse of it grow from start of netcup life

  3. Shopper Plug on June 27, 2022 at 5:11 pm

    what kind of solution in the bucket?