How Much Does Cannabis Smell While Growing?
How Much Does Cannabis Smell While Growing?
NOTE: The following documentary depicts legal cannabis horticulture within the state of California under the Adult Use of Marijuana Act. This video is for documentary purposes and has been age-restricted as the contents are intended for adults over the age of 21. Cannabis may or may not be legal in your state or county and we here at Weed In a Pot do not condone any illegal activities.
Every wonder how much odor a cannabis plant produces? Here’s a quick guide on what to expect for each phase of the plant’s grow cycle.
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I would love to hear some tips for outdoor grows on what I can do to help mask the smells from neighbors
So I’m in the middle of wk 4 flower growing 3strain WW/AK47/ Gold Leaf and not smelling shit
. Is this normal ?
I dont get it, my plant is very late in the flowering phase and has no noticeable smell so far.
Am i doing something wrong?
People who don’t like the smell of cannabis are the same people who secretly huff gasoline in their free time. Don’t ask how I know
I’m a new grower and I don’t know the strain and they are a few months old but it’s going into autumn and there not that big so I don’t know what to do now ? Any ideas ?
Love the vid!
I wish i could like yo vids but i don’t want my government to know me i’m showing a significant amount of interest in Cannabis growing by myself. You know that feeling, or maybe not. Greetings from germany
the smell is so bad…so so bad. only solution is carbon filter on exhaust before and after the inline fan. ideally a third carbon filter just to filter the room continously. There is no gimmick tonovercomw this issue. A tent within a tent would be best. good luck
7 minutes cut short =yes the end lol
You using ur filter so wrong

Invest in a good carbon filter. Only way you ever gonna be able to conceal the odor
Can I email you bro, I want you to give me some advice on my grow
would northern light still stink out the house even if i have it growing in the attic? what about white widow
great vid, thanks
love the smell
Cool stuff. My fav for low smell would be blue berry. Smells so much like candy blue berry. Amazing
4:39 so, just to specify a little more clearly, what is considered an "average" size grow? is a 3x3x7 tent fall into this category?
Edit: Also lol at 5:34 I love that you prefer aesthetics over efficiency, i’ve never heard of anyone using these but the more options, the better! Its not always about having the best on the market. Some of the best content <3
bro 1-2 plants do it still need Carbon Air Filter?
Anyone ever used a oven hood filter??

Thanks so much for the video! What setup are you using to capture the time lapse video?
I want the stinkiest stickiest bud strain ever. Not bud that doesn’t smell. That’s a no go for everyone wth kind of strain explanation was this
You have pm my guy