How to find high quality cannabis
How to find high quality cannabis
Ever wonder why the top-shelf cannabis flower is not always the highest in THC? Quality cannabis is characterized by a complex arrangement of cannabinoids and terpenes, not just THC. This intricate arrangement of compounds—called the entourage effect when consumed—will produce robust, well-rounded effects that result in a more enjoyable high.
aqui no Brasil é da low pra baixo kkkkkk se vc não for rico ou ser seu próprio grower
Can anyone explain what the different tiers mean. In Michigan dispos, the weed is ranked as tier 1 tier 2 tier 3. Does that have to do with size of buds or THC content/potency?
No more prison for pot.
This video already wrong 6secs in some strains are just naturally dark doesn’t mean it’s bad quality
When she displayed the mid it looks like plat… and here in Connecticut I’ve seen purple reggie
Just cuz it purple doesn’t mean it’s good quality
Not really. Some specific strain look like messy weed but got high potential. Its just the strain. Exemple the Dr Grinspoon strain, this w look like nut but its a really good product
Smoking on some medical loud as we type.
I’ve had good looking weed not smoke AS good as I thought it would too.
its hard to get good stuff on the east coast the stuff in the stores are trash its hard to find good sativa out here
LOL "LOUD" wtf.
Effing well done ladies & gents. That was an amazing video. I skipped this one at first, but I’m glad I came back

Who tf calls them the stigmas…. they’re pistils and you call them pistols thank you very much!
Green "high quality" weed is the biggest fake out on the market. Yes, the color green is most often associated with freshness, but in reality it simply indicates the presence of significant amounts of the compound chlorophyll, and if chlorophyll is present, then so are plant saccharides. Green weed is an indicator of a business model that shortens the *dry—>cure* phase of production. Yeah, it’s visually appealing, but it’s not the best for smoking. It’s impossible to tell good bud from a visual Inspection, the only way to know for sure is to spark it up!
Did anyone else cringe when she used street slang for the weed?
Thanks, friend.

All recreational and medical is greedy low quality trash.
Ive literally never smoked nor will smoke weed probably and I still found the video interesting, good job lol
I was on a walk with my friend we are both 12 , HE ATE A BUD OFF OF A MARIJUANA PLANT
you gave me brick!!!!!!
LOL, they had to SIMULATE shwag because it’s both mostly crappy and ILLEGAL.
Bro fuck mid all i got is mid someone help me
‘Mids’ means medium strength. You can get high-grade that is mid-strength.
You can fuck up weed so easily, from what ive been seeing across the country is lack of preservation of tricomes and terpenes through the curing process and storage. Light, heat, and oxygen ruins great genetics. The stuff can look fire but if youre curing room is 80 degrees with 30% humidity with lights blasting… youre gonna have shit weed
Just don’t trust density as a sign of quality. PGR is still a disease in the non dispensary market.
This guide is old can’t find shwag brick now days
How did they say schwag so seriously
Dope video. Tbh tho I dont gotta worry about smoking bunk weed cause I mostly just use wax carts. Mario Carts be hittin diff
Yeah..Just smoke wax
You forgot XaXa , and Exotic
0:07 "When it comes to visual quality it mainly comes down to flavor".. huh?
Best Prices
W.e.E.d, C.o.k.e, C.a.r.t
Snapchat………. kushplog
Wickr…………… kushplog
Kik………….. Kushplog
Best quality i found in EU, add ontenteleketru on wickr and thank me later boyzz peace
I have some that look like nun an have great color I don’t think it’s brick or mid
I smoked my lifetime’s best plant in a Temple at kedarnath India it was such a Miraculous experience

I have come to learn skunk determines it. Never had a bad skunky bud
Please help legalize cannabis in Texas
I’m a budtender and this helped me describe the difference thanks
It can look and taste like shit as long as it get me high.
Best weed I ever smoked was some scraggly outdoor that tasted like burnt lawn clippings, hit me like a hammer to the third eye…
You people *clearly* don’t know what prensado is
This video is total BS. "When considering visual quality it mainly comes down to potency and flavour". Come on.
If its cheap dont but plain and simple
Thanks for the info
it’s called stress – or low quality yea :^|
Schwag still gets me fucked up so I don’t car
This would make more sense if they picked one strain, and then showed you that strain at the 3 different quality levels. Different strains, different flowers. Apples and oranges. Comparing different strains of cannabis to make those points isn’t great science. Some broad statements made in this video. I still like Leafly… but sometimes their stuff can be a bit wonky.
I’m not entirely on board with this. The genetic makeup of any given strain is what determines if and which colors it has. There are colorful, weak strains and boring-looking, amazing shit. The ripeness of the trichomes also affects color, and some people prefer their trichomes to be further developed for a more sedative feel, in which case the weed may appear more tan than it would have otherwise. Nugs can also be densely coated in unripe, clear trichomes, and typically at that point, the plant’s colors are at it’s most vibrant. However, if the trichomes aren’t developed to the point where they become cloudy, the effects will be diminished. These things can generally only be observed with a jeweler’s loupe, and can make what a lot of people would call and "indica" feel like a "sativa" and vice-versa. While I can’t specifically disagree with the info in this video, there’s more to it.
Breaking my heart looking at this knowing that I’ve been smoking mids
Thank you so much

why am i here i have an exam tomorrow i dont even smoke weed im 15