How to Fly With Your Stash | MERRY JANE News
How to Fly With Your Stash | MERRY JANE News
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Summer is on its way, and that means it’s time to plan your next weedcation. Whether you’re hitting up Colorado, California, or any of the states that have legalized recreational marijuana across the country, don’t leave all of your weed at home when leaving to the airport just yet.
If you think that it’s illegal to take marijuana on a flight, well, you’re right. Luckily for you, there’s a bit of a gray area that (if you walk it just right) you could get you some leeway with stashing pot on your next flight. How, exactly? First off, you have to be a bit of a risk-taker, because even if you do follow the advice that we lay out for you in this video, you could still find yourself in some trouble if you get caught. But if you make sound judgments when it comes to the airport and the amount of marijuana you want to bring, you can sit back, relax, and toke up as soon as you land.
Check out the video above, and get ready for a sky-high summer.
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Why even
Use common sense, and buy weed when you land.
I will never stop dealing with cracklady on Telegram she is the best vendor for drugs and weed
Just to get it off
No. Not the jar of peanut butter. Thats just stupid and a dead giveaway
Just don’t bring ur bud on the plane
i allways hide the drug in my hat works like charm even 300 g easy.
So what u put it in ?????
Wassup wit that video Gz
My advice Make that shit Powder Bro
How about if we follow the law and people that wanna get it changed work towards getting voters and their senators mayor‘s governors etc. just support changing the law. Especially for medical marijuana users especially for those who are really sick and dying. Are those who are really really injured. My mother takes oxycodone and OxyContin that’s really messing her up. She has a very serious back injuries which keep her bedridden and she’s in a lot of pain she doesn’t travel but what if she did. She doesn’t use marijuana but I encouraged her to switch from the opiates to marijuana because it safer and it’s legal in her stay and she can get a safe legal product
I knew security guards that stuck weed up their butt before going to a festival…. To later on search others for drugs

I just hide it in my deoderemt
0:30 in they have sound drone smoking a Jay, I used to love his videos waaaaay back. They probably don’t even now how big of a deal he was to his followers. To them its just a guy smoking weed
your underwear always works, where i live its often to get randomly searched in the street and they can get pretty rough sometimes, but they will never look in your underwear
put the weed in a bomb they’ll never find it
I once almost considered bring gummies from Canada to the US, and I was nahhh there is gonna end up being some sort of police dog. I got to my connection in Chicago and lo and behold there is sniffer dog….
This works I tried it, just got outta jail
I’ve ordered two times from them .the first time, everything went well no complaints. the second time was different. I ordered the same thing 1P of gdp and it was 9g short I let them know and ask them for it to be resent and they did with a 3g surplus as a tip for the inconveniences caused. I highly recommend they’re just the best .
Wow TSA is taking notes
Honestly I clicked on this video to look at the comments.
TSA is typing ..
planning to bring 1 wax cartridge to the philippines,ya’ll think i can just bring 1 and bring it along with my vapes?
just as a tip; those states where recreational use is legal, TSA and local police have to comply with state law that the airport resides in. So it’s legal having cannabis on you when you fly from those airports , just not “legal” if you land in an illegal state.
Putting organics in an item that shouldn’t show organic like a pen is a really bad idea.
Plug it… butt purse
This shits just too risky lol, im only gonna be going to countries that have legal weed anyway like amsterdam haha, but if i had to bring it id do the steve-o method, grind up 2-3 grams and compress it as much as you can then wrap it in cling film and put it under your tongue and to the back, i guess too if your being searched or something that you can just swallow it and maybe puke it back up on the plane
YOOO The ending tho.. that was out of pocket!!
I’m pretty sure you guys are snitching on us with this or at least the security guard’s have watched this
Thank you, I will use this…
( Totally not a TSA agent )
I just pack edibles
Yeah, you’d better have a lawyer on retainer, because if you get caught you’re in a world of hurt. Can be super expensive in America to prove you’ve done nothing wrong. This video is one bad idea after another. Not worth it.
why can’t i put it in my suitcase?
I met one old man (67years) in Portugal, he told me, he always has hash with him on the plane when he travel, he always have(70g) and he says he don’t haven hide that much
he only puts that on a case of pincel and goes
I see U Ivana, so you have been carrying stash to BLR.

Stupid af
This is very very simple been there still do it… currently 13-0 win streak
Watching this from jail
Skywalker og
fuck u I’ve smoked that before
So a whole video and you tell u nothing
Was that stock footage of generic looking cousins?
has anyone traveled with a cart to the Dominican Republic???? Serious question uhhhh
litterally the worst tips don’t listen to this bs put it in ur bag with ur lotions n shi u will be good
How about not being a drug user. Just spitballing
I snuck a $10 bag of weed in a mini blue tooth speaker from uk to turkey when I was 16 lol
So basically The whole video is her chillin and talking but the answer is put the weed in ur balls lol.
Don’t do dumb shit like smuggling and you won’t get caught with it.
Please be a little louder
here in philippines i fly domestically and put my doobie in my socks
I’m definitely not risking it my brother got like 2 oz back from Colorado idk how he did it