How to grow cannabis in coco. Week 1 vegetation feeding
How to grow cannabis in coco. Week 1 vegetation feeding
Discussion on the first week of vegetation for the upcoming round of
transplants. We saw some really impressive root growth over the first 7
days in the 2 gallon pots, clearly the superthrive has done its job
effectively as there was literally no transplant shock.
Also, I forgot to talk about the VooDoo Juice. Basically it is the core
microbiotic or, beneficial bacteria that aaids in root development. It
will feed off of and work in conjunction with the bio-catalysts to
produce healthy and vigerous root development. Which ultimately leads
to bigger higher quality yields at harvest as well as easier
transplants into larger flowering pots.
You live and learn. Don’t put music in your video next time waste man
I just started to grow bud n not sure how often to have light on and wen to repot any advice
Superthrive won the worlds fair for agriculture in NY in 1940:
Guys you dont NEED all those nutes lol superthrive and calmag is the only thing worth getting. Keep it simple people.
You do not need all those chemicals to grow good bud
Why transplant and not just plant in bigger pot?
Turn the music down, unless you’re competing
Great vid, good tips sir
Thank you.
Can somebody help me plz
Like i got a question
So my girls started havin some problems so i decided to flush them yesterday .
Growing in coco with perlite added week 3/4 of veg atm.
I flushed with an ec of 1.0 and ph 5.8 yesterday and today i watered them and the runoff is 0.6-0.5 ec and ph 6.2-6.1 Does this meen i need to up my growschedule ? or is everything fine the way it’s going.
Sorry for the question
Hello friends I need help, when I lower the pH to 6.0 I present chlorosis in the leaves
2013 uploaded video still haunting you with the stupid music background
Dead video with loud shit music
bloody hard to hear you through that obnoxious music
You should try mills. Little secret lol
Please take that god awful music out please my goodness
Awesome video. Love the music. It’s not blaring. You need to get back into the swing of things Chester C. You bring actual info. Thanks
that music. u serious? nice plants tho
id suggest turning down the background music or completely off it was hard to keep track of what you were saying. Great video thanks for sharing the info, really appreciate it!
Do you mix all nute into the same gallon?
Thinking of going from RDWC to coco. Can you help me out with watering? How much water would you use per day and would you use water nutrients mix each time?
why would you use ml and gallons,(2 different forms of measurement) its so much easier to think of it in ml to L. 1 gallon = 3.7 L, wow
Love the music
Chester Copperpot like the skeleton in the goonies?
I was told super thrive is horrible for you. Research that shit.
What brand coco do you but
Kill the background music dude.
All yous lot from the UK jump on the blue staff Coco on’s mint..calcium and magnesium buffered for you so you don’t need calmag. And plants look stunning all the way through. Especially at the end!!! when using good nutrients. Sorry USA can’t ship there yet. Hopefully soon yous lot can enjoy it as well.. Gonna hit Europe this year..don’t believe us check the sales on eBay and feedback online.. BRILLIANT !!!
Just subscribed thanks for showing.great work
Yes sir your right on the superthrive, it had to be stronge enought to counter the effect of the foliage destruction of agent orange.
Can you mix a 50 gallon drum full of your nutrient solution and it stay good for the entire grow duration? Or at least one for veg and one for bloom?
Super thrive won the world fair for agriculture in New York 1940.
Superthrive it won the first prize in 1940 in the world fair and a gentleman who came up with that he died the age of 101 a few years ago.The government has nothing to do with it however later the US Forest Department use it for rejuvenating a burnt forest. If you grow autoflowers it wouldn’t matter and the yield would be increase about 20%.
Are the girls going thru the break up feels? Why they jamming out to evanescence
I thought i was watching a football game bro sounds like a commentator 🤣😂
Chester Copperpot I thought you were crushed by a rock? Lol!
I can’t concentrate with music playing lol sexy plants tho
Thank for the video? What do you use in your coco?
What brand coco is this? Currently having a lot of issues with my plants.
how much water during the first week?
Fuck the haters I love beck jahsha
Terrible audio!
U need cal mag on them plant
Why are they so stretchy?
Unwatchable because of music
Love the goodies reference
How early can you clone? My plants about 1 foot tall but pretty bushy and healthy. I want another plant growing. Could i make a clone with about a 2-4 inch branch?
Its true its written on the label
Kill that music
Man all the idiots that can’t focus on your voice… lmfaoo