How To Properly Water Autos: Over Watering & Under Watering Your Plants
How To Properly Water Autos: Over Watering & Under Watering Your Plants
#Watering #HomeGrown #GrowYourOwn #Gardening
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Do you find yourself overwatering or underwatering your autos? Are you confused about when you should water and how much? In this video I chat about watering techniques, how to avoid both over watering and under watering and I also share some basic beginner watering tips.
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Saw advice on one channel that specified to water 5% of pot (soil) volume daily and see how the plant reacts.
Every 3rd feed give a plain water feed of 10% to help use up any left over salts.
Watch how the plant reacts and adjust accordingly.
Also water around outside of the pot, let the water saturate the centre at its own pace.
Is that a Hosoi board in the back?
I use felt pots and put my plants out in the sun every morning and take them inside every night. Less chance of over watering in felt pots outside and less chance of mildew if you bring them in at night. I also spray with neem oil.
I grew my first auto and I only got like 9 grams lmao I stunted growth from over water and I transplanted a couple times
Thanks bro I really appreciate
what pisses me off is how soil companies don’t compost their soils long enough, getting tired of opening a bag only to find its mostly chucks of un-composted wood chips!. damn soil is so course and woody that it all floats when you water it, and doesn’t really give any real ballast to hold your roots in place!. got around that by covering the top of the soil with glass marbles, this holds the soil in place and keeps your plants from tipping over!. your talking about run off the way I do it is pour in a couple of glasses of water, then let it get sucked back up by the plant and repeat until you have water about to over flow your fabric pot saucer!. if you don’t know you should try using cloth grow pots, they allow your roots to grow straight out to the sides where the ends get pruned by light as they grow through the fabric of the pot. this keeps them from growing in a circle inside a plastic pot and causing root bound plants!
I fine spray the surface of dry soil so the water then seeps in evenly.
Great video, subbed.
I just bought some soil moisture meters and took the guess work out, as a new grower I learn healthy watering habits. You will see a rhythm to the plants drinking.
watering is my only fault I always over water. I use 5 gallon cloth pots and I can never really dial it in
Do you make your own beats?
What about auto watering pots.
Terrible background music that makes it impossible to watch the video.
i am always over or under watering. if i send you a picture of my soil can you tell me when to water? i cant lift the pot physically.
TOP!!Clear and helpfull! Thanks
I’ve seen guy’s on other channels water a seedling with a whole ltr of water. What’s up with that
What music is this? There is a part that really reminds me of japanese movies like Spirited Away, amazing vibe
can i use a humidity meter to figure out if the plant needs water or not? and what if it rains outside should i take the plants inside for a night or thats a bad idea? its been very dry days in spain but sometimes there is unexpected rainstorms
Why the shitty music?
Great video brother. First time watcher, long time grower.
Liked and Subed
Rookie channel. SIP systems is the only way to go. Octopots, Autopots etc etc. Let the plant decide when it wants to eat!
I tap the sides of my 5 gallon pots to see how dense or hollow it sounds if it sounds hollow it needs water if it has a nice crisp thid then its still saturated well enough seems to be working for me.
Water your weed like you’d water tomatoes, you never let them go dry and never over water. In fact I water tomatoes before rain storms, and if you can’t grow tomatoes you will struggle with autos. First time outdoor auto grower on the 2nd planting and all is good, I know tomatoes and learning autos.
Thanks it helps
This some good info but would have loved some actual pictures and stuff to base off. My issue is how much to water and like not just the amount but where to put the water? Mine have been sprouted for 2 weeks now. I came across this video because I just watered for first time in a week. And seemed like the leaves dropped a little right after I watered like within mins
12 minute youtube for watering? For beginners only.
serious question, after 12/12 light and starting of flower, should i go back to 18/6 or should i stay at 12 till end?
If you growing in a pot 12 inch tall pot and you use this 1 inch/finger method, aren’t all the root deeper than 1 inch constantly sitting in water? i.e. root rot waiting to happen?
Spray bottle works great keep count of the sprays it takes.
Next time your talking try not play music we want to hear you clearly
IMO the issue is all the fine soil material moves down to the bottom of the pot – and its just the chunkier stuff up top. Leading to you thinking it needs water, as the top dries out faster. When its got tons at the bottom. Gotta go by weight.
I need pictures

Over watering is never an issue if you have correct drainage. Medium.. hydro is the way My friend
35 years growing.
I just over watered 3 of the girls. Raised them, fan on fabric portion of containers. Increased vent speed. Leafs raising!
My first water tap to the house is 540 ppm so I ride my e-bike to the RO water vending machine. Over watering is never a problem. Being 420 complaint and too lazy to get water this is the problem.
Good solid advice. I was taking a gardening course and the horticulturists was basically saying what you said in regards to checking the moisture of the soil, so It’s nice to know there aren’t just "bro" scientists on youtube spouting nonsense.
I killed one 4ft plant some guy gave me by overwatering
This helped me a lot. Thanks from Germany!
My plants look like that once a day for a couple hours I think they just relax for a while
Constantly unsure when to water…ugh
This is a well put together video bro.

Thank you, im gonna try lava pebbles around the main root zone to help with that soggy spot in the soil syndrome I keep giving mine lol :D. i dont drench but i spot water too much. ocd
Love your channel. You had n auto that the top cola broke off n you still grew it out showing the resilience of autos. Rock on!!
It didn’t rain here for so long in Virginia I had to buy Ph down. You can’t beat Natural rain water
If over watered can it cause a second growth after several weeks? Had a bunch of rain three of my plants sprout a new growth all 3 exactly the same growth but different age of each plant by about a week or two.
Love your input man: doing a coco coir/ perlite combo for years still finding the right weight of that pot: Then you go Autos for the first time and it seem they need the minimum of nutrients and wetting down. In the End I will make sure you are duly informed: hahahahaha
I water seedlings from top. After during veg I water from the bottom. Then last couple weeks of flower I water from the top. I think watering from the top can lead to soil compaction. I let the plant wick up what it can from the bottom most of the time. I feel my plants end up slightly under watered. I see some drupe sometimes. Which might actually make them a little better.
the harder part for me personally is how much to water not when to water