Introduction to Tissue Culture
Introduction to Tissue Culture
Learn about the Perfect Plants proprietary tissue culture practise, why tissue culture is essential to the successful cultivation of any plant on a commercial scale, and how Perfect Plants will help protect the future growth of the cannabis industry.
thi is weed, right?
What would be the difference if you disinfected a normal cutting? Bananas are one thing but cannabis is so diverse though.
This is exciting stuff!
Good video
90% of your plants look unhealthy lol jesus, just clone
Gang Gang
Idk guys. That fucking word "commercial"
why is this video containing unnecessary age ristrict????
It’s too easy to just grow your own from seed. Good breeders have stabilized and bred their genetics to be homozygous in their trait output from seed to seed. With the level of automation out today there’s not really any excuse for someone looking to consume the medicine to just grow their own.
this is my dream to do job in this science tech